The Grand Island Independent from Grand Island, Nebraska (2024)

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Grand Island, Nebraska

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The Grand Island Independent LocalState Monday May 22 2000 3 A Long distance from trouble to graduation Thornton Colo is 355 miles from Grand Island or Anthony uentes it has been much farther uentes is scheduled to graduate from Skyview High School in Thornton on Sat urday ew of the many watching him walk up to get his diploma will realize just how far his journey has been Ask the administration at Grand Island Senior High School and know the answer do it in Grand uentes said from his home in Thornton was just hanging out with my friends getting into trouble I got suspended from school a couple of uentes moved to Thornton to live with his father Patrick Sanchez He grew up in Grand Island with his mother Dolores uentes but he also spent time with his grandmother in North Platte because he was in trouble with the law here In a narrative and an autobiography for his English teacher Geneva Castro Licht enstein uentes writes that he spent his time with older and was ways fighting drinking smoking weed and just putting in work as they He continues that the deaths of two friends and the realization that he was nothing pro ductive for my self or my fu and that almost lost my life to this had made an im pact No one had Those who question whether a person can ever change are wrong Anthony uentes to convince Senior High Principal Kent Mann just how far uentes was into the game was into some bad Mann said is a bright kid but the net work that he was in would not let him suc uentes eventually left Grand Is land and his mother for Thornton where his father lives A fresh start But the change had already started wanted to do something with my life I wanted to get through uentes said Skyview could have been a million miles from Grand Island think Anthony really needed a fresh said his coun selor at Skyview Laurie Egbert has never been in trouble here had to make up a whole year jn math and sci ence but he said it Castro Lichtenstein who also teaches uentes Latino studies agreed been nothing but an exemplary After knowing the trouble he had been in at GISH she called his turnaround a markable uentes wrestled for Skyview at 160 pounds to try something and was named Student of the Month for eb ruary Why the turnaround? Perhaps it was the proverbial light bulb uentes writes that one day he felt the need to change that he wanted to do something positive with his life was tired of everything that was going on in my Attitude is a key and Egbert and Cas tro Lichtenstein both agree that uentes has gone from a suspended student who looked for trouble to respectful young man because of his new outlook on life has had a great attitude and finished all his Egbert said think his dad has been a good role Castro Lichtenstein said ny is very respectful of Mom has joined him too Dolores uentes now lives in Highlands Ranch 23 miles south of Thornton Miles for a diploma Castro Lichtenstein believes that tak ing a class in Latino studies has given uentes some additional focus it (Latino studies) has really opened his eyes He knows he has to take responsibil ity and he uentes also attended a La Raza youth conference earlier this year that she believes has helped him uentes said going to Skyview was at first but then I got to know peo After he takes the walk on Saturday he is considering enlisting in the Air orce or attending Metro College down the road in Denver He writes that those who question whether a person can ever change are wrong He says proof that you can turn a into something positive from And how complete is the transition from constant trouble to graduation from a life he called to an atti tude that has garnered him a new kind at tention from school? uentes says com plete is something in the past I miss getting into trouble not doing anything productive I like having this good On Saturday Anthony walk to get his diploma will look like just a few steps but it will be all of 533 miles and much much more George Ayoub is a columnist at The In dependent Glfl Class of i vT nA IndependentGerik Parmele Grand Island Senior Janet Perry gives her original oration titled The to her fellow graduates during com mencement exercises Sunday afternoon at Memorial Stadium Senior High graduates 367 students The following is a list of 2000 Grand Island Senior High gradu ates A designates academic excellence Brent Absher Devin Adams David Allen Justin Allen Jorge Andazola Jaysen Andersen Jonathan Anderson Noah An derson Judy Gonzalez Araujo Adedolapo Ayedun Jason Baasch Joshua Bacon Kristen Baland Jamie Ball Leslie Bar tels Jessica Bartlett Tony Bauer Jennifer Baxter Jerad Baxter Kevin Beaty Stephanie Bebemiss Michael Beck Daniel Becker Jason Beckstrom Chandra Beem Amber Bennett Stephanie Beran Stacey Bergmark Jaime Bemth Andrew Bishop Sarah Blodgett Eric Boggs Brian Bohrer Jason Boltz Matthew Boring Cassandra Bosley Dalavone Bouasym Sarah Bre mer Nicolette Brenton Tony Brezenski Robert Brooks April Broxterman Kimberly Bruha Kasey Brummund Kendra Brummund Trisha Burson Lyndsay Butterfield Katie Cad wallader Lesley Case Myron Cassell Chad Caward Lizeth Cervantes Justin Chamness Amanda Chollar Michael Christensen William Cole Justice Colson Abby Con ner Shanita Cook John Corlde Jorge Corral Steven Cowell Justin Cramer Christo pher Cynova Maiy Darling De siree de la Motte Angie De Leon Mariane Pontes Maciel de Lima Jared DeLay Emily Deptie Bridget Dickinson Kurtis Dil lon Brian Dunagan Eric Dun ning Laura Echtemacht Adam Ehly Tamra Enck Doris Esco bar Vasquez Rhett Etherton Scott Evans Dustin angmeier Corey arlee Katie arrell Holly el ton Elizabeth em Pedro er nandez Adam erris April ielding Sean itzgerald Melis sa ladseth Chelsey lagle An drew laherty Kacey lyr Lu cas osket Justin oster Bradley oth Eric rancisco Anthony rederick Mikala ree man Eric rench Justin riedricksen Teresa riedrick sen Ginny riesen Andrew rohling Russell uehrer II Lindsey uller JoLynn unk Eric ye Jesus Galaviz Josue Garcia Nancy Garcia Crystal Garcia Wing Kelle Gardner Stephen Glade Kristopher Gloor Marc Godeker Angela Gonzales Lina Gonzalez Melisa Goss Tara Gregg Erin Griebel Erin Grimes Tia Grotzky Jonathan Haack Nabil Haghighi Corey Halm Ivan Hamel Sandra Hamilton Lucas Hanco*ck Rochelle Hansen Breanne Happold Brian Heim Heather Hendrickson Tabitha Herndon Sarah Hilligas Michael Hoesche Rachel Hoffer Heather Hogan Tanner Hom Jana Hudakova Carissa Hynes Ai Ito Brandi Iwanski LaToya Jackson Elizabeth Jaix en Jaqueline Jaquez Lora Jew ell Travis Jewell Julie Jo hansen Lindsey Kaczor Olle Karlsson Kimberly Kelly John ny Keolavone John Kershner Mari Keyser Tippakone Kham patoumma Gena Killinger Brandon Kimble Dace Kimport Stacey Kliewer Timothy Knott Brent Koch James Koch Tyler Krecklow Melissa Kruse Jen nifer Kubik Alan Kully Echo Kuszak Daniel Kutschkau Jennifer Lakey David Lambelet Jennifer Larsen Lucas Larson Brandon Latimer Lisa Laws San Le Tisha Lee Christian Leinhauser Sacha Lentz Trevor Lewandowski Cassie Lillibridge Kecia Linden Brian Livingston Carmen Lobdell Trisha Long Carlos Lopez Adam Luchsinger Ruben Luna Jessi ca Lundgren Nichole Main Justin Malesker Matthew Maly Amber Marshall Deidre Maser Amanda Matthiessen David Mattson Micah McCaf frey Kelly McCarty Gina Mc Clellan Matthew McGraw Eliz abeth McKoski Tina Medrano Blake Meier David Melendez Kate Melson Irene Aguilar Mendez Bernardo Lopez Men dez Lindsay Mendyk Troy Menke Kate Merten Christo pher Miles Crystal Miller Jesse Moeller Brandt Molacek Juan Molina Daniel Mora Jr Heather Morgan Heather Morris Jayson Morris Troy Morris Julie Morse Spencer Mortensen Elizabeth Mott Robert Mueller Yvonne Mueller Jason Muhle Kaleena Mullen Christopher Myers Jon Myers Crystal Nagorski Justin Nelsen Bethany Nelson Bryce Noe Jason Nolte Joel Nowak Ryan Obermeier Richard Olson Nathan Omel Joseph Orcutt Ja cob Ottman Shannon Otto Vanessa Pacanza Eduardo Pa los Tanya Payne Wilson Penate Kelli Penrose Janet Perry Luann Peters Thien Pham Saysamone Phanthavong Sarah Pillard Crystal Ponto Adam Potter Armanda Puente Elsa Ramirez Matthew Randolph Samuel Rapien Christopher Rathbun Jessica Rathjen Jennifer Reeh Sarah Reinert Abigail Reiss Jennifer Renter Theresa Rerucha Gary Rinke Isaura Rodriguez Velas co Jason Roe Adam Roeser Desiree Rosas Tyson Rose Krystalynn Dion Royse Jill Run cie Adam Russell Laura Rus sell Jason Samway Michael Sandoval Jennifer Saner Jason Satterly Stephanie Scheel Matthew Schiele Jordan Schlund Heather Schoenstein Benjamin Schroed er Rebecca Schupp Dana Schweitzer Jillian Scott Matthew Scott Timothy Sebesta Margaret Shanahan Apryl Sherman Jarad Shipps Russell Shottenkirk Kristen Shurtleff Dylan Sims Courtney Sindelar Melissa Sinnard Lori Sloan Richard Smaha Courtney Smith Steven Smith Melissa Soto Clark Spanel Brandi Stade Terri Stafford Dustin Stamer Danielle Sterling Brandon Stigge Sarah Stoddard Stephanie Stoppkotte Patrick Stranske Melissa Straw Dorothea Streller Brooke Studley Aaron Sundberg Scott Swihart Joseph Taylor Brie Thaden Deborah Thompson Jeremy Thomson Griselda Tinajero Miriam Tor res Carbajal Scott Tran Gabriel Trejo Jovani Trejo Ryan Trosper Kathryn Tucker Tara Valasik Samuel Valasek Timothy Vance Matthew Vasey Amy Vaughn Ryan Vo gel Joni Vogt Samantha Volk Pongphathai Vorasong Geri Wagner William Wagner Car rie Walker Jaimie Ward William Washington II Brett Webb Ray mond Weber Brian Whitecalf Kathryn Whitman Jonathan Wiegand Leslie Wieland Chelsie Wieseman Erica Wilkin son Shaun Willey Amber Williams Elizabeth Williams Katie Williams Michael Williams Monica Winget Kara Wissing Andrew Wit Keith Wit ter Michael Woodruff Ashley Woodward Eric Wright Shawn Wright Gabriel Ybarra Christina Ze leski Kevin Zink Misty Zipf Christina Zook Nicholas Zrust Right to protest? Lincoln minister worried about picketing officers! LINCOLN (AP) A minister whose church is routinely picketed by abortion op 7' ponents was alarmed to see two off duty Lin coln police officers join the protest Sunday The Rev Andrew McDonald pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church said he learned last week that officers Mark John son and Mike Schaaf were involved in orga nizing a rally for Sunday outside the church Westminster has been targeted by pro testers for the past three years because 3 member who is a former church elder is a Lincoln doctor who performs abortions Lin coln police routinely monitor the protesters people of this church have come to trust them and feel that we can rely on them to be a neutral McDonald said Sun day today they have voiced that they are not a neutral party and very trou bling for 4 Johnson and Schaaf referred all ques tions to Ruben Rodriguez a Nueces County Texas deputy sheriff who is president of the National ederation of Officers for Life Rodriguez who formed the federation ten years ago said police officers are allowed tQ participate in any legal peaceful activity Turn to: Protest Page 1 1 Lincoln Omaha commuter train supporters not ready to give up LINCOLN (AP) Still reeling from Gov Mike veto of funding for a study into a commuter train between Lincoln and Omaha supporters of giving up on the idea Members of ProRail met Saturday in Lin: coin to discuss their options wanted to talk about where do we go from said Dan Lutz ProRail Nebras ka president was the purpose of to Lutz admitted there may not be much more the train supporters can do But state Sen Shelley Kiel of Omaha en couraged ProRail members to continue ap plying for federal funding and private sup port Kiel introduced legislation that created the Nebraska Transit and Rail Advisory Council which was charged with conducting the feasibility study by January 2002 the raising costs of gasoline inter state repair and the increase of congestion and traffic accidents this is a viable alterna Kiel said But Johanns in March cut the funding calling the train a Kiel said the study could serve the whole state not just Omaha and Lincoln is first step in improving passenger rail across she said believe the study will show that people would be willing to use it if only it was an Kiel advised ProRail to lobby for more support from state government to give it a stronger voice on the federal level Tom Mulligan director of passenger ser vices for Omaha based Union Pacific Rail road said chances for a railroad connecting the two biggest cities were slim a real challenge to operate passen ger he said Reiter: Wood River teacher retires after 39 years of instructing rom Page 1 A Despite those limitations she found that students learned from each other and knew what was expected in the next grade would never give up that one year expe Leonard Reiter said was fantas After teaching sixth grade for one year at Wood River Elementary she moved to Grand Island teaching at Dodge and West Lawn el ementary schools for 11 years During that time she and her first hus band had two children She took a year off when each was bom but did some substitute teaching She moved back to Wood River 24 years ago teaching first second and fifth grades She also received her degree and came within three credits of getting her doc torate 4 The longtime instructor finds that fifth graders are easiest to teach not boy crazy she said eager to learn ifth graders are so much more independent and more willing to explore to find Leonard teaching philosophy in volves trying to have her students become re sponsible citizens and learn as much as they possibly can always been a teacher whose theme is firm but she said expect them to gain self discipline If they have self dis cipline they have That philosophy is reflected in a yellow sign posted on her dry erase board that lists the classroom rules Several trends have occurred during Leonard tenure such as technology and how society views discipline and teacher A A IndependentScott Kingsley Mavis Reiter sits for a portrait at her desk in her classroom of 17 years at Wood River Elementary Reiter with 39 years of teaching 25 of those at Wood River is retiring at the end of the school year student contact in the classroom Computers have opened up a new world for students and made their learning ways more complicated she said Regarding student contact the instructor still gives her students a pat on the shoulder and gives them verbal praise they do a good job they need to know she said is too much negativism in this world as it Leonard Reiter said she broke the news of her retirement to her students in March She said they were surprised have a good rapport with my she said are old enough to understand what retirement ifth grader April Nielsen 11 said disappointed that her teacher is leaving but she looks forward to the prospect of having Leonard Reiter teach as a substitute if need ed wish she could be my teacher April said grabbing a book out of her desk for social studies is one of my favorite teachers She tries to challenge Third grade teacher Carol Dietz who has taught with Leonard Reiter for 13 years de scribed her as a dedicated and well prepared instructor Hays said the departing teacher was pro ject oriented noting that her class just fin ished a lesson on Hawaii whole room was covered with Hawaiian paraphernalia things she had when she Hays said really en couraged kids to touch it and work with Elementary SuperintendentPrincipal Mike Kavanaugh characterized Leonard Re iter as a strong upper elementary level teacher with strengths in social studies and as a strong yet fair disciplinarian students enter her classroom there are certain he said those children exit that classrooms they are prepared for the next level experience is going to be very diffi cult to 1 Kavanaugh also said the retiring teacher is a caring individual who expressed that through her requirements for completing homework When students have personal problems she shows compassion for them sure it was a difficult decision for4 Mavis to he said have been a lot of lives she has touched in 39 4 Those lives have made teaching a reward ing experience for Leonard Reiter She has enjoyed kids succeed go on to college and make a terrific career fori she said miss watching them in so many different.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.