Scandinavia, United Kingdom & Iceland Seabourn Quest 2024-06-11 - Krydstogt Eksperten (2024)







Lissabon, Portugal


Lissabon er Portugals hovedstad og den by i Europa, der ligger længst mod vest. Med det storladne udsyn over Atlanterhavet og en historie, der er mere end 2.000 år gammel, er der ingen mangel på turistmål. Besøg fx den gigantiske statue Cristo Rei (Jesus Kristus), hvorfra man kan se hele Lissabon med floden Tagus og Vasco da Gama broen, en af de længste broer i Europa. Besøg også den indre bymidte som byder på historiske monumenter, hyggelige cafeér, masser af shoppingmuligheder og meget mere. Snyd heller ikke dig selv for at smage det de er mest kendt for i Portugal, nemlig portvinen. Der findes utallige butikker som sælger portvin fra alle årgange.


Porto, Portugal



Leixoes ligger ved mundingen af floden Douro, nær havnebyen Porto. Porto er en gammel havneby som er stolt af sine rødder, men det er samtidig en moderne og livlig handelsby.


Til havs


Bilbao, Spanien



Bilbao er beliggende på den spanske kyst og er den største by i Baskerlandet. Byen er hjemsted for det særprægede Guggenheim museum som er en bygning af titanium, glas og sandsten. Museet er et must for de besøgende i byen.


Til havs


Saint Malo, Frankrig



St. Malo var i Middelalderen en befæstet ø ved mundingen af floden Rance. I dag hænger øen sammen med fastlandet og er et af de mest besøgte steder i Bretagne. Byen er i sommermånederne livlig og travl og fyldt med butikker, restauranter og barer.


Cherbourg, France



The seaport and naval station of Cherbourg is situated along the English Channel northwest of Paris at the mouth of the Divette River. Believed to rest on the site of an ancient Roman station, Cherbourg has been occupied since ancient times and was frequently contested by the French and English in the Middle Ages because of its strategic location. Most recently passed to France in the late 18th century, the town was extensively fortified by Louis XVI. During WWII the Germans held Cherbourg until it was captured by the American forces shortly after the Normandy landings. Following a vast rehabilitation program that returned it to working condition, Cherbourg became an important Allied supply port. Today, Cherbourg is important for transatlantic shipping, shipbuilding, electronics and telephone equipment manufacturing, yachting and commercial fishing.


Rouen, Frankrig


Rouen ligger ved Seinen ca. 135 km fra Paris og er en af Frankrigs vigtigste flodhavne. Byen er hyggelig og var i Middelalderen en af Europas mest fremtrædende byer. En af de største seværdigheder i Rouen er katedralen Notre Dame.


Rouen, Frankrig

Rouen ligger ved Seinen ca. 135 km fra Paris og er en af Frankrigs vigtigste flodhavne. Byen er hyggelig og var i Middelalderen en af Europas mest fremtrædende byer. En af de største seværdigheder i Rouen er katedralen Notre Dame.


Rouen, Frankrig


Rouen ligger ved Seinen ca. 135 km fra Paris og er en af Frankrigs vigtigste flodhavne. Byen er hyggelig og var i Middelalderen en af Europas mest fremtrædende byer. En af de største seværdigheder i Rouen er katedralen Notre Dame.


Zeebrügge, Belgien



Brügge er den største by i Vestflandern og var i middelalderen centrum for klædehandel. Den middelalderlige velstand resulterede i et omfattende byggeri som i vid udstrækning er bevaret i dag. Brügges adgang til havet sandede til og derfor sejles der i dag til Zeebrügge. Zeebrügge byder desværre ikke på noget overhovedet. Vi anbefaler at man tager en shutllebus fra havnen og ind til den gamle bydel i Brügge som byder på små hyggelige brostenbelagte gader, hyggelige cafeér, gamle bygninger og sidste men ikke mindts skal man sætte tid af til at smage det de er mest kendt for – hjemmelavet chokolade og øl. Der findes utallige butikker som sælger hjemmelavet chokolade og lækkert belgisk øl.


Amsterdam, Holland


Med sine over hundrede kanaler er Amsterdam kendt som “Nordens Venedig”. Her venter et farverigt bymaleri af kanaler, broer, smukke huse, caféer, og restauranter. Amsterdams velbevarede arkitektur fra 1700-tallet er med til at skabe den idylliske stemning, men er også en kontrast til byens ellers meget moderne og progressive attitude. Der er et hav af oplevelser i Amsterdam. Alt fra kunstmuseer og Anne Franks hus til blomstermarkeder, fra hash-sælgende “coffeeshops” til Red Light District.En bådtur kan varmt anbefales. Fra de mange kanaler kan du se byen fra et andet perspektiv. Hvis du vil have ekstra frihed, lejer du en vandcykel.


Hamborg, Tyskland

Hamborg er Tysklands næststørste by og denne by spiller en helt central rolle i Europas økonomi. Byen er en af de grønneste byer i Tyskland og her kan du finde alléer, parker, broer osv. Hamborgs havn håndterer hver dag en stor mængde trafik og gods.


Enter Kiel Canal Brunsbuttel



Exit Kiel Canal Holtenau



Wismar, Germany



Wismar, on the Baltic just east of Lubeck, is one of the most important cities of the Hanseatic League. Shortly after its founding, it banded together with Lübeck and Rostock in a defensive alliance, which led to the formation of the League. Today it has one of the finest preserved and restored treasuries of German Brick Gothic architecture existing, and was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2002. It has the largest Market Square in Germany, anchored by the wrought-iron Waterworks from 1602, and surrounded by stellar buildings. The city was ruled by Sweden from 1648 until 1903. It was heavily damaged during World War II, and was a part of the GDR after the war until 1990. There are many fine examples of Hanseatic era patrician gable houses in Wismar, most notably the Alter Schwede (Old Swede) from 1380. The architectural heritage in the city spans eras from Gothic through Art Nouveau styles.


Ronne, Bornholm Island, Denmark



A favorite summer getaway for Danes, Bornholm’s rolling countryside reveals distinctive round white churches and ruined castles. The picturesque seaport of Roenne lies at the southwest corner of this Baltic island whose coastline mixes pearl white sand in the south with sheer granite cliffs to the north. Here you can see four of Denmark’s seven famous round churches dating from the 12th century.


Gdansk, Polen



Gdansk er en vigtig havneby i Polen ved Østersøkysten. Gdansk er en forholdsvis moderne by, og man finder ikke mange historiske bygninger. Den ældste bygning i Gdansk er Ærkeenglen Sankt Mikaels kirke. I havnen er der to museumsskibe. Gdansk er også kendt for sine mange eksempler på tidlig 1900-talsarkitektur. Det siges, at Gdansk har en af de længste sandstrande i Europa. Her nyder man hav og strand, slentrer på de flotte promenadestrøg langs vandet eller shopper prisbilligt.


Til havs


Tallinn, Estonia

The capital of Estonia, Tallinn was called Reval until the 20th century. The port’s ideal maritime position has always been a temptation to other nations and won it a position in the Hanseatic League. This cross-cultural history gives Tallinn a special ambience that visitors appreciate. The main attraction is the Old Town. Perched on a low hill by the shore, its fortification walls, worn cobbled streets and 13th-century buildings make it one of the purest medieval towns in all of northern Europe. With about a half-million inhabitants, Tallinn comprises almost a third of Estonia’s population. Outside of town there is rich dairy land and along the coast stretch expansive sand beaches.


Helsinki, Finland



Helsinki er hovedstaden i Finland og ligger i landets sydlige del ved Østersøen og har en livlig skibstrafik med Sverige og Estland. Helsinki har mange smukke bygninger som ligger som en ramme rundt om byen. Man kan ikke undgå at blive betaget af den smukke hovedstad og det store skærgårdsområde ved indsejling til byen.


Mariehamn, Finland



Der er Sverige, der er Finland og ind i mellem Åland. Den selvstyrede region hører til Finland, det officielle sprog er svensk og kultur og traditioner i øgruppen er helt uafhængige. Oplev skønheden ved landskabet på en cykel, en gåtur eller ved sejlsport. Landetskabet er præget af frodige ege- og elmskove, marker, enge, røde granitklipper og ruiner af gamle fæstninger. Hovedstaden Mariehamn var engang hjemsted for en stor Windjammer flåde og i havnen ligger i et museum, der bevarer mindet om denne stolte tradition.


Stockholm, Sverige


Egentligt startede Stockholm som en fæstning, der blev grundlagt i det 13. århundrede. Fæstningen voksede sig til en by og nu har byen spredt sig ud på 14 af de omkringliggende øer. Oplev en hovedstad der er så smuk, at du ikke må snyde dig selv for en gåtur rundt omkring i byen og langs vandet.


Visby, Gotland, Sverige



Visby er hovedbyen på Gotland og er i dag en interessant ferieby. Den er kendt for sine roser og ruiner, et levende relikvie fra middelalderens æra. En gang var Visby en af de mægtige Hansestæder og blev betragtet som stor og betydningsfuld i Europa. Nu er den byen med de trange stræder, de brostensbelagte gader og kirkeruinerne inden for bymuren, der omgiver byen. Det gamle kloster, St. Nicolai kloster, er delvist bevaret.


Til havs


København, Danmark



Denmark’s capital is arguably one of the world’s best-loved cities, and certainly the liveliest of all the Scandinavian capitals. It is a gracious and comfortable place, with a decidedly friendly, hospitable and fun-loving atmosphere. If there is such a thing as a cozy city, Copenhagen is it. From the lingering memory of the tales of Hans Christian Andersen to the colored lights of Tivoli Gardens, there is a delightful ambience that surrounds the visitor everywhere. Tidy, narrow streets are lined with tempting restaurants and cafes, and the pedestrian-only Stroget abounds with stylish shops. The spirited Copenhageners are imaginative and unconventional and exude a “do-what-you-want” philosophy that embraces and respects almost all aspects of life. Every friendly Dane you meet further illustrates the city’s motto “Wonderful, wonderful, Copenhagen.”


Aalborg, Danmark



As one of the important cultural hubs of Denmark, Aalborg is known for its mixture of contemporary architecture, traditional wooden Danish houses, and the many preserved stone buildings in its historical city center. A number of large city parks, fountains, a gothic cathedral and a colorful waterfront make Aalborg a favorite vacation spot. Square-rigged heritage sailing ships make a contrast with numerous architectural masterpieces such as the ultra-modern designs of the Utzon Center and the University of Aalborg. The Aalborg Carnival, one of Scandinavia’s largest festivals, takes place every year in May and draws tens of thousands of participants. The Kunsten Museum of Modern Art exemplifies the creativity and energy of this beautiful Danish city. Situated at the narrowest point of Limfjord in Jutland, Aalborg abuts some of the richest waterways in the country, which attracted not only the original Viking adventurers to the area, but settlers as far back as the Iron Age.


Kristiansand, Norge



Kristiansand ligger på sydkysten ved Skagerrak på en sandet landtange og er hovedbyen i det sydlige Norge. Byen har en stor tilstrømning af tilrejsende i sommermånederne. I særdeleshed lokker Kristiansands Dyrepark mange turister til og hører til en af de mest besøgte attraktioner i Norge.


Stavanger, Norge



Stavanger er Norges fjerdestørste by. Havet har altid været vigtigt for byen, som er en søfartsby med fiskeri som hovederhverv. Byen er, set med historiske øjne, meget strategisk lagt i forhold til vikingernes togter over Nordsøen.


Leith (Edinburgh), UK



Two miles distant from its ancient seaport of Leith lies Edinburgh, Scotland’s national capital. The Scottish capital since the 15th century, Edinburgh is comprised of two distinct areas – the Old Town, dominated by a medieval fortress, and the neoclassical New Town, whose development from the 18th century onwards had a far-reaching influence on European urban planning. The harmonious juxtaposition of these two contrasting historic areas, each with many important buildings, is what gives the city its unique character.Always favored by geography, Edinburgh is ideally situated on the Firth of Forth, an inlet from the North Sea, and built on extinct volcanoes surrounded by woods, rolling hills and lakes. On a clear day, there are glorious vistas from each of these hilltops. Looming above the city is the striking fairy tale castle built on the site of a 7th-century fortress. Towards the Middle Ages life within the fortress spilled onto the long ridge running to the foot of Arthur’s Seat, which crowns Holyrood Park. The city’s most legendary citizens are the arch Presbyterian John Knox and Mary Queen of Scots, who dominated the Edinburgh of the late 16th century. Edinburgh’s delightful city center is a joy to explore on foot. Every alley reveals impressive steeples, jagged, chimney-potted skylines, or lovely rotund domes.


Newcastle, Tyne, England



Newcastle upon Tyne, clinging to the north bank of the River Tyne, grew around the Roman settlement Pons Aelius and was named after the castle built here in 1080 by William the Conqueror’s eldest son, Robert Curthose. The port developed in the 16th century, quickly becoming one of the world’s largest shipbuilding centers. Newcastle harbors a spirited mix of heritage and urban sophistication. Among its ultra-modern structures, is the beautiful refined curve of the Gateshead Millennium suspension bridge, one of seven major bridges that cross The Tyne. The modern reflective, spherical-profile of the Sage Gateshead Concert Hall contrasts greatly with the distinguished vertical columns of the traditional-style Theatre Royal, located in Grainger Town, the historic center of Newcastle.


Til havs


Greenwich (London), United Kingdom



London is one of the great entertainment, financial and fashion centers of the world. It dates back to ancient times when the Romans made it a hub of their road system and built the first London Bridge. There are actually two separate cities – the City of London and the City of Westminster – and they function side by side. The City of London is mostly a place of business and finance, while Westminster (the West End) is the locale of the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace, as well as theaters, clubs, parks and myriad shops. *Please note that embarkation and/or disembarkation in London, United Kingdom requires the use of a tender.


Deal, England, United Kingdom




Til havs


Fishguard, Wales, United Kingdom



Fishguard’s name in Welsh is Abergwaun, meaning the mouth of the River Gwaun. The English name comes from an Old Norse word for a fish trap, and indeed the community has profited from catching and drying herring for centuries. It has remained remarkably unchanged physically over the years. The waterfront has a traditional feel like many others in Pembrokeshire. At first glance, nothing would indicate that this is the site of the last invasion of Britain by a foreign power. But a bicentenary stone recalls the day in 1797 when 1400 French revolutionary troops landed here, only to be routed by the local folk, including a heroic woman shoemaker named Jemima Nicholas, who rounded up more than a dozen dismayed invaders while armed with a pitchfork. A large tapestry depicting the struggle is on display in the Fishguard Town Hall. The surrounding South Wales countryside is dotted with medieval castles, some impressive, such as Pembroke and Picton Castles, and others little more than scenically sited ruins. Cardigan also has a notable garden called Dyffryn Fernant, and St. David’s boasts an impressive early cathedral and a Bishop’s Palace. Prehistoric Pembrokeshire is represented by the Pentre Ifan Burial Chamber, a massive dolmen with an intact 15-ton capstone made of the same type of rock that formed the inner sanctum of Stonehenge.


Liverpool, England



Primarily an industrial port city, Liverpool grew to prominence as a result of trade with the Americas in the 1700s. The tradition of exporting goods much desired in the Americas (and elsewhere) from Liverpool continued at least until the 1960s, when the Beatles became the most famous commodity ever to reach the “Colonies.” Aside from its role as a port city, Liverpool is home to one of the largest provincial universities in the United Kingdom, educating students since 1903. Architecture buffs will find a number of notable edifices well worth exploring. Two outstanding examples of classical architecture, St. George’s Hall and the Town Hall, rank among the most beautiful in the world. The striking Anglican Liverpool Cathedral is the largest Anglican church in Britain.


Belfast, Northern Ireland



Belfast, Northern Ireland’s largest urban area is situated on Ireland’s eastern coast. To the northwest, the city is flanked by hills, including Cavehill, thought to be Jonathan Swift’s inspiration for his novel, “Gulliver’s Travels.” Belfast’s location is ideal for the shipbuilding industry that once made it famous. The Titanic was built here in 1912, at the largest shipyard in the world. Until the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 was reached, the worst of Ireland’s “troubles” was experienced in Belfast, which suffered almost half the conflict’s resulting deaths. Since that time, however, Belfast’s city center has emerged into an attractive pedestrian-oriented environment with street musicians and the like, and a revitalized river front.


Staffa, Skotland



The tiny island of Staffa, part of the Inner Hebrides, is celebrated for its stunning geology. Vikings named it Stafyi-øy meaning ‘stave island,’ as its rock formations reminded them of the vertically placed logs used to construct their houses. Staffa is made up completely of hexagonal columnar basalt. Sixty-five million years ago, erupting lava cooled quickly, forming these distinctive shapes. Hexagons are most often associated with honeycombs in beehives, however, they are also characteristic in volcanic formations. Over time, a weakness in the rock was eroded by fierce Atlantic waves, creating legendary Fingal’s Cave. It was once known as ‘The Musical Cave’ for the wonderful sounds of the sea water reverberating against the sides of its large cavern.The island was first promoted by Sir Joseph Banks, who was Captain James Cook’s naturalist in 1772. In the 19th century, Jules Verne, William Wordsworth, John Keats, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, the artist JMW Turner and 19-year old Felix Mendelssohn also visited Staffa


Tobermory, Skotland



Tiny, tidy Tobermory welcomes you to the Isle of Mull, largest of the Inner Hebrides. The colorful town is curved around its harbor, and the Mull Museum is a good place to start discovering more about the island, as well as its maritime and crofting background. Iona Abbey is an atmospheric relic of ancient times, with a Gothic and Romanesque nave. Nearby Duart Castle is one of the oldest inhabited castle in Ireland, the seat of Clan MacClean. The central keep was built in 1360. Glengorm Castle is scenically situated overlooking the sea and the distant Outer Hebrides. Retire to the small Tobermory Distillery, one of Scotland’s earliest, for a taste of single malt whisky, then keep an eye out for a glimpse of the magnificent white-tailed sea eagles recently re-introduced on the island.


Am Baile Beach




Til havs


Til havs


Heimaey, Westman Islands, Iceland




Reykjavik, Island



Scandinavia, United Kingdom & Iceland Seabourn Quest 2024-06-11 - Krydstogt Eksperten (1)

Reykjavik, der på islandsk hedder “den rygende bugt”, er Islands hovedstad og største by. Byen blev grundlagt i år 877 og har i dag en helt speciel atmosfære. Oplev smukke landskaber, der vidner om Islands vulkanske oprindelse, eller svøm i en af de varme kilder – f.eks. den Blå Lagune. Du kan også besøge Islands wellnesssteder, hvor der er god tid til afslapning og livsnydelse. En god måde at blive introduceret til Islands fantastiske landskab er også at tage på turen “the Golden Circle”, hvor du vil blive introduceret til landets smukke natur. Oplev Thingvellir National Park, hvor den eurasiske og amerikanske tektoniske plade langsomt trækker sig fra hinanden, og hvor islændingene tidligere mødtes til tingmøder. Se også det imponerende Gullfoss vandfald, de lavaformede landskaber og ikke mindst de fascinerende gejsere.


Vigur, Island



The Westfjords in northwest Iceland is a remote and sparsely populated peninsula of steep, tall mountains cut by dozens of fjords. The lack of flat lowlands suitable for farming played a key role in keeping this region wild and sparsely populated. The raw and untamed natural landscape around Ísafjörður is characterized by a subarctic environment. A colorful show of blooming tundra wildflowers carpets the mountain slopes and valleys during the short, cool summer. Vigur Island, second largest island in the Westfjords region, is one of the most renowned areas in Iceland for viewing nesting birds en masse. The area’s cliffs host an astonishing wealth of nesting birdlife, while the occasional arctic fox can be spotted patrolling the edges of the bird colonies in hope of an easy meal.


Isafjordur, Island



Isafjordur er beliggende på en smal tange i fjorden Skutulsfjordur i det nordvestlige Island.Omringet af høje bjerge, er det et af de mest øde, forrevne og smukkeste områder på vulkanøen. Tag en bådtur til Hornstrandir Naturreservat, hvor man kan nyde det rige fugleliv på den berømte klippe, Hornbjarg.Oplev den gamle bydel, som tager dig helt tilbage til sagaernes tid. Nyd en gåtur gennem de smalle gader med træhuse fra det 19. århundrede.


Til havs


Prince Christian Sund


Qaqortoq, Julianehåb, Grønland



Navnet “Qaqortoq” betyder “det hvide sted”, og det er det i sandhed med 85 % af området under is. Udforsk den lille by på ca. 3400 indbyggere og lær hvordan menneskerne her overlever på denne enorme, fjerne ø.


Nanortalik, Greenland



The immense scale of the peaks around this village dwarfs anything built there. Still, the tall white steeple of the church juts up with a spirit of endurance and perseverance that matches the character of those who make this arctic outpost their home. It also echoes the shape of icebergs floating in the surrounding seas, shed from the immense icefields that cover much of the island.


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St. Anthony, Canada



Den charmerende lille havneby St. Anthony, har siden 1600-tallet været hjemsted for fiskere og deres familier. Dette kan stadig ses den dag i dag på de hyggelige gamle fiskerhuse ved havnen. På trods af byens lille størrelse byder den på mange spændende aktivitereter. Du kan for eksempel opleve hvaler i deres naturlige omgivelser, besøge de spændende museer eller kunstgallerier.


St. John's, New Foundland, Canada



St. John´s har en lang og blomstrende historie inden for fiskeri . De omkringliggende områder er vældig smukke, og byen har nogle dejlige parker, charmerende gader og nogle historiske højdepunkter.


St. John's, New Foundland, Canada


St. John´s har en lang og blomstrende historie inden for fiskeri . De omkringliggende områder er vældig smukke, og byen har nogle dejlige parker, charmerende gader og nogle historiske højdepunkter.


Til havs


Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Halifax området er kendetegnet af en storslået natur med sandstrande, barske kyster og farverige haver. Byens oprindelige bosættelser lå på en smal landtange, men Halifax voksede og kom til at omfatte halvøens nordlige, sydlige og vestlige dele med et centralt forretningsdistrikt i den sydøstlige del langs sundet.


Til havs


New York, USA


Scandinavia, United Kingdom & Iceland Seabourn Quest 2024-06-11 - Krydstogt Eksperten (2)

New York, Empire State Building, Frihedsgudinden, Central Park og lysene på Broadway – New York er en af verdens mest spændende byer, med et hav af oplevelser for alle og enhver. Kom og besøg byen, der aldrig sover!

Scandinavia, United Kingdom & Iceland Seabourn Quest 2024-06-11 - Krydstogt Eksperten (2024)


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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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