WWE SmackDown Results 6/21/24 (2024)

WWE SmackDown Results 6/21/24
Allstate Arena
Rosemont, Illinois

You can follow me on Twitter@TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Corey Graves & Wade Barrett)

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Transcription by Josh Lopez

CM Punk & Paul Heyman Segment

CM Punk:Live television on FOX, I’ve got to start off by saying, isn’t great to be alive in Chicago on a Friday night or what? Live TV, that’s pressure. Every time I come out, I’m grateful to be graced in the presence of you beautiful people, that’s pressure. Wrestling or speaking in front of your hometown audience is pressure. Promising to do your best and walk away champion in front of your people is pressure. And y’all might think I’m a little bit crazy, but even to this day, I still think, right before you hear that static, and Living Color belts out, like Mussolini, I wonder if I can handle the pressure. I’m going to give you a date, you let me know by raising your hand or screaming your voice how many people were here. July 17th, 2011. I promised myself, and I promised each and every single one of you that I was going to walk out of my hometown, the WWE Champion. That’s pressure. I could’ve slipped on a banana peel, fell flat on my face, and made an embarrassment out of myself, and made an embarrassment out of Chicago, but did I do that? Did I do that? One more time, did I embarrass Chicago? See where I’m going with this, don’t you?

I was told I was going to get jumped in Glasgow. I was told we needed to hire extra security in Glasgow, because if I interfered with the title match, boy, they were going to have it. They were going to have my head on a pike. I was going to ruin everybody’s day. Do I ruin everybody’s day? And I hate to kick a man while he’s down, but it’s a little bit of revenge, isn’t it? Because for weeks, turned into months, Drew McIntyre kicked me while I was down. And because of promises I always made, and promises I’ve kept, he didn’t just kick me, he was kicking Chicago. You can do three things in that situation. You can stay down. It’s not an option.

You can get back up and turn the other cheek, I’m from Chicago, that’s not an option. I chose the Chicago way. They want to send me to the hospital; I’m going to send them in the morgue. Now, I’m not boasting that I’m going to kill a man, but I set out to kill his career. I said I would make Drew McIntyre’s life a living hell, and I plan on burying his career, six feet under. I just didn’t think it would be that easy, because you heard this, I’m sure you’ve seen this. Drew McIntyre has quit. He couldn’t take the pressure. He said he prayed for bad things to happen to CM Punk, so I prayed on him, and I made bad things happen to him. And I was so looking forward to coming back here, and making more bad things happen to him, but he has taken ball, and he has gone home.

Paul Heyman:Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. I am not out here tonight to disrespect you, of all people, I would never disrespect you. I came out here now because I just got here, I’m admittedly running late, and I don’t know if you realize this, it’s hot as balls outside. And when CM Punk opens up a show, it’s hot as balls in the Allstate Arena as well. This man, that man right here, sat next to my children when I was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Despite being the wiseman for “The Tribal Chief” Roman Reigns, I told the world that you are my best friend. I meant it then, and I mean it now. I’ve come here in an urgent situation. May I?

CM Punk: There’s about one person in this world that can hijack my promo, and get them to chant Roman Reigns, and it’s you. I forgive you, come on in. Are you alright? You don’t look so good.

Heyman gives Punk a big hug as he walks into the ring.

Paul Heyman:I’m sorry, I needed that. I came out here because driving in, on the radio, we’re listening to sports radio, and they say on the radio that Chicago is CM Punk’s town. And that really pissed off Solo, because Solo, now that he is the head of the table, Solo wants every town to be his town. And I came out here to do you a favor, and I want a favor back. The favor is, I came out here because any day you are going to get medically cleared, and anybody that steps up to you are going to learn that they’re stepping in the ring with the best in the world. And if you don’t get out of here right now, they’re coming out here for you. And that’s not going to do anybody any good, because you can see the extra security that is now here, and the extra security that’s in the locker room. That’s like for the Wyatt’s or anybody else that wants to cause trouble, not for a group of rogue Samoan’s and Tongan’s that are taking this way out of proportion. So, the favor that I’m doing for you, is to say with you, with love and respect, against your own instincts, please get the hell out of here, right now.

CM Punk: You’re serious? You want me to leave because Solo and The Tongan’s are going to try jump me in Chicago?

Solo Sikoa: Hey, yo, Punk. If you want to be on SmackDown, on my show, in my city, you got two options, two. One, you pay your respect to me and The Bloodline. Or, two, we about to make sure your ass never gets cleared to wrestle again. So, what do you want to do?

CM Punk:Paul, what’s the favor you wanted to ask me if I do you this favor?

Paul Heyman:Take me with you.

CM Punk: Solo. I acknowledge the fact that I don’t see The Bloodline standing in front of me. I see a bunch of fake ass Usos, and a phony cosplay tribal chief.

The Bloodline walks into the ring. Cody Rhodes storms with two baseball bats. The Bloodline retreats to the outside.

Cody Rhodes: Solo, you fashion yourself, the head of the table, right? I’ve already beat one head of the table. So why don’t you leave your family backstage. Kevin Owens and Randy Orton won’t accompany me, and we settle this here, we settle this tonight.

– We see Jade Cargill trying to give Bianca BelAir some encouragement ahead of her MITB Qualifying Match. Jade says that she also needs to talk to Nick Aldis about getting their title rematch. Bianca wants to focus on her match. She has to handle business, become Ms. MITB, and then they’ll get their tag team titles back. Jade says that she would wish Bianca luck, but she doesn’t need it.

– Cody Rhodes runs into Kevin Owens and Randy Orton in the backstage area. With everything going around this place, is Cody sure that he wants to fight Solo alone. Cody says that it’s just something he has to do. They both got MITB Qualifying matches to worry about. Cody’s got this. Kevin doesn’t like this idea because The Bloodline always has a plan. Cody says that Kevin may be right, but he’s got a plan, too. Cody wishes Kevin luck in his match later on tonight.

First Match: Bianca BelAir vs. Chelsea Green vs. Michin In The Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

Green starts things off with a running forearm smash to BelAir. Michin rolls Green over for a two count. Green with a straight right hand. BelAir and Michin treat Green like a punching bag. Green exits the ring. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Michin applies a side headlock. Bayley is watching this match from the backstage area. BelAir whips Michin across the ring. BelAir drops Michin with a shoulder tackle. BelAir poses for the crowd. Michin drops down on the canvas. Green punches BelAir. Michin answers with The Pounce. BelAir rolls Michin over for a two count. Michin ducks a clothesline from BelAir. BelAir side steps a dropkick from Michin.

Green denies The Handspring MoonSault. Green pulls BelAir out of the ring. Green avoids The Baseball Slide Dropkick. Green dishes out another haymaker. Forearm Exchange. Hockey Fight. Green lands The Suicide Dive. Green has complete control of the match during the commercial break. BelAir punches Green in the back. Michin with a Double Belly to Back Suplex off the turnbuckles. Second Forearm Exchange. BelAir shoves Michin. BelAir avoids The Roundhouse Kick. BelAir with a quick rollup for a two count. BelAir catches Michin in mid-air. Michin with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Michin delivers Eat Defeat. Green rolls Michin over for a two count. Green denies Eat Defeat. Michin negates The Unprettier. Green slaps Michin in the face. Michin HeadButts Green. Michin hits The Styles Clash for a two count. Standing Switch Exchange. BelAir with a Release German Suplex. BelAir connects with The KOD. Green dumps BelAir out of the ring. Green proceeds to steal the victory.

Winner: Chelsea Green via Pinfall

– Blair Davenport wants Bayley to tell Naomi that she’s looking forward to their MITB Qualifying Match. And when Blair becomes Ms. MITB, she’s really looking forward to cashing in on Bayley.

– Back inside The Bloodline locker room, Solo Sikoa asks Paul Heyman if he wants to leave. Heyman shakes his head no. Before he decides to leave with CM Punk, Solo wants Heyman to tell the Tongans to make sure that Randy Orton and Kevin Owens don’t get involved in his main event. If Solo tells Heyman to do something, he better do it. Heyman says that he’ll take care of it right now. When Heyman comes back, they need to have a talk.

– Kayla Braxton had a backstage interview with Grayson Waller. It would be easy to believe that Grayson is having a hard time focusing on his MITB Qualifying Match when his tag team partner is at home recovering. Grayson is dedicating his match tonight to Austin Theory. He’s going to go on to win MITB for Theory because he’s good in ladder matches. DIY joins the conversation. Johnny Gargano says that Grayson won’t have a hard time because he only cares about himself. Tommaso Ciampa feels like Grayson sacrificed Theory for a shot to compete MITB. We hear loud banging from behind the Allstate Arena garage door. The door rises up and we see CM Punk laid out on the floor, bleeding from the mouth and Drew McIntyre is standing over him. McIntyre puts Punk on his shoulder and brings him through the gorilla position. McIntyre dumps Punk on top of the stage. McIntyre steals Punk’s friendship bracelet. McIntyre gets into a shoving contest with Nick Aldis. Punk gets taken out on a stretcher. We see Punk get loaded inside the ambulance coming out of the commercial break.

Second Match: Randy Orton vs. Carmelo Hayes vs. Tama Tonga In The Men’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

Hayes and Tonga gangs up on Orton after the bell rings. Hayes repeatedly stomps on Orton’s chest. Tonga shoves Hayes away. Tonga is putting the bootsto Orton. Hayes rolls Tonga over for a two count. That leads us to a quick shoving contest in the center of the ring. Orton uppercuts Tonga. Orton kicks Tonga in the gut. Orton dumps Tonga out of the ring. Orton with a gut punch. Orton slams Tonga’s head on the announce table. Hayes attacks Tonga from behind. Orton with a toe kick. Hayes and Tonga tees off on Orton. Orton decks Hayes with a back elbow smash. Orton with a straight right hand. Belly to Back Suplex Party.

Hayes has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Tonga reverses out of the irish whip from Hayes. Tonga with a corkscrew uppercut. Tonga with clubbing blows to Hayes chest. Tonga follows that with a Sliding Lariat for a two count. Tonga HeadButts Hayes. Tonga applies a rear chin lock. Tonga punches Hayes in the back. Hayes with a Pump Kick. Hayes SuperKicks Tonga. Tonga sends Hayes to the corner. Hayes drops Tonga with The La Mistica for a two count. Tonga goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Hayes counters with an inside cradle for a two count. Hayes ducks a clothesline from Tonga. Hayes with a back elbow smash. Hayes goes for The Springboard Clothesline, but Tonga counters with The Uranage BackBreaker for a two count.

Orton is throwing haymakers at Tonga. Orton uppercuts Tonga. Orton with two clotheslines. Orton ducks a clothesline from Tonga. Orton Powerslams Tonga. Orton has Hayes perched on the top turnbuckle. Orton with two haymakers. Orton with The SuperPlex for a two count. Tonga applies The Sleeper Hold. Orton flings Tonga across the ring. Tonga unloads a flurry of strikes. Orton responds with a thumb to the eye. Hayes delivers The First 48. Tonga hits The Running Flatliner for a two count. Hayes pie faces Tonga. Hayes and Tonga are trading back and forth shots. Forearm Exchange. Tonga goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Hayes lands back on his feet. Orton dumps Tonga out of the ring. Orton with The Double Draping DDT. Orton prepares for The RKO. Orton blasts Tanga Loa off the ring apron. Kevin Owens comes out to neutralizeLoa. Orton sends Tonga out of the ring. Hayes rolls Orton over to pickupthe victory.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes via Pinfall

– We get a video recap of The Wyatt Sicks Debut.

Logan Paul, LA Knight, Santos Escobar Segment

LA Knight:Let me talk to you. Let’s not waste any time, Logan Paul, bring your goofy hair keester down here, and bring that US Belt with you. We’re not doing this again, are we? My god, you got to be kidding me. You know, I looked right down the barrel a couple weeks ago, and I said, I want that US Championship, and that liver tail goof said no. So, I said, okay, I’ll do him one better. I’ll show up at his house. I’ll press the issue. And then I got a phone call that said, he would be right here in this ring. And I said that’s the way to do it, and what does he do? He no shows, Chicago.

My man, time is running out. You got to understand something. Next week, you can’t run. Madison Square Garden. It’s me, it’s you, it’s Santos Escobar. It’s not the match I want. I want to be, me and you, US Championship, but instead we’re qualifying for Money In The Bank, and that’s got me thinking. I started thinking, I beat you once next week, and then I move on to MITB. I snatch that case, I come looking for you, and then double the pleasure, double the fun, YEAH! I’ll beat you. Cut his stupid music. I didn’t ask for you, I asked for Logan Paul.

Santos Escobar: Shut up. I don’t need an invitation. I show up and I tell the truth. And the truth is, you must be delusional, you must be. You are out here running your mouth, chasing Logan Paul like a desperate Chicago fan boy. It’s embarrassing, embarrassing. But let me wise you up. Next week, you’re not only dealing with your icon, your idol, your guru, Logan Paul, you’re dealing with me, Santos Escobar. You be wise to remember that.

LA Knight: Well, you’re clearly a fan favorite. Everybody here loves you, you goof. Look, I’ll tell you what, every time I’ve had to beat you, I did, so I’m not looking at you, I’m looking past you. The guy I’m looking at is Logan Paul.

Santos kicks the left knee of Knight. Santos goes for The Phantom Driver, but Knight lands back on his feet. Knight nails Santos with The BFT.

LA Knight:As I told you, as a matter of fact, I told Logan Paul. You can get beat up and stomped out.

Logan Paul attacks Knight from behind. Paul drives Knight shoulder first into the steel ring post. Paul delivers The Titanium Punch to close the segment.

Third Match: Kevin Owens vs. Grayson Waller vs. Andrade El Idolo In The Men’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

The Bloodline attacks Owens before the bell rings. Randy Orton attacks GOD with a steel chair. Owens limps his way back into the ring. Owens with a straight right hand. Waller repeatedly stomps on Owens chest. Idolo drops Waller with The Discus Back Elbow for a two count. Idolo with The Slingshot Pescado. Waller sends Idolo back first into the ring apron. Waller with The Sliding Lariat. Owens clotheslines Waller. Owens with a Running Senton Splash on the floor. Owens rolls Waller back into the ring. Idolo with forearm shivers. Waller is throwing haymakers at Idolo. Idolo slaps Waller in the chest. Waller kicks Idolo in the face. Big Boot Exchange. Waller with a Jumping Knee Strike. Owens clotheslines Idolo back into the ring. Waller kicks Owens in the gut. Waller goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Owens blocks it. Owens goes for a PowerBomb, but Waller counters with a Back Body Drop on the ring apron.

Idolo with The Sunset Flip PowerBomb off the apron. Waller regains control of the match during the commercial break. Forearm Exchange. Owens with a chop/haymaker combination. Chop Exchange. Idolo fires back with forearm shivers. Idolo with a blistering chop. Waller ducks a clothesline from Idolo. Waller rocks Idolo with a forearm smash. Waller with a Jumping Knee Strike to Owens. Idolo with a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle pad. Idolo plays to the crowd. Idolo with Two Shotgun Meteoras for a two count. Chop/Forearm Exchange. Hockey Fight. Double Forearm. Waller with The Double Flatliner for a pair of separate two counts. Waller is displaying his frustration.

Owens denies The A-Town Down. Waller blocks The Stunner. Waller kicks out the legs of Owens. Idolo with a leaping back elbow smash. Waller side steps Idolo into the turnbuckles. Idolo launches Waller over the top rope. Waller with a big right hand. Idolo responds with a knife edge chop. Idolo with forearm shivers. Idolo goes for The SuperPlex, but Owens counters with The Tower Of Doom. Owens lands The Swanton Bomb for a two count. Owens goes for The Pop Up PowerBomb, but Idolo lands back on his feet. Owens avoids The Message. Owens hits The Stunner for a two count. Waller slams the left leg of Owens on the apron. Waller nails Owens with The DDT on the floor. Waller goes for The Roll Through Stunner, but Idolo counters with The Message to pickup the victory.

Winner: Andrade El Idolo via Pinfall

– Tiffany Stratton pokes fun at Michin for losing her MITB Qualifying Match. Stratton says that she knows how to handle pressure and she’ll win her qualifying match next week. Michin says at least she doesn’t need to crawl to Nia Jax for protection. Michin blocks a slap from Stratton and delivers one of her own. Nia Jax blasts Michin with The Running Body Avalanche against the road case.

– Next week on SmackDown, Jade Cargill will battle Tiffany Stratton and Candice LeRae In A MITB Qualifying Match. Blair Davenport will take on Naomi and Indi Hartwell in the other women’s MITB Qualifying Match.

– Drew McIntyre told Kayla Braxton that he’ll be on Raw this Monday. CM Punk will be staying in a local hospital over night for further evaluation.

– Paul Heyman relayed the information to GOD, and they took care of business. Heyman says that Solo is breaking commandments. There were several things Roman Reigns told Paul Heyman before he got on his private jet following WrestleMania. CM Punk was hands off due to the personal relationship he has with Heyman. Two, it’s not Solo’s responsibility to take care of Cody Rhodes. Solo says that Roman Reigns is not coming back. Heyman looks absolutely shocked.

Fourth Match: Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa w/Paul Heyman

Rhodes ducks a clothesline from Sikoa. Rhodes kicks Sikoa in the gut. Uppercut Exchange. Rhodes dumps Sikoa out of the ring. Rhodes lands The Suicide Dive. Haymaker Exchange. Rhodes sends Sikoa crashing into two sets of steel ring steps. Rhodes rolls Sikoa back into the ring. Rhodes prepares for The CrossRhodes. GOD attacks Rhodes from behind which forces the disqualification. After the match, The Bloodline gangs up on Rhodes. Sikoa prepares for The Samoan Spike. The Bloodline gets into a massive brawl with Randy Orton and Kevin Owens. Owens drops Loa with The Stunner. Orton nails Tonga with The RKO.

Sikoa is left in the ring alone with Rhodes, Orton and Owens. Sikoa starts begging for mercy, then starts laughing. Jacob Fatu dishes out Three SuperKicks. Fatu with an Inside Out Lariat. Fatu whips Owens into the ringside barricade. Fatu connects with The Samoan Drop onto the ring stairs. Fatu Spears Orton through the barricade. Rhodes is throwing haymakers at Fatu. Rhodes clotheslines Fatu over the top rope. Fatu pulls Rhodes out of the ring. Fatu with The Uranage Slam on the apron. Fatu with Two HeadButts. Fatu plants Rhodes with The Flying Splash through the announce table. Fatu hugs Siko. Fatu poses with The Bloodline as the show goes off the air.

Winner: Cody Rhodes via Disqualification

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WWE SmackDown Results 6/21/24 (2024)


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