Supermarioglitchy4's Super Mario 64 Bloopers: PUZZLEVISION / Funny - TV Tropes (2024)

SMG4 Funny Index
Years: 2011-2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024
Arcs: The Waluigi Arc | The Rapper Bob Arc | The Anime Arc | The YouTube Arc | Genesis Arc | Revelations Arc | The Lawsuit Arc | PUZZLEVISION
Movies: Meggy's Destiny: An SMG4 Movie | The SMG4 Movie: 10 Year Anniversary Special | SMG4 Movie: Revelations | SMG4 Movie: It's Gotta Be Perfect | SMG4 Movie: Western Spaghetti | SMG4 Movie: PUZZLEVISION
Other: War of the Fat Italians | Guards N' Retards | The Awesome Mario | Sunset Paradise | SMG4 Crew

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Part 1: SMG4's Perfect Video

SMG4... Are You Ok?

  • The events of this video essentially results in a role reversal between SMG3 and SMG4, with SMG4 being the one who becomes desperate to be the most popular and SMG3 being the more reasonable one.
  • After getting fried by the burning Starbucks, SMG4 holds a Pyro at gunpoint to take his suit. The cut to a live-action set of lips (that don't match what he's saying) sells it.

    SMG4: (whispering to Pyro) "STRIP."

  • There's something about the Mr. Yeast character despite previous videos using Mr. Beast and other stars.
    • When Mr. Yeast leaves, a random guy starts a "last to touch the vehicle" challenge… and is the first to lose said challenge.
  • Mario cooking spaghetti… while on a crashing airplane.
  • Desperate to catch up with SMG3, SMG4 enslaves a bunch of Toads, including Frankie, to make content, with no success.

    Frankie: (holding a whip) "I'm the beta."

  • While SMG3 is helping SMG4 make a video, Meggy walks in on them playing with toys - and immediately backs away like a truck.

Mario Goes to Ohio

  • SMG4 can't come because he's making a video. Mario points out that he always makes videos and that hasn't stopped him before. Then you realize that this is a continuity nod to the previous episode and SMG4 hasn't quite recovered from the insanity that he acquired in the previous episode.
  • Mario's excited to go to Texas for the barbecue. Which Tari pours water on by saying that she's recently become a vegetarian.
    • When Tari asks why he wanted to go in the first place, Mario admits that his sleep paralysis demon (named Juan) told him. It even called a cab for him.
  • Mario uses Tari as a weapon, a.k.a a Candice Launcher. As in "can deez nuts fit in your mouth". Not long after, he gets blown up by a car looking for Joe. Joe mama.
  • Mario is turned into what he hates most: a vegetable, specifically a head of cabbage.
  • Mario and the farmer getting into a screaming contest with the farmer congratulating him. When Tari asks what Mario actually said, he said that he liked his hat.
  • On the run from a mob of Ohioans, Mario finds an exit door. Unfortunately, it leads to The Backrooms, so he and Tari hide out a dumpster instead.
  • The Ohioans don't just chase them, they have to dance after them. Viewers might find this similar to the "Pro Squid Game Players Be Like"
  • After escaping Ohio, Mario and Tari finally make it to Texas.

    Mario proceeded to eat so much BBQ meat he had a stroke.

    The End.

Mario Steals The Constitution

  • By this point, SMG4's been working on his big video so long that he's surrounded by garbage bags and is developing a neckbeard; in fact, he's so busy that SMG3 stepped in to do the sponsorship of the week.
    • Also note that when he says "and now back to the video", he questions what that means. That's a question only SMG4 would understand.
  • Luigi tells Mario he's too busy to attend Mar10. Mario sets his flower shop on fire.
    • Mario tells Bowser he knows a guy to sneak him in. After Luigi brings his van into the government building, Mario and Bowser thanks him as they rush out. But not only did Luigi not know those two were hiding in there, he takes the fall as the military home in on him.
  • Everyone slams their door in Mario's face. In Bob's case, he picks up a door and literally throws it at Mario's face.
  • Mario dispatches a Toad guard by overloading his head with SMG4 lore until his head explodes, scaring the others out of fighting with him.
  • Mario decides to grab Peach with a Pokeball, then seal it shut with duct tape to silence her.
    • Mario releasing Peach to distract Obama Prism (who does so by nagging him). Bowser had to ask if she's been in his pants the entire time.
  • Bowser being a responsible adult until Mario mentions they can make a chicken nugget holiday, then he goes stupid Bowser mode.
    • Once Mario has successfully made Mar10 a national holiday, he miswrites Bowser's request as "Bowser = chicken nuggets", turning Bowser into a chicken nugget. Hilariously, Bowser doesn't mind.
  • After Mario tosses Bowser through a window, Bowser hides himself as a flower. Swag comes in… and declares the flower so ugly that its ugliness broke the window. Ugly-ass flower. By the time Mario reaches the room, Bowser is in tears.
  • Mario and Bowser hiding behind paintings… that are sporting a red cap and is a turtle respectively.
  • Swag doing a 720 before shooting. Which fails in comparison to Mario's spin.
    • The fact that, to celebrate Mar10, Mario uses his signature move – swinging Bowser by the tail – often.


  • One of the guests is a Koopa with Cartman's AI voice. Mario loses patience with him real quick and shoots the koopa in the face.
  • Mario engages in an intense dance-off with Luigi in the Do The Mario Corner. So intense that it makes the screen blow up.
  • Mario's origin: Shigeru Miyamoto eats spaghetti before puking out Baby Mario.
  • Bob attempts to bust down the door to SMG4's room using twin hammers. Turns out, there's a door made out of metal behind the wooden door. When Bob tried to bust that door down, his hammers shatter. He then asks if anyone brought explosives, but then quickly realizes that if he didn't, the others probably wouldn't either.
  • To keep the others busy, Mario tries to showcase the newest Mario games coming out. The curtains move to show... two blank switch game boxes.

    Goomba: Wow, look! Nothing!
    Mario: F**K!

    • In a bit of real-world irony, Nintendo announced a new Mario game just 3 months after this episode aired.
  • After Mario cancels Mario Day because SMG4 won't leave his room, a Koopa complains that he had to skip picking up his son from soccer practice for the party. Said son is sitting out in the rain waiting.
  • Wario hijacks the holiday and turns the partygoers into himself.

    Squidward: MONEY! (drives into wall)

  • Then when Meggy tries to divert the attention back to Mario, the Warios summon the Wario Apparition.

    Wario Apparition: THEY TOOK MY ASS!

It's Gotta Be Perfect...(Stream)

For all the eerie stuff going on in the stream, there's a few funny moments to be had.

  • Some of SMG3's lines are hilarious:

    SMG3: SMG4...I'm your conscience oooo...and your conscience is saying...HURRY UP AND GO TOUCH SOME GRASS!
    "SMG4! I left my, uh, Fisher Price phone set in there. Can I come in and get it?"
    "SMG4? If you don't come out, I'll dox you! Ok?! That's it! I'm doxxing you! Hey everyone, SMG4 lives at Peach's castle! Hahah!"

  • Some of Meggy's as well:

    Meggy: "Hey! I made some food for you! It's just... outside the door! Don't worry! It's not lethal..! I checked."
    "SMG4! Come out now or else... I'm not gonna watch your YouTube videos!"
    "SMG4, Mario clogged the toilet again!"

  • A small Beeg SMG4 occasionally peeks out from behind a corner.


  • Since SMG4 failed to show up, SMG3 does the announcement...then decides to hijack it.
  • SMG3 refers to the Lawsuit Arc redesigns as "Cocomelon lookin' ass designs."
  • During SMG3's glowy transition to his new design, he nonchalantly drinks a soda.
  • When mentioning that SMG4 gets the same treatment, he adds that he's still definitely not as handsome as him. Though to be fair, SMG4's visual upgrade only changes the quality of the previous model without giving him new clothes.
  • When bringing attention to Boopkins, SMG3 calls him an "ugly-looking cabbage".

    Boopkins: Hey, that's not nice!
    SMG3: Dude, you went from Boopkins to Mike Wazowski last year.

  • When showing off Boopkins' redesign, he frames it like he's selling him as a toy, like pointing out his fin used for "aquatic action". And when he points out Boopkins' new "weeb shoes"…

    Boopkins: Actually, these shoes are called "geta", and- (looks at his geta, causing his eyes to pop out of his face) Heeeeeeey… that's pretty gooooood!

  • The "commercial" also has a brief moment where the original Spike design looms over the new one.
  • When SMG3 shows Boopkins in action, it shows Boopkins crossing the street… and he gets hit by a truck. Cue an Ambulance Cut to Boopkins heavily bandaged and sitting on a hospital bed.

    SMG3: How is it?
    Boopkins: I really like it! (collapses, causing his heart monitor to flatline)

  • After going mad with creative power, SMG3 picks up Bob… before deciding his design is good enough and tosses him away.
  • He then picks up Meggy while she is eating a sandwich. She's understandably less than amused (kicking SMG3 away in the process) since she already changed from an Inkling before. But she changes her tune when it's revealed she only got a visual refresh instead of a dramatic change, ultimately being very pleased with the end result and joyfully declaring herself "New Super Meggy Deluxe Ultra Plus With Knuckles".

    Random Ugandan Knuckles: Watch yo profanity.

    • One shot during the montage shows Meggy pogging at the sight of donuts through a store window.
    • And before that, dancing on top of a soda machine.

SMG4 Movie: It's Gotta Be Perfect!

See here

Intermission 1: Finding a New Home

My Roommate Mario

  • Why is Luigi dressed like a French maid while cleaning his and Mario's home? Because SMG4 unknowingly interrupted him before he could explain, the world will never know.
  • Mario has a literal tower of spaghetti in front of him. The camera moves to him and he's seen holding a fork and knife. Shortly after, he throws the fork and knife out and slithers up to the top. He then proceeds to eat the whole thing, slowly making his way down. SMG4's face is priceless. By the way, there are 61 plates.
  • SMG4 finds a taser hidden in his Pebbles by Luigi. He very quickly finds out why when Mario tries to take his cereal.
    • Mario then distracts him by saying "Look! A girlfriend!"

    Mario: This was all a trick. I deceived you. (tries to eat the cereal but then gets the taser in his mouth)

  • SMG4 goes to make lunch. He opens the fridge door, sees nothing in it, and then closes the door in one fell swoop.

    SMG4: Heh heh, bo- ahhhhhh piss.

    • He then sends Mario out to get some meat for steaks. Mario returns in seconds with a live cow that immediately goes berserk.
  • Mario gives SMG4 Luigi’s bed. Where’s Luigi during this? Nowhere dangerous. Certainly not falling through an eldritch meme hellhole.
    • By the time SMG4 has chosen to live elsewhere, Luigi is just casually reading to pass the time.
  • Mario and Luigi start arguing in Italian gibberish over SMG4 taking Luigi's RV. All Mario has to do to convince Luigi is to threaten to send him back to the "fly of despair".
  • Since the house has no bathroom, Mario resorts to giving SMG4 a shower using a power washer. And it somehow works.
    • SMG4 accepts death when he realizes he can't brush his teeth, either. Cue "rip SMG4" with a picture of Luke beside it. Funnier when you learn that the image of Luke went viral a few days before the episode aired.
  • Elon Musk is still trapped in the basem*nt.
  • Mario practicing accordion… with his Gag Nose. And yes, when SMG4 tries strangling him, he beats him around the room with said nose.
  • The cow from earlier interrupts Mario and Luigi's heartfelt moment:

    Cow: I dunno. I dunno man. Seems kinda gay- (credits theme plays)

A Happy Little Road Trip

  • SMG4 drops in to pick up Mario and Meggy. Or rather drops on Mario. Then, when SMG4 wonders where Mario is, the camera shifts to Mario pinned under the RV:

    Mario (muffled): "I can't-a feel my pinus!"

    • Meggy is upset by this but gets knocked out of frame by SMG4's CRIBS logo before she can say anything.
  • Meggy being awkward in "approving" SMG4's RV. (score: Yes/10)
  • A boy is playing with his puppy beside a road when he tosses the ball into the road. The puppy goes to get it when the RV arrives… and runs over the kid.

    Puppy: What?
    SMG4: Damn roads and their potholes...

  • After getting bored of I Spy, Mario decides to play Hey Cow. As Mario demonstrates, this involves shouting at a cow so loudly it turns into a Whopper.
  • Mario pretending to poke Meggy, who breaks all his fingers in anger.
  • Mario and Meggy stop fighting when they see a McDonald's sign. Though Meggy says she left that life behind...
    • The choice of voice clips as Mario persuades Meggy to help him.

      Mario (voice clips): How about... BIG. FISHY. ASS.

    • Which has them popping up in front of the RV like happy children.
    • Mario and Meggy fighting over the fountain drink, with Mario drinking most of the cup followed by Meggy eating the cup… and puking it out.
  • There's something amusing about the Breaking Bad duo breaking into the RV (last used by Luigi in a Breaking Bad parody).
    • Doubly amusing when Luigi (in his Walter getup) shows up. Walter freaks out before the curbstomp commences.
  • The episode ends at a chicken place...that is yet another Breaking Bad tribute.

The Stupid Mario Movie

  • The puppy appearing with N would suggest that he finally dealt with that monster problem (last mentioned in Mario Reacts to AI Generated Images)...or it acknowledges their canon where dogs are made immortal.
  • As Mario speed jumps out of the RV, he flies over a certain crater where Peach is building a rocket.
    • After breaking the dimensional barrier, he also passes through the still-burning Spudnik's Adventure world (last seen in a cameo during the REVELATIONS movie), a popular liminal image based on Peach's castle (which he will visit a few weeks later), and a clip of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!.
  • The Mario Bros.' "client" is obviously Kamek in disguise, trying to lure them into a pipe leading to the Mushroom Kingdom. Movie-Luigi is fooled. Mario, not so much.

    Mario: Well, no f**cking s**t.

  • Just seconds after entering the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario gets himself in trouble by setting the whole place on fire.

    Movie!Peach: You destroyed the Mushroom Kingdom in seconds!?!
    Mario: You wanna see me do it again?

  • A Cheep Cheep jumping onto Mario's face is funny but expected since it was in the trailer. So it's unexpected when another Cheep Cheep jumps at him from the lava!
  • Mario shooting Cranky with a shotgun when he wants his banana.
  • Mario winning against Donkey Kong after putting on the cat suit… and unintentionally winning his heart because Donkey Kong loves furries.
  • While on Rainbow Road, Mario sees Cranky has a banana and shoots him in the face again.
  • The Kongs' secret formation.
  • The Koopa Troopas think Mario lost his mind when he plays the Ground Theme from New Super Mario Bros. Wii …and crash into each other when they dance to it.

    Mario: Idiots. (voice clip: "Stinky!") (flips the bird as he drives away)

  • Even in a different universe, Bowser becomes stupid over chicken nuggets.
  • Mario destroys that universe by accident and pretends nothing happened when he returns to his own.
  • As SMG4 and Mario head into the theater, a Minion appears (inevitably) to the Impostor sting.

Our New Home

  • The segment starts with the RV breaking down because some Teletubbies snuck in. SMG4 alludes to them having already stolen his RV at least once before, and they obviously take it this time too.
  • The locations Boopkins suggests to SMG4:
    • Boopkins describes the ocean as a very spacious place, which is good for a fish like him. SMG4, not so much.
    • The Backrooms, another spacious if yellow place, which goes as well as you'd expect.
    • Boopkins shows off a nice, normal house with only one caveat: it's right next to Mario. Understandably, SMG4 considers that a deal killer.

      SMG4: F*** this s***, I'm out!

    • SMG4 is shown a Starbucks... in the Internet Graveyard. Where SMG3 is hosting a stream. As soon as SMG4 admits that he could get used to this, he's surrounded by a horde of Ugandan Knuckles who ask if he has games on his phone. SMG4 quickly engages Creative Mode and noclips out of there.
    • Eventually, he's shown the crater where Peach's castle used to be.

      (next scene)

  • After Boopkins makes the sale, Tom Nook takes SMG4's money away for some Surprise Buttsecks.
  • Luigi's idea for the new home involves a big booty Weegee doll, and Melony can obviously and unfortunately see his idea.
    • The fact that soon after, a Teletubby is actually able to grab Luigi's Imagine Spot and hurl it into the sky.
  • The auction, which started with money before both the crew and Teletubbies switch to items of questionable value, including a copy of Sonichu courtesy of Shroomy. Even better that the comic changes the Glitchy Gang's bid to "SUFFER MORE".
    • SMG3 ends the auction by running over the Teletubbies with the RV, which Swag accepts. Mario declares the lesson to be that Violence Really Is the Answer, before a text disclaimer explains that, due to the threat of demonetization, it's nothing more than a Spoof Aesop and violence isn't the answer. Until Swag goes off script and declares Mario was right the first time, yelling that he's being held hostage before a hand yanks him away.
  • After declaring that this is where they'll build the castle and everyone cheers, Boopkins reveals that SMG4 spent all his money buying the land. When SMG4 asks for money, everyone has a deadpan look as Mario tells him that everyone's as poor as he is.
  • As everyone plots where they'll do their thing, Mario plots where he will get his pingas stuck in the imaginary door… right at the only real door. Which he then gets his pingas stuck in. It doesn't even have a frame!

The Very Safe & Legal SMG4 Show

  • SMG4 trying to entertain his friends with a book on conjunctivitis.
  • The tumbleweed not being properly animated might reflect how much budget SMG4 currently has.
  • The crew's aggressive lemonade pitch, featuring Depresso. This results in the clown kicking SMG3 in the "eggdogs".
  • The practice round.
    • Mario getting on a unicycle and falling down, then driving it around sideways like an idiot.
    • Bob isn't interested in the circus until he sees a cannon and Boopkins as a cannonball.
    • Meggy and Tari (and eventually Mario) spins with the lion.
  • The training round. SMG4 claps to disappear but accidentally "summons disappointment" via Depresso.
    • When Melony sees if she can join Tari and Meggy with the lion act, the lion does his trick very hard.
    • When Mario tries out target practice with Luigi, Melony pops up and promptly gets a kunai to the forehead. She pulls the knife out without so much as a hint of pain.
    • She doesn't even bother with Bob and Boopkins, the latter getting exploded again.
  • SMG4 keeps SMG3 in the show by threatening to show the world his search history. Whatever's in it makes SMG3 blush.
  • Melony sees Depresso digging through another pile of trash and prays to him as a "wise bin troll".
  • Kaizo being brought in to play the dramatic drum buildup.
  • SMG4 summons SMG3 to start the show, but not before summoning Pomni first.

    Pomni: OH NO NOT AGAIN-
    (SMG4 poofs Pomni away)
    SMG4: Whoops, wrong show.

  • The fails of the show.
    • Luigi could have entertained the crowd with the juggling act after Mario throws dangerous stuff at him until Mario pulls out a black hole from the void. This causes Luigi to disappear and one of his chainsaws to go flying and slice Mario's head off.
    • Bob sets up a dangerous stunt show...but crashes into a stack of blocks next to the ramp.
    • The lion using Meggy as a teddy bear.
  • When the crowd begins booing, SMG4 begs SMG3 to do something. SMG3 does something and streams "loser puts on the worst show ever".
  • Melony's ventriloquist act makes the whole crowd cringe so hard they explode into coins, which counts as a victory. And since the doll looks like Slappy, one can imagine it tried to make Melony look bad and backfired hard. It even asks someone to kill it.
  • With all the money they earned that night, SMG4 can build that new castle… until SMG3 points out that the cost of the circus set means they only have money for furniture. That's good enough for SMG4.

Mario Opens a Pizza Shop

  • Mario’s totally legal strategy of selling pizza by ordering over 3 million Pizza Hut pizzas and selling them as his own.
  • Mario's "pizza" is basically just an oversized golf ball with cheese, pepperoni, and a gun. He's quickly forced to settle for ordering Pizza Hut en masse and passing those pizzas off as his own.
  • Mario's fight with Peppino eventually devolves into a taunt contest. Or as they call it, pizza-fu.
  • Virtually everything that happens in the Pizza Tower:
    • Mario eating the cheese toppin and growing buff from it.
    • The animations on the TV in the upper right corner
    • Mario force-feeding Pepperman pineapple pizza.

      Pepperman: "Wow! That tastes like sh*t!" (explodes)

    • The Noise is seen in an argument with Noisette about killing his neighbour before making Mario 200% mad and getting pounded flat.
    • When confronted by Pizzaface, Mario takes him down the best way he can: eating him whole. This is coupled with a Rank M screen stating "Mmm Thats Good Shet" (sic)
    • Pepperman drawing a pineapple like one of his French girls… but the painting is of Spongebob’s pineapple.
    • When Mario reaches the top of the tower, he finds Peppino watching a Cocomelon song about pasta and getting way too into it.
    • Peppino getting so mad he turns into Fake Peppino.
  • Pizzaface appears again at the end like he’s about to destroy the restaurant… only to make an Incredibly Lame Pun. Mario and Peppino give the appropriate response.

Mario Harms The Environment

  • Why is Mario trying to bulldoze the forest around the Showgrounds? Apparently he and Peppino fell out again.
  • The Joe Swanson Experience.
  • The minute he’s asked, SMG3 joins Mario in his quest to chop down trees no questions asked. He’s not even motivated by the pizza shop like Mario; he just does it because he’s SMG3.
  • The Lorax. Pretty much everything about him from what he says to the look of his model.
  • The utter Anti-Climax of the resolution: Mario feeds the leader of the Lorax's trees a pizza and the Wise Old Tree loves it so much the trees turn themselves into the pizza shop so others can taste Mario's pizza. And despite the fact that the trees that they worked so hard to defend willingly sacrificed themselves for Mario's cause, Tari and Meggy just accept it. SMG3 is just done with all this and goes Screw This, I'm Outta Here.

Mario's Tunnel of Doom

  • It turns out even Meggy's own friends forgot she was still in college. Mario, Luigi, and Tari only vaguely remember once she pulls up the playlist for the Revelations Arc, reminding them of how the Box Club (but mostly Niles) tried to kill them all. At least with Tari it's excusable since she barely appeared in the arc, but Mario and Luigi were directly responsible for ensuring Meggy got into college to begin with!
  • Mario claiming that no one can coach him because he's an enigma. Meggy says flat-out she won't coach him. Mario's reaction sells it — he clearly expected a repeat of "Mario vs. Youtubers" or other episodes where she DID coach him.
  • Meggy's scary box test. With Luigi choking on a bag and Tari freezing up on the spot, the latter very hesitantly flips it to reveal… Mario wearing a Mario mask, which makes Luigi run away and blow up. All the exercise actually did is make Luigi and Tari learn about trust issues.
  • Meggy summons a haunted house… while SMG4 wonders how they can afford all these buildings when they don't have a castle yet. After not getting a response, he decides to go back to begging on street corners.
  • Luigi is scared of cheap jumpscares (not the action itself) and turns into a baby.
    • Later in the tunnel, Meggy has to push adult Luigi inside a baby stroller.
  • Inside Mario's Tunnel of Doom, Luigi has to confront Tall Mario and Meggy has Luigi tell him who's garbage. The response – Luigi saying he's garbage – has Tall Mario awkwardly comforting Luigi.
    • Tari follows Meggy's advice to go into her happy place when she is surrounded by Mario Dolls. While she's happy in there, Meggy, Luigi, and some of the Mario Dolls are confused by what she's doing.
  • While Mario is desperately trying to scare Luigi and Tari with a giant Mario head, Luigi notices a curtain nearby. When he pulls it, he sees Mario was at a control room, revealing that all of the scares were animatronics manually controlled by him. When Mario notices Luigi, he panics and accidentally breaks the controls, causing the giant Mario head to spaz out, causing Tari and Meggy, both of whom were still watching the head, to freak out appropriately.
  • Meggy tries to put out the fire and grabs some energy drinks Mario points out in lieu of water. It's definitely not enough… and sets Mario on fire.

Mario Is Fine.

  • Just like the episode of a similar name during the Genesis Arc, the audacious blatant lie of the title.
  • At the beginning of the episode, Mario is selling pizza with spaghetti at his pizza shop. This being Mario, he's clearly unhappy about it. Not even having a pile of coins thrown at him (despite what Mario says, he is not giving away his "children") cheers him up.
    • His response to having several gold coins hitting him in the face as a happy customer takes their spaghetti pizza is, "Can this day get any worse?"
  • SMG4 dramatically doing something to help Mario… which ends up summoning SMG3 to deal with it. (and on top of the Ugandan Knuckles surrounding his desk too). SMG3 is disappointed to learn that Jack Black isn't doing a signing in the Showgrounds.
  • Meggy's ultimate move to motivate Mario: "DO IT! JUST DO IT!"

    SMG4: This... is kinda sad.

  • After Bob dunks Mario into an isolation pod which he claims helped his gambling addiction (for now), Bob and Boopkins decide to have a card game with chips. By nightfall, Boopkins has a big stack of chips. And Boopkins wasn't even playing poker! Half his cards were Yu-Gi-Oh!
  • Mario's solution to fixing this episode? Draw an OC of himself, which actually works. Though the episode ends with the implication that this might bite him in the ass later. It does, but not for several more weeks.

Part 2: Meggy's Perfect Idol

Grand Theft Mario

  • The intro is abruptly interrupted by SMG4 (breaking a hole through the wallpaper) to announce a new redesign.
    • Everyone before Tari is shown to be confused by their arrival to the scene, having been doing something else earlier. Bob in particular was taking a bath… still in his full robe and wearing a shower-cap.
    • SMG3 is ecstatic when he learns that someone is being redesigned, believing it will be Eggdog. He's disappointed when SMG4 reveals it's Tari.
  • At the beginning of the actual episode, Mario flips the car upside down arriving at Meggy's. Tari tells Mario that she'll never get used to his parking. Mario's response indicates that he doesn't know what parking is, prompting Tari to roll her eyes, smiling. This is FAR from the first time Mario has "parked" a vehicle like this.
  • Meggy is very excited to be graduating, to the point of flailing around and squealing like a little girl who just got a puppy.
  • Mario got the car from Bob, who stole it and handed it off to Mario to hide without telling him why. Later, Mario accidentally damages the car stealing it back. Once they reach Omnia Academy for Meggy's graduation…


  • When Meggy very reluctantly stops the car after hearing a noise in the trunk – turns out to be a Pianta thug Bob had either stuffed in there or ended up there by mistake – Mario first claims it must be a squirrel. After it speaks, Mario says it must be a talking squirrel. Made funnier by the fact that Mario uses the same voice clip both times, but the second time is slowed down (and his moustache has gone enormous).
  • After the Pianta thug (briefly) runs off when Meggy frees him, she's about to leave when Tari sees a cat stuck in a tree. Meggy isn't interested but Tari, ever the animal lover, points out how cute it is. We are then treated to a close up of a photo of a Sphynx Cat with a meme voice clip saying, "I want to die."
    • What is Mario's solution to getting the cat out of the tree after Tari proves even worse at jumping than Meggy? He brings down the tree using a grenade… that he places on top of the cat… then the tree falls on him.
  • At the gas station, while Tari fills up on gas and Mario leaves to take a piss, Meggy can be seen getting into an argument with Aziz Yousi that quickly escalates into violence, with the last shot being of Meggy emptying a minigun in Aziz's direction.
    • By the end of their little discussion, Meggy has tied Aziz to a chair and placed some money at his feet. As she leaves, he complains she didn't pay the "oxygen fee".
  • After Mario retrieves the stolen car, it's more than a little worse for wear. When Meggy sees the burning car, she resignedly decides that she doesn't want to know.

We Interrupt This Broadcast

  • The episode opens on a parody of the King of the Hill intro, packed to the brim with gags. In true KOTH fashion, SMG4 and Mario do not react to any of it.
    • Bob carrying a sack of money and being chased by Hal Monitor.
    • Melony pushing Axol Junior in a Victorian pram… followed immediately by Axol Junior stealing a tank and Melony running after him.
    • Depresso crawling over Mario for a few seconds
    • Belle holds up a sign saying, "looking for screentime"
    • Saiko smashing Whimpu with her hammer after he interrupts her guitar session… and then he crawls after her.
  • SMG3 calls SMG4's suggestion that they all go on vacation "the only smart thing I've ever heard you say". SMG4 is not amused.
  • When deciding on a vacation spot, SMG4 suggests Pee Pee Island. That's a real place, by the way – it's just a couple hundred yards off the coast of Newfoundland near its capital, St John's, and is off-limits to the public due to being a major seabird sanctuary. Photos of the island show it's absolutely covered in bird poop.
    • Boopkins wants to go to Japan. Why? ANIME! Everyone else glances awkwardly at him.
    • Mario wants to go to Spaghetti Land but is told that place doesn't exist.
    • Melony wants to go to Ikea but SMG4 tells her that's a place she can go to any time. This makes Melony very happy.
  • Somehow, Pee Pee Island won the vote. When Meggy hijacks the destination and changes it to the Wild West, everyone joyfully boards the train in a hurry (and since the town is Western Spaghetti, Mario technically wins).
  • As the gang departs, Saiko realizes there's no one to look after the Showgrounds. Mario reassures her that he's got someone to do so: Marty. We cut back to the Showgrounds to see Marty falling over in a light gust of wind.

Ready to Ride?...

  • Even Mario is aware of One-Shot Wren's falling off, something that irritates Meggy when he brings it up.note
  • After seeing a Beyblade battle go wrong when one hits Belle, Mario becomes jealous of the side characters cart.
  • Mario, being Mario, tries to break into the food cart, but Chris and Swag thwart his attempts. Among the ways:
    • Swag bats Mario away with a tennis racket and then a baseball bat.
    • Mario tethers over the door, only for Swag to cut the rope - right over a vat of acid.
    • Mario tries to drive his kart through the door, but is sent crashing into the wall by a banana.
  • After stopping Mario the first time, Swag asks Chris if he was cool. Surprisingly, Chris actually agrees.
  • Bob and Fishy attempt to ambush Shroomy for his potatoes. Shroomy and then all the side characters aim their guns at the duo. Also the beat when Shroomy eats his potato.
    • Mario snatching the potatoes on his way out.
    • Right before the door closes, you can see Shroomy about to flatten Bob and Boopkins with a giant potato.
  • Everyone acting like cowboys (before the creepy creeps in).

SMG4 Movie: Western Spaghetti

See here

Intermission 2: The New Castle

You Made Mario Do This

  • SMG4's initial attempts to remove a cardboard prop (i.e. Marty) while Mario tries to talk it down.
    • His arms and head fly off.
    • He tries to run it over with a bulldozer. Somehow, the bulldozer lost.
    • He eagerly sprays Marty with water and it seems to work. Then Marty pops back up on a stone plinth. His breakdown sells it.
    • He even summons a demon to stomp on it... making the cardboard go through its foot instead, causing it to explode and send him flying.
  • When Bob reads a fairy tale, everyone is a stick figure... except for a muscular version of himself.
  • Failing to get Marty to move, SMG4 calls Bob to line up the other characters to handle it.
    • SMG3 breaks his "second spine" trying to pick him up before using an Eggdog grenade, which only succeeds in making it rain Eggdogs (twenty of them to be exact, the last one knocking 3 out).
    • Boopkins' horrid rendition of 24 Hour Cinderella harms everyone but Marty.
    • Meggy tries to fire a Killer Wail at him… only to lean on it and accidentally cause it to ricochet and hit a Pride Demon instead. She shrinks down to her head and boots and scuttles away.
    • Saiko whacks him with her guitar… and cries when it gets a tiny crack as a result.

      Bob: Oh my f**king god...
      Kaizo: Jeez, why did you use your guitar, idiot.

    • Luigi tells Marty "I love you". Everyone else there can only look at him dumbfounded.
    • At his wits end, SMG4 throws every side character in the show at Marty, to no effect. When SMG3 tells him they're out of side characters, 4 orders the viewer to make more, only for the camera to show that he was talking to his computer.*

      SMG4's Laptop: "I'm not paid enough for this sh*t." *explodes*

  • Two of the Goldeneye guards consider taking the doors off their pingas for sex as cringe.
  • SMG4's body changing into various forms, including Beeg SMG4, when Swag is patting him on the back.
  • After Marty finally falls over in response to SMG4 promising to give him co-ownership of the castle, everyone briefly looks dumbfounded before celebrating... then suddenly they realize there's a nuke coming for them.
  • SMG4 is able to knock the nuke back with Marty's help and ends up blowing up Mario and the guards instead. Later, as SMG4 is celebrating the imminent completion of the castle, Mario, covered in radiation and on fire, falls from the sky and also briefly cheers before fainting.
  • The sponsorship for Morgan & Morgan, which involves a lot of bulldozers and has Lawyer Kong screaming like a little girl.

Let's Go Visit Peach!

  • Mario attempts to weasel his way out of entering the pit by "remembering" that his cat is on fire. The second he starts walking away, he trips on a pebble and falls right into the pit.
  • After landing safely (and getting landed on by Mario), SMG3 complains that Mario almost killed him. SMG4 walks past him and asks what he expected, and SMG3...can't really argue with that.
  • SMG4 shoots Mario's head off twice.
  • SMG3 isn't happy about being in yet another scary situation.

    SMG3: Why are we always casted for the creepy ass episodes?
    SMG4: Shut up, now's no time to break the fourth wall.
    Mario: (waving to the audience) Hello!

  • After the group fires at what turns out to be Peach's crown, the tunnel starts to cave in. SMG4 blames SMG3's Bob-ombs.


  • When realizing that they had left Peach behind, Mario reacts with genuine dread while SMG4 and SMG3 couldn't care less.

    SMG3: I mean, we clearly didn't care enough if we didn't notice that she was gone-

  • The group finds Meggy behind the front window of the castle's remains. Mario, being Mario, assumes she lived there the whole time. While Meggy's mouth is covered up at this point, the look on her eyes says it all.
  • Since it's close to the end of the episode and they haven't found the star yet, Meggy helps out by pulling one of her bangs and spinning like a chainsaw. SMG3 is concerned by this nonsensical behavior and is worried he'll be like that if he keeps hanging out with the crew.
  • When the star is brought to the construction, its purpose is revealed... an ingredient for the Engineer's sandwich to use as fuel to complete construction with a pingas jackhammer.
  • With everyone excited to see the castle, we see...a card telling us that it'll be revealed next week. A Family Guy clip then plays over that mirroring how most fans will feel.


  • Mario running into the closed doors of the new castle.
  • The fact that there's already a room that should not be talked about.
  • Meggy wants to take control of decorating the kitchen from Mario. This being Meggy, it doesn't end well; the kitchen is ablaze within minutes. She then shrinks down to her head and boots and runs around screaming.

    Mario: Looks like Mario isn't the hopeless one in this episode.

    • The fact that Meggy is so bad cooking that she’s almost absolutely clueless about even kitchen appliances. Is it any wonder why she lived on instant noodles before meeting the crew?
    • Earlier, Mario begins decorating "his" room- the kitchen. Meggy sticks her foot out to pull him over. The second Mario's nose makes contact with Meggy's foot, it somehow causes him to spaz out uncontrollably, crash into the wall, and blow up. Meggy's look makes it clear that she Didn't See That Coming.
  • While Boopkins and Melony decorate the guest room as, well, a guest room, Bob insists on making it a casino room, to the point of destroying a froggy chair with a kick. A froggy chair army packing heat sets him straight. Sort of.

    Bob: (riddled with bullets) Alright, fine! Why don't we split the room 50/50?

  • SMG3 is a visionary when it comes to interior decorating. Well, maybe not to SMG4 who just wants a workspace or to the crew when he rants about how he would have decorated it.
    • His first idea is a monk space, which is rejected as the theme does not allow PCs. The second idea is a goth space, which draws in emos and makes SMG4 eject them.
  • The contrast between scared Luigi and brave Tari in a dark scary storage room, up until they find out Depresso lives in the basem*nt committing murders.
    • And Depresso is playing chess against Marty (and probably losing if he's controlling black).
    • Mario's Lemonaid stand being one of the old props stored here.
  • JubJub's idea of a "bathroom".
  • Shroomy arrives at the new castle just as the episode ends. The fact that he's been left out again is not lost on him.

Mario VS Skibidi Toilet

  • Seems like "Mario Waits For The Bus The Game" got a remake.
    • Mario rages and tosses the TV out of the window. It lands on a big pile of TVs.
  • Mario calls SMG4 about the toilet at a bad time; the latter is having trouble trying to give Beeg SMG4 a bath. By the end of the call, he's pointing a rocket launcher at SMG4.
  • Mario and Simon bonding... by talking in their respective gibberish language.
  • The lore behind Simon's creation? Depresso decided to flush a bunch of green Prime drinks down the toilet for no reason. Luigi, who was there to see it, wisely leaves the deranged clown be.
  • The Good-Times Montage begins with Mario and Simon spray painting "SIMON'S TURF" on a public bathroom, causing them to be pursued by the police, including Hal Monitor, for the rest of the montage, which is cut short when they catch up to the duo in the Toilet Shop.
    • There are a few Cameramen involved in the chase, too, which just goes to show how much they hate Skibidi Toilets.
  • Mario attempts to talk to the toilets via Scatman.
    • Swag tries to talk to the toilets via Skibidi...the original Biser King version.
  • Luigi speaking Gratuitous Japanese, much to Mario's confusion.
  • Mario installing all the abandoned toilets in the bathroom. And Beeg SMG4 is in one of them. Then he blows up the bathroom by taking a dump.

Part 3: SMG3's Sussy Notebook of Secrets

We Don't Talk About What Happened in the Elevator

  • SMG4 comes to Youtube's HQ since his channel might die from a demonitization claim on his latest video: "Mario Reacts to Orphan memes".
  • Meanwhile, Mario came to get magical spinning fries and chases after the guy that took one.
    • Turns out Mario runs out of breath quickly, so he pulls out a propeller hat. Meggy tackles him causing the hat to knock out a T-mobile satellite... so SMG4 can't call her for help. Oops.
  • The SMGs trying to escape the elevator. At one point, SMG3 lights up some bombs and suggests to take cover... in an elevator. At another point, they break a wall only to see demonitization demons. Who are ritualistically sacrificing Markiplier, because who else.
  • Both Mario and Meggy shrinking down to their boots and sneaking.
  • Meggy and Mario snagging some fries by knocking two employees out with rubber bands, though Mario accidentally reduces the head of the employee he hits to a skull instead.
  • SMG3 complaining that SMG4 is heavier than Mario (who, going off "SMG4 - Mario Goes On A Diet", weighs infinity-minus-one kilos).
  • SMG3 is worried that Eggdog can't take care of himself once he's gone. Meanwhile, Eggdog is having a party with the Ugandan Knuckles.
  • Meggy trying to open the elevator by turning the Heavy into a sandvich machine gun, then tossing him into the skull-headed employee, who then explodes. Suffice to say, it's not a good day to work at Youtube.
    • The return of Optimus Prime 3000 as Mario opens the elevator by using his mind... and then saying "boobies". It opens for him because he is "a man of culture", briefly stunning Meggy.
    • And when Meggy tries to climb up the elevator cable, Mario points out that it'll be easier to take the stairs and drop down, to her embarrassment.
  • The reveal of former Youtube CEO Susan Woji...

    Meggy and Mario: Wojikow...Wojiji...Wojajajaja...Wojoooooooooooooo...Bddrrdehhdudehehaa?

    • Susan declares herself the new villain of the Susan Arc, prompting Mario to kick her off the building and Meggy deciding that she'll be fine. At the end, it's revealed that she actually is, only to then be abducted by the demonitization demons from earlier.
  • Once again, Meggy turns herself into a human chainsaw to unjam the elevator.

Mario Goes Coo-Coo Crazy

  • Luigi and Tari are hesitant to let Mario play with Pokéballs, considering the episode that happened 7 years earlier ("Mario vs Pokémon Go"). Note that Tari hadn't even been created when that episode aired, but no doubt she's heard stories. Plus, she knows Mario.
    • The Pokémon game being rather violent – Tari mains May with a bazooka.
  • All the crazy things that happen while Mario is playing day and night, such as Leggy randomly passing by, SMG4 getting bombed by SMG3, Depresso's hobo paradise that the cops soon tear down, and Marty approaching the window and leaving.
  • Swag accidentally running Pikachu over with a tank while chiding Mario for hunting it down illegally.
  • Bob's "enthusiasm" for this game is clear:


  • Mario elects to chase Fishy Boopkins the hard way, with Pokéball ass.
    • Mario turns into the Booty Warrior.
  • Meggy's string of misfortunes in this episode:
    • It starts off with her utterly failing twice at winning at Crocodile Dentist, coupled with her exaggerated, painful reactions.
    • Once his friends start noticing Mario going bonkers over Pokémon GO, Meggy tries to calm him down. Cue Mario gleefully catching the "short gremlin Pokémon".

      Meggy: HEY! I HEARD THAT!

    • By the end of the episode, her Pokéball experience has scarred her pretty badly, frantically muttering about clowns out to get her (maybe she briefly went to the Digital Circus along with both her voice actresses?).
  • Tari's not one to normally be okay with using others as bait. Regardless, she hastily claims that Beeg SMG4 and Eggdog are Legendary Pokémon to distract Mario.
  • Bob sets up bear traps in the storage room to protect himself. Just as he brags about how Mario will never catch him now, Tari runs into the storage room (phasing through the door) and sets them all off. The result is Tari in a stock Peter Griffin death pose. At least it caused Mario to trip and fall into the basem*nt.

    Bob: Wow... good job, Tari!
    Tari: (with Dissonant Serenity) Ha-ha-ha, I think I'm dying.

  • As Bob is finishing wrapping Tari in bandages, he asks why they can't just keep Mario locked in the basem*nt forever, as he does that with people all the time. Tari exasperatedly responds that she shouldn't have to answer that.
  • To contrast whatever happened in the Pokéballs that shook Meggy up badly, Boopkins not only slept in, but is outright disappointed when Mario frees him, claiming he "doesn't want to face reality".
  • The episode ends with Mario inviting everyone for a round of Crocodile Dentist with him. Cue three incensed Death Glares from Meggy and the SMGs before the latter two stuff Mario into a Pokéball they shoot into a volcano. This is followed up by "Hole in One!" appearing.

SMG4 Kids

  • Beeg SMG4's ridiculous getup for his date. Eggdog tries to take a picture for fun, but Beeg SMG4 threatens him with a laser gun that promptly keeps the egg-shaped dog at bay.
  • Beeg SMG4 and Eggdog attempting to escape the room to get ice cream. They eventually use throwing it through the window.
  • Ice cream and its related crimes are apparently Serious Business in the Mushroom Kingdom. Sound familiar?
    • Bob is running an ice cream truck that's actually a front for illegal weapons, yet what causes the police to put him on their radar? Selling ice cream without a license! Even funnier is Bob actually reveals the truth during the battle with the cops, yet Hal Monitor scoffs at the "excuse".
      • Earlier, he gives Mario a mace... before realizing too late what he was going to do with the "ice cream".
    • Later, Bob meets up with the mafia with a secret case cream, which the kids take, turning the whole thing into a shootout.
  • How do the Pianta mafiosi incapcitate Bob and the SMGs? With a flashbang bomb... which shows a Toad in a cat suit. That's all it takes to burn their eyes.
  • Eggdog's distracting dance to the mafia long enough for Beeg SMG4 to expand in size and crush their enemies.

The Lads play Shrek Online

  • Just the fact that this game got lore.
  • SMG4 is playing Shrek Online when he finds Mario, transported inside the game by an angry Shrek wizard... or as the meme man puts it, nothing out of the ordinary.
  • Mario is in fine form in terms of destruction; he razes all of SMG4's village in seconds, which, according to him, came about because he got a "quest" to kill everyone. Cue a scroll written in red that says "KILL EVERYONE". What's better is that it's impossible to do so in-game, yet Mario somehow managed, and when the villagers mobbed together to get Mario, he uses the scroll to send the mob into Dark Souls and pitting them against Executioner Smough (dubbed BIG MAN and is t-posing.)
  • Even in this game, there's a "Pingas Stuck in the Door" reference.
  • The sequence with Shrek!Shroomy is chock full of laughs:
    • The whole crop quest came about from Shroomy trying to keep Mario from killing and mugging him out of his mount, so Mario whips out his Super Mario RPG to fend off the Gingies picking at Shrek!Shroomy's crops. As in a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
    • The angry Gingies morph into a giant gingerbread man, and SMG4 refuses to just leave because they have to kill things to level up and fight it... so Mario stabs Shroomy into a bundle of onions for the level and swipes his mount.
  • Donkey's reaction to Mario and SMG4 getting on him.
  • The travelling montage, including SMG4 purposely inducing an Internet lag via mallet to defeat a Shrek gang and Mario defeating Alduin by opening an onion.
  • How did Mario find his way into Shrek Online in the first place? Not because he pissed off SMG3's wizard character, but because he pulled another Tari Abnormality and got sucked into the game while begging Tari to bring a Donkey to life. All the exasperated meme guardian has to do is find Tari, activate her arm, and send Mario back home.
  • SMG3 spent three weeks perfecting his character so he can fight SMG4...who AFKs to get Mario out of the game and then kills his own character so he can go back to farming, leaving SMG3 to rage uncontrollably as the episode ends. Such disrespect.

SMG 4 & SMG 3 Are Forced To Hold Hands

  • SMG3 bangs his head on the wall so hard that it breaks apart to show Melony gifting Axol Jr. a melon. Later, while SMG3 is recalling the "manly evil stuff" he did last night, a visibly disturbed Melony slides a brick wall over the hole.
  • The "Back by unpopular demand: Me!" Running Gag Mario keeps pulling.
  • The SMGs decide to go to the hospital instead of suffering a whole episode of Mario... only to find the hospital closed due to a Zombie Apocalypse. Between Mario and zombies, they decide to take their chances with the man in red.
  • Mario screaming like a Saiyan, which from SMGs' point of view looks like regular screaming.
  • The SMGs attempting to get through their day, only for their activities to go to pot, ranging from the Kermit in-video going to hell to being confronted with having to bathe together. Both of them quickly agree to skip that last one.
  • Mario realizing he's the normal one in this episode, which is considered character development.
  • SMG1 and SMG2 challenge 3 and 4 to save their loved one: Mario. Naturally, 3 balks at the idea. Too bad Mario is holding SMG3's diary, to his panic.

    Mario: p*rnography!

  • As it turns out, neither 1 nor 2 cast the spell to bind the two's hands; that's where Mario lost his gum. Enraged, SMG3 tosses Mario into a room with a particularly violent Inspector Gadget:

    Inspector Gadget: go go gadget brown bricks in your ass
    (Mario screams in terror)

    • SMG1 trying to undo the "spell" before realising it's not working and flipping out.
    • SMG1 & 2 are utterly bewildered by the reveal that it was Mario's gum keeping SMG3 & 4's hands together, enough to make SMG1 faint.

Trust No One

  • A shootout breaks out between SMG4, SMG3, and Mario when tensions grow much too high during the meme man's interrogation scene. Naturally, when Meggy overhears the commotion:

    Meggy: (sounding very enthusiastic indeed) HEY CAN I JOIN?
    (Mario and the SMGs continue firing for a few seconds before turning to her)
    Mario, SMG3 and SMG4: NO!
    (they resume the gunfight as Meggy backs away in disappointment)

    • Before that, SMG4 reaches for his forklift driver log book.

      SMG3: HE'S PULLING HIS [censored] OUT!

  • The gang realizes that they can catch the thief via Twitch VOD on SMG3's computer. Cue SMG3 quickly summoning the portal to the Internet Graveyard, happily singing "I'M ABOUT TO WHIP SOMEBODY'S ASS!".
  • Right before the SMGs watch 3's footage to find out who took his notebook, he forgets that he had an article on his computer describing where murder is legal, complete with a description that reads "stabby stabby time". Even better? That article was posted by Kaizo.

    SMG3: Uh... you should probably ignore that.

You're going to help me... [WOTFI 2023 TRAILER]

  • SMG3 has finished explaining why he needs the notebook back, detailed all about the need to break into Casino Paisano to get it back, and dramatically introduced the ever-famous War of the Fat Italians... when SMG4 asks him their about their plan to bust in. SMG3's ego rapidly deflates.
  • While showing off his spy gadgetry, SMG3 kisses his bombs, just in case you didn't get that he's a Mad Bomber.
  • SMG3 really doesn't have any faith in us:

    SMG3: Really? You're gonna trust those guys?

  • With 4 announcing the stream to help plan the siege, 3 "helpfully" reminds us that the WotFI's direction depends on the viewers' choices and, in a mockingly spooky tone, advises us to choose carefully. SMG4 isn't amused by his former enemy pulling a Mario.
  • Speaking of which, the ending is a bit ominous with Mario delivering the notebook to who's revealed to be Marty... and it's ruined with him falling over. After all, Marty's still a piece of cardboard in the end.


  • Right before the stream starts, SMG4 has to Dope Slap SMG3 when the latter begins panicking over the importance of the viewers making the right choice.
  • During the stream naturally, 3 and 4 never stop the banter:
    • SMG4 seems quite happy with the choices made. SMG3? Less so.

      SMG3: Oh, God. We are going to die.

    • SMG4 hopes to fool Mario with a Luigi costume. The imitation is... not so flawless, to put it nicely.
    • SMG4 hopes to scare Mario... by pretending he and an unamused SMG3 are IRS members.
    • This extends to the animations. When cornered by the guards during Mission 5, SMG4 pulls out a sign that says "he did it" with an arrow pointing to SMG3, while SMG3 himself tries to slink away without SMG4, only to be forced back at gunpoint with an "Oh, Crap!" Smile.
  • Some of the stream's looped animations are a hoot.
    • Mario is diligently guarding the front door during Mission 1. A Koopa tries to bypass, but the Death Glare he gives the little guy intimidates him into Backing Away Slowly. Hard to blame him, since Mario apparantly has the power to shoot Eye Beams at a Goomba for trying to do the same.
    • Mario can't help but fall asleep while watching the security footage. A classic stereotype...
    • SMG4 and SMG3 are seen in front of one casino game. No matter how much 3 wants to use his gun or bomb, 4 has to stop him from going much too extreme. Once again, SMG3 looks like a kicked puppy for not being allowed to use "boom boom".
    • Swag & Chris are on guard duty once again... complete with Swag trying to look badass with his gun, much to Chris' dismay.
    • SMG3 prepares to shoot Shroomy with a rifle... but then spares him after looking at the camera with yet another "Oh, Crap!" Smile. As he puts the gun away, he lowers his head sadly.
  • One look into Casino Paisano's interior, and we can see that there are mugshots of Marty left and right. Not only are they on top of the slot machines, but Mario's hat now has one too, and there appears to be a Weegee Doll that changed its clothes to Marty's likeness. Not to mention the "Marty merch". How big is this guy's ego?
  • After Mission 9, Marty pops in offering merchandise of himself, scaring the Meme Guardians.
    • Even better, the chat ended up spending over 200 THOUSAND dollars on this merch.
    • The actual WOTFI ends up making it even funnier... Turns out the mission wasn't just Schmuck Bait, which much of the chat thought. It actually determined how much money the duo would have available to spend on Marty Merch, which ends up being relevant when we learn the casino gift shop's security system bars Mario from attacking shoppers... as long as they actually buy stuff. Ultimately, SMG3 decides to buy a car... that we learn is worth 12 MILLION DOLLARS. So, surprisingly enough, the chat ended up failing the mission because they didn't spend enough money!
      • Doing the math reveals it was all but impossible to have reached the goal. This was one of the four-hour missions (running in the dead of night in North America). To get $12,000,000 in that time would have required users post !BUY at a rate of 833.34 times a second! That level of engagement would probably have crashed the stream.
  • Mission 10 takes the form of a quiz show, and the question? "What happened at exactly 6:50 of the classic SMG4 episode "Snowtrapped"?", Option one is the image of a heavily monochrome-d Mario with realistic eyes, and option two is "I don't know, let's look it up!"
  • Mission 14 has 2 options: a HEAVY weapon and a single meatball. Later on, SMG4 played Exact Words on us, revealing that the heavy weapon... is a Heavy. As in, a literal toy-sized Heavy, which would be nearly useless in a fight... but, in a dramatic twist of fate, that was the correct option! How, you might ask? The Heavy sang a song and danced, which charmed Mario, distracting him long enough for the meme guardians to successfully hack the vault open.

WOTFI 2023

See here

Part 4: Mr. Puzzles' Big Show

No TV Make Mario No Okey Dokey

  • One of Mario's attempts at getting the TV to work again is by sacrificing Luigi to the demons. He's completely gone for the rest of the episode.
  • Bob and SMG3 volunteer Tari to go the the basem*nt. Meggy decides to be fair and let fate decide who will go with her…with a game of Monopoly. FedEx edition. One round later, and poor Tari is dragged off screaming.
  • Bob ropes SMG3 into a “lightning in a bottle” scam… as in literally going outside to catch lightning in a bottle to sell to Mario. The kicker? As soon as SMG3 quits the scam, Bob catches and bottles lightning. SMG3 then rejoins the scam later when Mario shows up. It doesn't work, as Mario just immediately resorts to lunging after them.
  • Meggy and Clench’s feud as they struggle to open the basem*nt door, culminating in each piloting giant mech-suits to open it… and then Tari opens it. It was a push, not a pull, as marked with a really tiny label. Meggy and Clench's reaction takes the cake.
    • The hole in the cellar is just represented by a sh*ttily placed gray oval with a white outline.

Mario’s Mysteries.

  • The whole episode is Blue's Clues SMG4 style. That alone should give you a good idea what you’re in for.
  • During the first song of the episode, SMG4 makes remarks about Mario being a dumbass and even going as far as to openly say death threats to Mario.
  • How does SMG4 put in his clues? Why, by using our handy-dandy..Note
  • As the song ends, Mario is offended enough to leave but ends up colliding with the border while SMG4 walks and rolls around into the kitchen.
  • While helping Luigi, who is a meat mallet now, try to make tomato sauce, SMG4 ends up using him to crush the vegetables, which has them visibly terrified as they're beaten to mush. When they get to the tomato, Mario proceeds to mash the tomato to the point that it explodes.
  • TV Time, which has Mr. Puzzles make SMG4 and Mario watch the entirety of the Bee Movie with bonus features, much to their exaggerated excitement, which lasts A WHOLE DAY when it can be completed in less than 4 hours.
  • SMG4's reaction to Fishy Boopkins singing a Driftveil City-remixed Skibidi Dop Mmm Yes Yess whilst in a toilet, which causes him to use the pipe bomb given to him by Mr. Puzzles which blows both Fishy and Mario up.
  • The entirety of the war painting, which SMG4 (who's now in live-action for some reason) and Mario react with wonder.
    • The sheer fact that they somehow mistook blood for marinara sauce, and they don't react negatively to this at all.
    • The Rocket Song, which SMG4 sings as he blows up Shroomy with the rocket launcher given by Meggy the Land Mine.
    • As SMG4 is about to add his last clue into the handy-dandyNote, the audience instead says incoming which confuses SMG4 until he realizes that a missile is headed straight towards him and Mario and skidoos out, leaving Mario behind to get blown up.
  • On the Thinking Couch, while SMG4 tries to put the clues together,Note Mario ends up eating the mushroom clue, which angers the memer before it gives him an over-dramatic resolution complete with shading.
  • And who ate Mario’s spaghetti? Why Mario of course! And SMG4 celebrates with the “Let’s Kill Mario!” song.

    SMG4: You made me play Mario's Mysteries, live through war, JUST TO COME TO THE MOST OBVIOUS CONCLUSION POSSIBLE!?!?

    Mario: Yeah.

Once Upon an SMG4

  • The promo tweets alone feature some crazy things worth mentioning. Luigi as a knight is innocent enough, and Mario's head poorly cropped onto Bambi, while weird, is nothing unusual for him... but take a look at SMG3 in a dress. And not just any dress, not even just the dress of a princess, but that of Princess Peach herself. So important is this that it got featured in all three tweets that were posted. He doesn't look particularly happy about it in the latter two tweets. Are the "actors" becoming self-aware?
    • On the topic of men in dresses, Mr. Puzzles, already a Sissy Villain, is dressed as a fairy godmother.
    • Meanwhile, SMG4 plays the wicked witch character. The very idea of a Straight Man like SMG4 playing that type of character is just laughable. You'd think SMG3 would be a better fitted role for that. What's going on with Puzzlevision's casting agency?
  • The fact that SMG4 seems to be playing the witch complete with big nose and hat. If you thought 3 playing the straightman is hilarious, then 4 playing what seems to be the villain makes it look like payback in the making.
  • As the show begins, we see SMG4's introduction as the wicked witch, who laughs and ends up breaking his neck from bending too far during his Evil Laugh.
  • SMG3's "I Want" Song at the beginning of the show, which suddenly derails into chaos about him wanting money and a sugar-daddy with a hilariously gruff singing voice, replacing Elsie Lovelock, then gets replaced by Elsie Lovelock's singing voice at the end.
    • Even better is SMG3's introduction, which ends with him trying to sing, only to end up coughing.

    Narrator: A MAN.

    • Also including the narrator's definition of SMG3's character as a "princess pure of heart", when he's basically the same greedy bastard from before, the "I Want" Song being the crowning jewel.
  • SMG4 arguing with himself from his television/Mr. Puzzles' head, which ends off with SMG4 asking the television if he is the fairest of them all, which Mr. Puzzles replies with a casual "Nuh-uh".
  • When SMG3 gets invited to King Bob's ball, he ponders what he should wear which Mario says that he can help along with the animal friends. What the animals do for creating a dress, includes stealing a Korok's face, killing Heavy for no reason, and robbing a clothing store.
  • And after they make SMG3 his dress, he isn't happy with it in the slightest which is treated as a short gag, which even Mr. Puzzles takes a moment to ask "what the hell he is wearing".
  • Mr. Puzzles giving 3 a proper dress and carriage. As said above, it’s Princess Peach’s dress and the carriage? Just a shopping cart dragged by Deer Mario.
  • Sir Luigi accidentally eats the poison apple and like SMG4 it turns him into the ugliest in the land. If you consider Mr.Beast ugly.
  • The whole fairest competition.
    • Round 1: attracting noble heroes. 3 offers to be friends and 4 says whoever saves him gets a subscription to his onlyfans. Round 1 goes to 4.
    • round 2: kissing a frog. SMG4 makes a frog turn into a prince and commit suicide. SMG3 kisses a frog…the most poisonous frog that is. Round 2 winner: SMG3
    • Round 3: try not to get kidnapped. 3 sells 4 on what an ugly bag he is. Shrek, the acting kidnapper, is instantly sold.
  • SMG3 has won! He’s the richest and fairest in the land! And he’s still stuck in the tallest tower as Mario points out. 3 thanks Mario by kicking him out the window and then the episode just ends.

Scooby Mario Where’d You Go!

  • Just like with the last two episodes, Mario’s head was stapled onto an animal. Clearly Puzzlevision does typecasting. And this time, Mario’s playing Scooby Doo no less.
  • The episode’s take on the running gag of Velma losing her glasses… Tari as Velma getting blinded by SMG4’s flashbang.
  • Fittingly for an episode based on Scooby-Doo, the gang does the Scooby-Dooby Doors while on the run from the animatronic. Highlights include the actual Scooby-Doo gang and Steve running through, Mario and Luigi riding the animatronic like a horse, and Meggy chasing the animatronic with a chainsaw.
  • When Mario and Luigi get fed spaghetti snacks as an incentive to trap the killer, it plays like Popeye complete with Mario doing a bicep curl showing something, in this case, spaghetti.
  • The reveal that Luigi.exe is innocent and was just trying to play with the group. 4 rebuffs him and tries to take off his mask… only to rip off his head. Cut to the gang in a jail cell wondering if they are the real monsters.
  • So what had happened to Pizza Chef Bob if Luigi.exe hadn’t hurt him? Turns out he was in Jail because some OTHER meddling kids caught his “special cooking”.

Mr. Puzzles’ Incredible Game Show Spectacular!

  • When Mario reaches towards the vault, Mr. Puzzles pulls out a lighter and lights the former's arms like a fuse which travels down back to Mario, causing the plumber to explode.
  • In "Family Feud", SMG4's first guess for hard things to watch is "Mario having sexy time with spaghetti". You know Mario's very weird when even Mr. Puzzles flashes a surprised face to this statement.
    • And Mr. Puzzles reacts using images of Steve Harvey in true Family Feud fashion
    • SMG4 and SMG3’s round devolves into a mud-slinging feud. They end up as the booby prize for the next round.
    • Mario's idea of a pick up line is his usual faux-Italian gibberish. When it's Luigi's turn, he and Mario end up arguing in their iconic gibberish and breaking the game show. Mr. Puzzles' reactions take the cake:


  • In "Wheel of Fortune", Bob ends up concussed after mocking Meggy one too many times for losing her turns, and he can only speak Chinese. Naturally, when he gets the million dollar space, he is unable to guess, saying “Haha, look at your translation of this, I bet you feel like a fool now” in Chinese.
    • Meggy then mocks Bob for not using the right alphabet, but Bob uses the subtitles, saying, "At least I get to play the game" which Meggy can see. This infuriates Meggy, causing her to spin the wheel so hard that it breaks off and lands on Bob, catching fire afterwards.
    • Oh, and why was the wheel continously screwing over Meggy? It turns out Mario is sleeping under the wheel. He surprisingly guesses the right phrase, "Be advised, I'm going beddy byes"...while winning zero dollars.
      • Followed by Mr. Puzzles incinerating all the prizes… including SMGs 3 & 4.
  • For "The Price is Right", an increasingly desperate Mr. Puzzles, asking Boopkins to guess the price of a Ferrari, just has the correct answer hastily scribbled out and replaced with Boopkins’ much lower answer… and then Mario shows up in the Ferrari and begins an impromptu round of Mario Kart. Right into the audience.
  • The Failure Montage of Mario participating in the rest of the games, punctuated with Mr. Puzzles coming closer and closer to losing it:
    • A "Deal or no Deal" game with all the girls being Mr. Puzzles. Jub-Jub gets a measly 50 cents with Mario as the banker and actively celebrates.
    • A "Wipeout" type game, which has Meggy jump onto red balls to get over a fire pit, but Mario eats the last one at the last second, causing the former to fall in the fire pit and burn.
    • A quiz show with the 5th question being 9 + 10 = ?, but Mario keeps pressing his buzzer and racking over -40,000 points.
    • Mario competing with SMG3 in basketball, and when the former tries to get a slam dunk, he somehow misses.
    • Tari balancing chairs on her head, but Mario decides it's time to sit on the topmost one, causing her to fall over.
    • Another quiz show, but Mario presses the buzzer so much it explodes.
    • Luigi wins Monopoly, but Mario flips the table after.
    • Back to "Wheel of Fortune", where Mario correctly guesses "pingas", strips down to his underwear, and then starts dancing with money raining down.
    • One shot in the montage even has Mr. Puzzles pointing a gun at the viewer.
  • Mr. Puzzles eventually becomes so fed up with Mario that he sticks him in a cage outside the screen. Mario not only ends up vibing while Puzzles goes crazy and starts dropping props on the remaining contestants, but on top of that, he ends up helping Mario escape... by accident.
    • Among the things dropped onto the stage was the red Ferrari that Boopkins won, causing it to devalue to zero dollars and causing Boopkins' check to evaporate.
    • Before a Monty Mole gets crushed by the screen from "Wheel of Fortune", he explains, "Man, I'm dead". The screen displays exactly what he said.
  • The otherwise tense outro and updated Puzzlevision website are somewhat alleviated by the image of Mario's fist breaking through the Puzzlevision logo titled "thatwasrude.png".


See here

Supermarioglitchy4's Super Mario 64 Bloopers: PUZZLEVISION / Funny - TV Tropes (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.