The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Springfield, Monday, January 8, 1973 1 Snipers Slaughter 10 Continued From Page 1 deputy police superintendent, who was apparently ambushed as he went after the gunman, and a member of 'the hotel staff, whose pajama-clad body 1 was found in a stairwell. Almost 10 hours after the shooting, policemen had worked their way through most of the 18-story building. fires were out or under 1 control and the snipers were holed up on the roof. At one point, officers fired high-powered weapons at a parapet covering a stairwell atop the hotel, where some said the man or men apparently holed up. From the start there had been confusion about how many snipers there were.

Police said at first it had to be two or more -possibly as many as five -because of the rapid-fire shooting from such widely scattered parts of the building. But later they it probably was a "lone gunman (Associated Press Wirephoto) 4 A plainclothes police officer runs for cover as he moves into the area of the burning Howard Johnson Hotel where snipers shot more than a dozen persons Sunday in downtown New Orleans. w1 Victims of Snipers NEW ORLEANS (AP)Here are the known identifications of the dead and injured in the sniper shooting at the Downtown Howard Johnson Hotel in New Orleans Sunday: Dead Louis Sirgo. -Deputy Police Supt. -Patrolmen Paul Persiga and Phillip Coleman.

-Frank Schneider, an assistant manager of the hotel. Injured -Patrolman Kenneth Solis, shot and required surgery. -Patrolman Emanuel Palmisano, shot and required surgery. -Patrolman Charles shot and required surgery. -Patrolman Lawrence Arthur, suffered smoke inhalation.

-Patrolman Mike Berl, suffered smoke inhalation. -An unidentified Jefferson Parish sheriff's deputy, shot. -An unidentified police officer from neighboring Gretna, shot. -Fireman Joe Anderson, shot in the arm and required surgery. -Fireman Tim Ursine, shot in the arm and required surgery.

Charles Canton, an employe of the parish (county) coroner's office, suffered gunshot wounds in the chest, but not believed to be in serious condition. -Walter Collins, critically wounded in the back by gunshot. -Robert Bemish, suffered from a gunshot wound in the stomach. He was identified as a guest who remained huddled in the hotel swimming pool for cover several minutes after being shot. His wounds were not believed serious.


SNIPERS BURNING CLAUDE IN PARISH HOTEL NEW AVE! EXPRESSWAY PONTCHARTRAIN ORLEANS RE 4 RIVE (United Press International Telephoto) Map shows location of the downtown Howard Hotel in New Orleans where snipers concealed themselves Sunday as the hotel burned and shot: at police and firemen responding to the blaze. The snipers, armed with high-powered rifles, killcat ed 10 persons, and wounded a dozen others. ADVERTIsem*nT ADVERTIsem*nT Here's What To Do When Arthritis Pain Makes You Want To Scream When you get an arthritis flare pain and stiffness. You'll agree, up with its pain and stiffness, EXOCAINE starts to work al. you may find aspirin alone does most immediately; that its web not give you the fast, long- come relief usually lasts for lasting relief you hours at a time! For extra relief and soothing What's more, you'll discover comfort, spray and rub in that EXOCAINE MEDIFor this remark- CATED FOAM is greaseless able ruedicated spray- foam, to- And stainless.

Smells good, too! gether with aspirin, does more So, don't let the discomfortthan aspirin alone! ing stiffness and nagging pains That's because, EXOCAINE of arthritis fare-ups needlessly not only relieves minor pains of make your life miserable! Got arthritis; but also helps reduce EXOCAINE at any drug store joint inflammation that causes I today. You need no prescription! Runaway Barges Foul River apparently dashing about the top floors, picking out his targets from various spots. All avenues around the building were barricaded by police. Numerous conflicting reports circulated among police and other officials, providing various death counts and descriptions of the situation. Army of Police The gunfire, which came heavily from the building and was returned with earthrobbing fusillades from a small army of officers, became sporadic as the day waned.

Occasional bursts exploded puffs of dust from the thick concrete stairwell. Officers also had used tear gas in an effort to get the sniper. Although officers said the sniper had shouted, "Come and get me! Why don't you come and get me? I want to surrender," they considered it a ruse and kept their distance. Other officers had said they could hear the man moaning, and thought he was wounded. An estimated 500 law officers surrounded the area and worked up through the building as early evening approached.

Orders went out for officers at ground level to hold their fire for fear of hitting tactical units inching their way toward the roof. Could See Rifle Occasionally a rifle could be seen sticking above the wall, which was pockmarked with bullet holes from police barrages. Below, police declared the first 14 stories of the hotel secure but proceeded with caution on the remaining three. Police Supt. Clarence Giarrusso said one sniper was sighted by officers who made their way to the roof.

"He ran for a stairwell," Giarrusso said. "Our units fired several shots and believe they heard him scream." Covered Firemen Firemen continued to fight the blaze while police covered them with gunfire from neighboring buildings. Patrick Breaux, assistant director of Charity Hospital where the wounded were taken, said about 14 other persons, including policemen, firemen and civilians, were in emergency rooms. Hotel manager Dennis Lacey said many of the guests had been evacuated but an undetermined number still remained on upper floors. Several guests could be seen leaning out balconies to escape smoke and firemen with bullhorns called to them not to jump.

A police spokesman said earlier that the gunfire appeared to be from a highpowered rifle and reported that several fires had been set in various locations in the hotel. Police sharpshooters on the ground and in neighboring tall buildings pelted the building with rifle shots. The officers were armed with submachine guns, telescopeequipped rifles, carbines, and teargas weapons. HELENA, Ark. (AP) A massive oil slick threatened wildlife and posed some danger to water supplies in downstream Mississippi River communities Sunday as three barges one pinned to a bridge pier continued to dump fuel oil into the Weather Halts Work Meanwhile, worsening weather conditions forced a halt to clean-up attempts and to an active search for two crewmen missing since four barges broke loose Friday from a towboat.

Authorities said a swift current sped the barges, each loaded with 800,000 gallons of diesel fuel, down the river toward the Helena bridge. One slammed into a bridge support, forcing it into a U-shape around the pier. They said that barge probablv had emptied itself of the oil. Two of the three other barges that crunched into the bridge were towed to docking facilities about four miles upstream Sunday to empty their oil into shore tanks. The third barge had become partially submerged against the river bank after much of its oil leaked into the river.

Authorities said an attempt would be made to nump it out and refloat it so it, too, could be towed uDstream and secured to the dock. The spreading film of oil snaked its way from the bridge to more than 150 miles downstream. Edgar Thompson, one of several Environmental Protection Agency officials on the scene, said the spill posed some threat to water supplies of downstream communities. "I don't think it's great, though, mainly because of the force and the size of the river," Thompson said. "'The oil would be pretty well dispersed or diffused, SO don't think that's an imminent problem.

"But the oil that's accumulated against the downstream banks presents a definite danger to water fowl," Thompson added. Weather conditions and the seasonal flood stage of the Mississippi hampered cleanup and salvage operations. "The weather fouled us up," Thompson said. "We had MISSISSIPPI R. ARK.

HELENA LITTLE ROCK MISS. GREENVILLE A wrecked barge lost an estimated 400,000 gallons of diesel fuel in the Mississippi River. Traces of the oil spill were seen more than 15 miles downstream from Helena, Sunday. 4 Murder Trial in Final Phase FAIRFIELD, Calif. (UPI) The Juan Corona mass murder trial enters its final sages today after a prosecution presentation of three months and a defense case of six words.

Some time during the week, a 10-man, two-woman jury is expected to receive the case of the farm labor contractor accused of killing 25 field hands and burying their bodies along the banks of the Feather River in northern California. Final prosecution and defense summations are to (Associated Press Wirephoto) Imposter? Police Chief Gene Talent of Pinebluff, N. who caused a furor with zealous traffic law enforcement, has turned out to be a Californian with a record of traffic violations and writing checks, according "to a state investigation. Officials identified the "chief" as William E. Harvey who also had a record as an impersonator of policemen.

Quints Condition Fair EVANSTON, Ill. (AP) Quintuplets born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. James Baer of Northbrook were "holding their own" Sunday, a hospital spokesman said. The three girls and two boys were.

being fed by mouth. The firstborn, Thomas Allen Baer, who earlier had developed a respiratory problem, still was being given oxygen, but the spokesman said his condition was improving and the oxygen levels were reduced. The others were removed from oxygen Saturday. Thomas Allen, Elizabeth, Douglas Edward, Leslie and Vickie were born one month prematurely in Highland Park Hospital. They were transferred to Evanston' Hospital, a special referral center for premature and high risk babies.

The spokesman said Sunday that the pulse rates of all five were normal and their temperatures "near normal." Doctors continued to describe their condition as fair, but stressed that the first three days of life are critical. COCOA CAPER IBADAN, Nigeria (AP) officials announced the arrest of 11 persons in a new crackdown on those who smuggle valuable cocoa across Nigeria's border. begin today, and Superior Court Judge Richard Patton said he expects them, and his instructions to the jury, to take about three days. The chunky 38-year-old defendant has been in custody nearly 600 days since he was arrested May 26, 1971, at his Yuba City, home. He has suffered two apparent heart attacks.

During the trial, which began Sept. 11, 1972, the judge publicly castigated prosecutors for botching their case, and defense attorney Richard Hawk, apparently confident it ha'd been bungled beyond repair, rested his own without testimony. Six Words "Is the defense ready tol proceed?" the judge asked Hawk last. Wednesday. "Yes, your honor," the defense attorney told a crowded Solano County courtroom.

"The defense rests." Hawk said he decided not to call any witnesses because! the prosecution had offered a weak case. Gymnastic Students Enroll in a comprehensive training program in Ballet (Russian technique) and you will not only gain strength and balance, you will improve your form because of increased suppleness Adult beginner classes Morning, Afternoon Evenings For Information Registration Call 737-9192 New England Ballet School, 1675 Main Mass. i A hoped to have helicopters go up and try to locate pockets of the oil. If there were substantial accumulations, we could have tried to mop them up. Now, that's im- possible," he said.

Hazardous Job Salvage companies were reluctant to tackle the job of removing the one barge from the pier because of the (United Press International Telephoto) Federal officials were working to figure out a way, Sunday, to remove this barge from the Mississippi River Bridge at Helena, Ark. The barge has spilled over 400,000 gallons of diesel fuel into the Mississippi since Friday morning's crash into the bridge which claimed the lives of two crewmen. Watergate Break Said Part of Plan GARDEN CITY, N.Y. (UPI) of Democratic headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington was part of a large-scale campaign in which three prominent Democratic senators were kept under electronic surveillance, Newsday said in a copyrighted article in its Sunday editions. Chilean Embassy Break The Long Island newspaper, attributing its information to "a person well acquainted with the activities of the Watergate defendants," also said that a burg.

lary at the Chilean embassy was part of the same effort. The source said that Senate Majoritv Leader Mike Mans-1 field, J. William: fulbrioht, chairman of the Senate Foreion Relations Committee: and Sen. Frank Church, were kept under electronic surveillance during the summer of 1972 bv the same team that burglarized the headauarters of the Democratic. National Committee at! the Watergate.

Newsday also said that two; members of the alleged burglary team have been located who were not arrested on the night of June 17 when the defendants were arrested inside the Democratic headquarters at the plush Wateroate office and hotel complex. Newsday said it was able to confirm some of the statements by its source but the allegations about the surveillance of the senators were neither confirmed nor denied. Newsday said Sen. Mansfield told its reporters that he had no knowledge of any' bugging. A representative of current, Thompson added? "The river current could be as much as 10 knots and the eddies around the pier would make salvaging extremely hazardous," he said.

Neal Duke, a Civil Defense spokesman from West Helena, said the two crewmen were knocked into the river when the barges hit the bridge. He said that while some boats continued to ply the river for the missing men, an all-out search had been called "We sort of gave up after we found out they didn't have any life jackets on," Duke said. Sears Sears WATER HEATER YOU'LL LOVE GAS APPLIANCES Emergency Water Heater Replacement Call Today Before Noon Install Same Day Sears has a full line of Water Heaters ready to install by our own licensed plumbers when your old one goes. Sears 30 Gallon Gas Water Heaters start at $74.00. Use Sears Easy Payment Plan Sears SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO.

Springfield 543-2800 W. Springfield Sen. Fulbright said the same, Newsday said. Seven persons charged in the Watergate case go on! trial in Washington Monday. Newsday also said that two members of the alleged burglary team have been located, who were not along on the night June 17 when the defendants were inside the headquarters at the plush Watergate office and hotel: complex.

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The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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