DAILY BLOG June-Sep 2024 | TheresNothingNew (2024)

Jamie Foxx: Live Forever? Tax Free?Jamie ‘One who supplants’; A Fox tail is the badge of a Fool! Foxx (F=6; O=15=6; X=24=6)666′Went To Hell & Back’, Blind and Paralyzed from a Stroke,he had to drop out of Beat Shazam’ (derived from 6 immortal characters Solomon, Hercules, Atlas,Zeus, Achilles and Mercury), he Sold his Soul” and played the ‘Ferryman’ in‘God is Bullet‘ thenThey Cloned Tyrone then Back in Action’ and returned to Beat Shazam. Tyrone Celtic tir “land”=Earth.Selling Souls is required BabEl ‘YHWH’ or BabIlu ‘Allah’, both require ‘Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost’in essence they ‘Supplant’ JESUS ‘Holy Ghost’ with Edom (B’Rith=Covenant by Brith=British) who achieves ‘Dominion’.

DAILY BLOG June-Sep 2024 | TheresNothingNew (1)Pepe ‘Joseph ‘God Will Increase’ the Frog=Kek ‘And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. Rev 16:13KJV.’ https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/joseph-ephraim-versus-juda/Kek is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness aka ‘Black Star‘. ‘Woe to them who put Evil for Good’ ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.’ Gen 1:1-4KJV ‘As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’ John 9:5KJV ‘Light’=’glory, presence, of God ie ‘He’ is the Holy Ghost’. Kek is Lucifer. JESUS=Day; Evil=Night; the sun wasn’t created yet. The hit of the Christmas season, FROG, (Fully Rely on God); Osiris ‘Green One’is born at Christmas Dec 25 is when the ‘Black Star’ and Visible Sun align! https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/christmas-2/ https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/greater-turan/ Near water bodies, the frog becomes a symbol of purification and renewal. A frog, you jump from a pot of boiling water. But if you are placed in a pot of tepid water that is gradually heated to boiling, you die. The parable used to explain why humans react quickly to sudden events but fail to react to slowly changing conditions until it is too late.NATO planning to get US troops to the front-line to fight Russia; Sweden,Norway,Finland;Russia ‘Rus’ and Ukraine ‘Kievan Rus’; they fought the Khazars and Mongols. The most common Finno-Ugric creation myth is the earth-diver myth, in which the Devil is forced to dive into the sea and gather sand, from which God forms the earth; this is the theme of ‘Prometheus’.Sámi was borrowed from the Proto-Baltic word *žēmē, meaning ‘land’ cognate with Slavic zemlja ‘Slavs’, Turan=Black=Black Star; the Pale Green Horse is ‘Death’; the ‘Hearts=Baals’; ‘K’=11 ‘Rebellion’; ‘III’ Sargon III ‘Antichrist’

  • DAILY BLOG June-Sep 2024 | TheresNothingNew (2)Arc de Triompfe-Champs Elysee (Elysium)-Place of Concorde-Luxor Obelisk.French ‘Free’ President Emmanuel Macron To AnnounceEurope is at war with Russia” onD-Day6/6/24=6 ‘666’
  • A few nights before or after June 6in North America and Europe, the Northern Lights; June 4Auroras were Visible in Minneapolis ‘minne’water and the Greek ‘polis’ for city. Joktan of Peleg ‘Land surrounded by WATER! The maximum is predicted to occur between late 2024 and early 2026,
  • June 4 IsRaEl Bombing Lebanon (Phoenicia) with BANNED White Phosphorus munitions
  • June 4-5 ‘Jerusalem Day’ “We are sending a message to Hamas, Ben-Gvir said.Jerusalem is ours. Damascus Gate is ours. The Temple Mount is ours.IsRaEL= Palestine ‘Land of the Philistines’ https://www.bitchute.com/video/RXlJTIbxtlnd/
  • June 5 Yemen hits USS DWIGHT EISENHOWER HIT WITH HYPERSONIC MISSILE, leaving Red Sea;Yemen is Sabean ‘Arabs’ ‘Rba’=Rabbis and Chaldean ‘Rba’
  • June 13-15 Switzerland hosting Ukraine Peace Summit; Kamala Harris aka Kamal Aroush, a Q-D-S ‘Holy’ Prostitute will represent the US; Ukraine ‘Kievan Rus’=Khazaria ‘Serpent People’ using US weapons to hit Russia ‘Rus’

G-7=’77′ Dan ‘Judge’ 7:7 ‘4th Beast of Iron’ The Ark Of The Covenant Is Finally Revealed To The World, It Will Be The Greatest Archaeological Bombshell In History. It will be the biggest bunch of bullsh*tin history! Rev 11:19‘And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.’The 80th anniversary:represents the karmic liberation for the whole of the creatures of Cosmos, or the community of the initiate disengaged of the fate of reincarnations, the Communion of Saints, Great White Lodge” aka Theosophical Society, Ascended Masters, the Church Invisible, or the Hierarchy. mystical, or magic adepts typified by the Rosicrucians. Great hailstones weighing near 80 pounds which fell from the sky on the people. (Rev 16:21) aka 7th Vial of God’s Wrath aka the ‘Last Day’ Rev 10:7, 1 Cor 15:51-57, 1 Thess 4:17Daniel was 80 years old when King Belshazzar summoned him to interpret the prophecy ‘MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIM’(Dan 5:25-30); he clothed Daniel with scarlet; that night the King of the Chaldeans was slain, and Daniel was saved! The next generation of the ‘Internet of Bodies’ could meld tech and human bodies together. But they won’t cleave one to another!‘And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.’Daniel 2:43 They won’t have a SOUL! JESUS=GOD, The ‘Potter’ ‘O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel.’ Jer 18:6KJV Rabbis, Fathers and Masters (Matt 23:8KJV) wear the ‘Yarmulke’, cutting off the Holy Ghost. ‘Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.’ 1 Cor 11:4KJVJerusalem=Shalem “Place of Peace”, the name given by high priest Shem. Shem is not God, Melchisidec is the ‘King of Jerusalem’ and ‘Priest of the Most High’; ‘Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.’ Heb 6:20KJV

G-7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, USA) was G-8 until Russia annexed Crimea Rabbi Elijah ben Solomon Zalman aka Vilna GaonWhen you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard,”Crimea aka ‘Kazaria’ is the home of exiled Sarmation “Priest Kings” the ‘Serpent People’; Sargon=Canaan. Sargon III will be Antichrist.Dan 7:7 should come to mind; Jew Ukraine ‘Kievan Rus’ PresidentZelensky ‘Green’ and Russia ‘Rus’ Jew Putin are both WEF (World Economic Forum) and ‘Khazars’= ‘Serpent People’. EU President Ursula von der Leyen, NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg are WEF. Europa is the ‘whor* of BabEl’ Europe, Ukraine and USA Drafts 18-25 year old men.IsRaEli War Cabinet Meeting Discussed “Full War with Hezbollah” NATO TANKS Being Moved to Ukraine Border.IsRaEl War Cabinet Meeting Discussed “Full War with Hezbollah” (Party of Allah=Iran) RaEl’s are Aliens ‘Belong to another’, and they aren’t Space Aliens!Auroras will be Visible; in Minneapolis? ‘minne’water and the Greek ‘polis’ for city. Joktan of Peleg ‘Land surrounded by WATER!’;how did they know? https://www.bitchute.com/video/RXlJTIbxtlnd/from EM Scalar Weapons?

Himyarites ‘Arabs’ (Joktan) ‘Rba’ Islam and ‘Jews’ Chaldean ‘Rba’; Himyarites replaced the Sabaeans and became prominent in southern Arabia(Yemen, Oman) around 110 BC, the time of the Maccabees. (Pharisees, Sadducees)WWIII is Zionismversus Islam:Satan came to present himself before the LORD…And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life…he smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown.” Job 1:2:1; 6-7. Ready for your test?The Potter: HaShem/YHWH and Allah are the same; Chaldean ‘Rba’ and Sabean “Rba” are todays Rabbis.BabIlu ‘Allah’=Sharia Law or BabEl ‘YHWH’=Noahide Law require ‘Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost’ the only ‘Unforgivable Sin’. The Black Horse carries 2 Balances; one leads to the Pale Green Horse ‘Death’ BabylOn ‘Osiris’ is the ‘Green One’; the other is JESUS!

WWIII The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati’ between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer,brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time. 33Deg Luciferian Freemason Albert Pike on the Feast Day of Lucifer 1871 https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/wwiii/

DAILY BLOG June-Sep 2024 | TheresNothingNew (3)Shamash (sun god and god of justice and light; Canaanite tradition, the sun god was Shemesh, the “torch of the gods,” but was described as female)giving Laws to the King of Babylon ‘Hammurabi’ aka Amraphel thekeeper of the gods; keeper of the treasures; or, speaker of mysteries; enlightener of secrets; the 6thheathen (Earth) King of Shinar (BabylOn);Naram-Sin’s reign was a widespread revolt against the Akkadian Empire. The empire was created by his grandfather, Sargon the Great aka ‘Canaan’;Noah’s wife Namaah was Cainite ‘Cursed’ (consignment of a person to an evil fate), incest with Ham ‘Black’=Canaan ‘Cursed’.Shamash is the center of the Hanukkah Menorah, replacing JESUS; symbolized by the ‘7 Branch Candlestick’; The 8th Covenant a Baptism of ‘Holy Ghost’ JESUS, He returns on the last day/8th Day of Feast of Tabernacles.Baptism of the Holy Spirit=Jewish=Shamash=Satan.Holy Spirit is indeed a divine person. Don’t make that mistake!

China (Cathay=Hittites=Sina=Sin) Working on Weaponized Strain of Ebola with 90%Kill Rate Inside the US.Ebola is named after the Flagrum (bones used to induce bleeding) before Crucifixion; a ‘Green Psy-Op” used by Samaritans Purse(33deg Mason Billy Graham now Franklin, Drumpf ‘Drummer’ gave the Invocation)Doctors Without Borders and Phoenix Air Ambulance(Aesculapius Serpent Wrapped Pole) America is the PhoenixAmeri-kay“=away, pray, obey, gay, dismay, decayhttps://theresnothingnew.com/articles/st-john-divine-cathedral/. Green Man is Osiris ‘BabylOn’ the father of Horus aka Apollo ‘Apollyon’ (Rev 9:11)33deg Luciferian Freemason IsRaEl (Isis + Ra + El) Prime Minister Netanyahu invited (Jew Chuck Schumer ‘Farmer’=Canaanite) to address Congress ‘Womb of Isis’; PM acts in the place of another El=’Satan’. Netanyahu admitted he knew the World Trade Ce ntre buildings would be brought down 6 years before the actual event; It was an ‘Inside Jobhttps://theresnothingnew.com/articles/9-11-2001/Gaza=Hāzat a Canaanite city “fierce, strong” (same as Reseph=Pfizer, Jew-Veterinarian Albert Bourla is Sephardic Royalty)Gaza was the place where Samson was imprisoned after Deliah cut his hair by the Philistines and met his death (Judges 16:21) between 2 Pillars (Twin Towers). At age 2 Tothmose III ‘Born of Toth’, the ‘Lasting is the manifestation of Ra’reigned with his sister Hathsepshut the first crossdressing female pharaoh, dressed as a MAN, the wife of Tothmosis II was Pharaoh of the Exodus; she was Hyksos ‘Foreign Shepherd Kings’ (Hittites) https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/kamala-harris/The Battle of Kadesh ‘Q-D-S’=Holy between the Hittite (Canaanite) and Egyptian empires; Kamala is ‘Priest of Q-D-S’ cross-dressing Hatshepsut now, the 2 Cities were Kadesh and Meggido.Armageddon comes “Har Megiddon,” meaning “the Mount of Megiddo.Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II prepared an aggressive military response and captured the coastal state of Amurru; Amar means ‘westerners’ or ‘those of the west’That’s why Netanyahu was invited to speak.6/6/24=6 ‘666’ Auroras visible; from EM Scalar Weapons? D-Day (DD=44: Mass of the Phoenix https://theresnothingnew.com/articles/america-phoenix-of-the-new-age/ WWII began D-Day Normandie France. French President Macron To Announce: Europe is at war with Russia” onD-Day 6/6/24=6 ‘666’

  • USS Liberty attack June 8, 1947 by IsRaEl and LBJ. The attack was no accident, it was well planned in advance as a false flag operation by Israel and Zionists in US Government
  • Trump’s age 77 years, 11 months, 17 days. Biden’s age when he was declared president on 11/7 was 77 years,11 months, 17 days.Drumpf ‘Drummer’ Found Guilty on Feast Day of Joan of Arc, Patron Saint of Prisoners and Hero of Patriots.Dan 7:7 ‘4th Beast of Iron’. What a farce!
  • IISS Shangri-La Dialogue 2024: 31 May–2 June, Singapore. ‘Camp David’ (King David) was USS Shangri La, named after the Earthly Himalayan paradise akaEden, heaven, nirvana, paradise, promised land.In this paradise, people live for hundreds of years and age very slowly ie the pre-Food. In addition, the cultural treasures and wisdom of the world are stored there, in anticipation of a future of peace on earth. Noah’s wife Namaah’s incest with Ham ‘Black’=’Cursed’ Canaan aka ‘Sargon the Great’ modeling the new main lodge after FDR’s winter vacation home in Warm Springs, Georgia; he was murdered by Arsenic Poisoning, 33deg Mason became the 33rd President Truman.
  • G7 ’77’ (G8 minus Russia) summit planned in Italy’s Apulia ‘Boot’ region June 13 to June 15
  • 2024 Bilderberg globalist MTG May 30-June 2 in Madrid Spain; home of Sephardic ‘Jews’ like Pfizer=Reseph, the ‘Souless Gate Keeper of the Underworld’ CEO Veterinarian Albert Bourla and UN Sec Gen António Guterres
  • The 77th UN General Assembly began with tribute to ‘Dead’ Ibrahim ‘The Butcher’ Raisi; HE’S NOT DEAD! His fake death will be the excuse for WWIII. ‘Little Horn’=Antichrist Dan 7:8

Wayne Allen Root ‘WAR‘;‘Red Dawn’already training the new arrivals for the armed services; National Sheriffs Association claimed there are two million terrorists inside the USA! ‘Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning” is Red Dawn=Esau. US Nears Deal To Fund ModernaModern DNA’ mRNA Bird Flu Shot Trial; Jew Stephanie Cancel and Jew Tal Zaks says the is ‘Modern’; it is ‘Death’ and ‘Hell’ awaits! This is what Esau’s ‘Dominion’ is about!

Philadelphia ‘City of Brotherly Love’=Esau; Esaugains ‘Dominion’ Gen 27:39KJV They are the ‘Synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews but are not, but do lie’ Rev 3:9 https://odysee.com/@MrE:cAliens? Their ‘Soul’ has been removed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAmiIZmeFdE Their Name has been changed to ‘Edom’, they ‘dwell upon the Earth’, they are Aliens ‘Belonging to another’They want to build ‘Heaven on Earth’!Numbers 9:15-23 & 1 Cor 10:1-4 ‘Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And did all eat the same spiritual meat; And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them:and that Rock was Christ.’ 1 Thess 4:17 ‘Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to always be with the Lord’.

DAILY BLOG June-Sep 2024 | TheresNothingNew (2024)


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