Testing the Effectiveness of Antiseptics and Disinfectants (2024)

Learning Objectives

  • Describe why the phenol coefficient is used
  • Compare and contrast the disk-diffusion, use-dilution, and in-use methods for testing the effectiveness of antiseptics, disinfectants, and sterilants

The effectiveness of various chemical disinfectants is reflected in the terms used to describe them. Chemical disinfectants are grouped by the power of their activity, with each category reflecting the types of microbes and viruses its component disinfectants are effective against. High-level germicides have the ability to kill vegetative cells, fungi, viruses, and endospores, leading to sterilization, with extended use. Intermediate-level germicides, as their name suggests, are less effective against endospores and certain viruses, and low-level germicides kill only vegetative cells and certain enveloped viruses, and are ineffective against endospores.

However, several environmental conditions influence the potency of an antimicrobial agent and its effectiveness. For example, length of exposure is particularly important, with longer exposure increasing efficacy. Similarly, the concentration of the chemical agent is also important, with higher concentrations being more effective than lower ones. Temperature, pH, and other factors can also affect the potency of a disinfecting agent.

One method to determine the effectiveness of a chemical agent includes swabbing surfaces before and after use to confirm whether a sterile field was maintained during use. Additional tests are described in the sections that follow. These tests allow for the maintenance of appropriate disinfection protocols in clinical settings, controlling microbial growth to protect patients, health-care workers, and the community.

Phenol Coefficient

The effectiveness of a disinfectant or antiseptic can be determined in a number of ways. Historically, a chemical agent’s effectiveness was often compared with that of phenol, the first chemical agent used by Joseph Lister. In 1903, British chemists Samuel Rideal (1863–1929) and J. T. Ainslie Walker (1868–1930) established a protocol to compare the effectiveness of a variety of chemicals with that of phenol, using as their test organisms Staphylococcus aureus (a gram-positive bacterium) and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (a gram-negative bacterium). They exposed the test bacteria to the antimicrobial chemical solutions diluted in water for 7.5 minutes. They then calculated a phenol coefficient for each chemical for each of the two bacteria tested. A phenol coefficient of 1.0 means that the chemical agent has about the same level of effectiveness as phenol. A chemical agent with a phenol coefficient of less than 1.0 is less effective than phenol. An example is formalin, with phenol coefficients of 0.3 (S. aureus) and 0.7 (S. enterica serovar Typhi). A chemical agent with a phenol coefficient greater than 1.0 is more effective than phenol, such as chloramine, with phenol coefficients of 133 and 100, respectively. Although the phenol coefficient was once a useful measure of effectiveness, it is no longer commonly used because the conditions and organisms used were arbitrarily chosen.

Think About It

  • What are the differences between the three levels of disinfectant effectiveness?

Disk-Diffusion Method

The disk-diffusion method involves applying different chemicals to separate, sterile filter paper disks. The disks are then placed on an agar plate that has been inoculated with the targeted bacterium and the chemicals diffuse out of the disks into the agar where the bacteria have been inoculated. As the “lawn” of bacteria grows, zones of inhibition of microbial growth are observed as clear areas around the disks. Although there are other factors that contribute to the sizes of zones of inhibition (e.g., whether the agent is water soluble and able to diffuse in the agar), larger zones typically correlate to increased inhibition effectiveness of the chemical agent. The diameter across each zone is measured in millimeters.

Testing the Effectiveness of Antiseptics and Disinfectants (1)

A disk-diffusion assay is used to determine the effectiveness of chemical agents against a particular microbe. (a) A plate is inoculated with various antimicrobial discs. The zone of inhibition around each disc indicates how effective that antimicrobial is against the particular species being tested. (b) On these plates, four antimicrobial agents are tested for efficacy in killing Pseudomonas aeruginosa (left) and Staphylococcus aureus (right). These antimicrobials are much more effective at killing S. aureus, as indicated by the size of the zones of inhibition. (credit b: modification of work by American Society for Microbiology)

Think About It

  • When comparing the activities of two disinfectants against the same microbe, using the disk-diffusion assay, and assuming both are water soluble and can easily diffuse in the agar, would a more effective disinfectant have a larger zone of inhibition or a smaller one?

Use-Dilution Test

Other methods are also used for measuring the effectiveness of a chemical agent in clinical settings. The use-dilution test is commonly used to determine a chemical’s disinfection effectiveness on an inanimate surface. For this test, a cylinder of stainless steel is dipped in a culture of the targeted microorganism and then dried. The cylinder is then dipped in solutions of disinfectant at various concentrations for a specified amount of time. Finally, the cylinder is transferred to a new test tube containing fresh sterile medium that does not contain disinfectant, and this test tube is incubated. Bacterial survival is demonstrated by the presence of turbidity in the medium, whereas killing of the target organism on the cylinder by the disinfectant will produce no turbidity.

The Association of Official Agricultural Chemists International (AOAC), a nonprofit group that establishes many protocol standards, has determined that a minimum of 59 of 60 replicates must show no growth in such a test to achieve a passing result, and the results must be repeatable from different batches of disinfectant and when performed on different days. Disinfectant manufacturers perform use-dilution tests to validate the efficacy claims for their products, as designated by the EPA.

Think About It

  • Is the use-dilution test performed in a clinical setting? Why?

In-Use Test

An in-use test can determine whether an actively used solution of disinfectant in a clinical setting is microbially contaminated. A 1-mL sample of the used disinfectant is diluted into 9 mL of sterile broth medium that also contains a compound to inactivate the disinfectant. Ten drops, totaling approximately 0.2 mL of this mixture, are then inoculated onto each of two agar plates. One plate is incubated at 37 °C for 3 days and the other is incubated at room temperature for 7 days. The plates are monitored for growth of microbial colonies. Growth of five or more colonies on either plate suggests that viable microbial cells existed in the disinfectant solution and that it is contaminated. Such in-use tests monitor the effectiveness of disinfectants in the clinical setting.

Testing the Effectiveness of Antiseptics and Disinfectants (2)

Figure 2. Used disinfectant solutions in a clinical setting can be checked with the in-use test for contamination with microbes.

Think About It

  • What does a positive in-use test indicate?

Clinical Focus: Jenny, Resolution

This example concludes Jenny’s story that started in Controlling Microbial Growth.

Despite antibiotic treatment, Jenny’s symptoms worsened. She developed pyelonephritis, a severe kidney infection, and was rehospitalized in the intensive care unit (ICU). Her condition continued to deteriorate, and she developed symptoms of septic shock. At this point, her physician ordered a culture from her urine to determine the exact cause of her infection, as well as a drug sensitivity test to determine what antibiotics would be effective against the causative bacterium. The results of this test indicated resistance to a wide range of antibiotics, including the carbapenems, a class of antibiotics that are used as the last resort for many types of bacterial infections. This was an alarming outcome, suggesting that Jenny’s infection was caused by a so-called superbug: a bacterial strain that has developed resistance to the majority of commonly used antibiotics. In this case, the causative agent belonged to the carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), a drug-resistant family of bacteria normally found in the digestive system. When CRE is introduced to other body systems, as might occur through improperly cleaned surgical instruments, catheters, or endoscopes, aggressive infections can occur.

CRE infections are notoriously difficult to treat, with a 40%–50% fatality rate. To treat her kidney infection and septic shock, Jennywas treated with dialysis, intravenous fluids, and medications to maintain blood pressure and prevent blood clotting. She was also started on aggressive treatment with intravenous administration of a new drug called tigecycline, which has been successful in treating infections caused by drug-resistant bacteria.

After several weeks in the ICU, Jennyrecovered from her CRE infection. However, public health officials soon noticed that Jenny’s case was not isolated. Several patients who underwent similar procedures at the same hospital also developed CRE infections, some dying as a result. Ultimately, the source of the infection was traced to the duodenoscopes used in the procedures. Despite the hospital staff meticulously following manufacturer protocols for disinfection, bacteria, including CRE, remained within the instruments and were introduced to patients during procedures.

Testing the Effectiveness of Antiseptics and Disinfectants (3)

Figure 3. CRE is an extremely drug-resistant strain of bacteria that is typically associated with nosocomial infections. (credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Who Is Responsible?

Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae infections due to contaminated endoscopes have become a high-profile problem in recent years. Several CRE outbreaks have been traced to endoscopes, including a case at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in early 2015 in which 179 patients may have been exposed to a contaminated endoscope. Seven of the patients developed infections, and two later died. Several lawsuits have been filed against Olympus, the manufacturer of the endoscopes. Some claim that Olympus did not obtain FDA approval for design changes that may have led to contamination, and others claim that the manufacturer knowingly withheld information from hospitals concerning defects in the endoscopes.

Lawsuits like these raise difficult-to-answer questions about liability. Invasive procedures are inherently risky, but negative outcomes can be minimized by strict adherence to established protocols. Who is responsible, however, when negative outcomes occur due to flawed protocols or faulty equipment? Can hospitals or health-care workers be held liable if they have strictly followed a flawed procedure? Should manufacturers be held liable—and perhaps be driven out of business—if their lifesaving equipment fails or is found defective? What is the government’s role in ensuring that use and maintenance of medical equipment and protocols are fail-safe?

Protocols for cleaning or sterilizing medical equipment are often developed by government agencies like the FDA, and other groups, like the AOAC, a nonprofit scientific organization that establishes many protocols for standard use globally. These procedures and protocols are then adopted by medical device and equipment manufacturers. Ultimately, the end-users (hospitals and their staff) are responsible for following these procedures and can be held liable if a breach occurs and patients become ill from improperly cleaned equipment.

Unfortunately, protocols are not infallible, and sometimes it takes negative outcomes to reveal their flaws. In 2008, the FDA had approved a disinfection protocol for endoscopes, using glutaraldehyde (at a lower concentration when mixed with phenol), o-phthalaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, and a mix of hydrogen peroxide with peracetic acid. However, subsequent CRE outbreaks from endoscope use showed that this protocol alone was inadequate.

As a result of CRE outbreaks, hospitals, manufacturers, and the FDA are investigating solutions. Many hospitals are instituting more rigorous cleaning procedures than those mandated by the FDA. Manufacturers are looking for ways to redesign duodenoscopes to minimize hard-to-reach crevices where bacteria can escape disinfectants, and the FDA is updating its protocols. In February 2015, the FDA added new recommendations for careful hand cleaning of the duodenoscope elevator mechanism (the location where microbes are most likely to escape disinfection), and issued more careful documentation about quality control of disinfection protocols.

There is no guarantee that new procedures, protocols, or equipment will completely eliminate the risk for infection associated with endoscopes. Yet these devices are used successfully in 500,000–650,000 procedures annually in the United States, many of them lifesaving. At what point do the risks outweigh the benefits of these devices, and who should be held responsible when negative outcomes occur?

Testing the Effectiveness of Antiseptics and Disinfectants (4)

Figure 4. The elevator mechanism in a duodenoscope contains crevices that are difficult to disinfect. Pathogens that survive disinfection protocols can be passed from one patient to another, causing serious infections. (credit “photos”: modification of work by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Key Concepts and Summary

  • Chemical disinfectants are grouped by the types of microbes and infectious agents they are effective against. High-level germicides kill vegetative cells, fungi, viruses, and endospores, and can ultimately lead to sterilization. Intermediate-level germicides cannot kill all viruses and are less effective against endospores. Low-level germicides kill vegetative cells and some enveloped viruses, but are ineffective against endospores.
  • The effectiveness of a disinfectant is influenced by several factors, including length of exposure, concentration of disinfectant, temperature, and pH.
  • Historically, the effectiveness of a chemical disinfectant was compared with that of phenol at killing Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, and a phenol coefficient was calculated.
  • The disk-diffusion method is used to test the effectiveness of a chemical disinfectant against a particular microbe.
  • The use-dilution test determines the effectiveness of a disinfectant on a surface. In-use tests can determine whether disinfectant solutions are being used correctly in clinical settings.

Multiple Choice

Which type of test is used to determine whether disinfectant solutions actively used in a clinical setting are being used correctly?

  1. disk-diffusion assay
  2. phenol coefficient test
  3. in-use test
  4. use-dilution test

Show Answer

The effectiveness of chemical disinfectants has historically been compared to that of which of the following?

  1. phenol
  2. ethyl alcohol
  3. bleach
  4. formaldehyde

Show Answer

Which of the following refers to a germicide that can kill vegetative cells and certain enveloped viruses but not endospores?

  1. high-level germicide
  2. intermediate-level germicide
  3. low-level germicide
  4. sterilant

Show Answer

Fill in the Blank

If a chemical disinfectant is more effective than phenol, then its phenol coefficient would be ________ than 1.0.

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If used for extended periods of time, ________ germicides may lead to sterility.

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In the disk-diffusion assay, a large zone of inhibition around a disk to which a chemical disinfectant has been applied indicates ________ of the test microbe to the chemical disinfectant.

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Think About It

  1. Why were chemical disinfectants once commonly compared with phenol?
  2. Why is length of exposure to a chemical disinfectant important for its activity?
  3. What are some advantages of use-dilution and in-use tests compared with the disk-diffusion assay?

I have extensive knowledge and expertise in the field of microbiology and the testing methods for the effectiveness of antiseptics, disinfectants, and sterilants. I'll provide information on all the concepts mentioned in the article.

Phenol Coefficient: The phenol coefficient was historically used to compare the effectiveness of chemical agents with that of phenol, the first chemical agent used by Joseph Lister. British chemists Samuel Rideal and J. T. Ainslie Walker established a protocol in 1903, comparing chemicals with phenol using test organisms Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi. The phenol coefficient is calculated based on the effectiveness of a chemical agent, with a coefficient of 1.0 indicating equal effectiveness to phenol. It's no longer commonly used due to arbitrary conditions and organisms chosen.

Disk-Diffusion Method: The disk-diffusion method involves applying different chemicals to sterile filter paper disks placed on an agar plate inoculated with the target bacterium. Chemicals diffuse into the agar, creating zones of inhibition around the disks. Larger zones typically correlate with increased effectiveness. This method helps determine the effectiveness of chemical agents against specific microbes.

Use-Dilution Test: The use-dilution test is used to determine a chemical's disinfection effectiveness on inanimate surfaces. A stainless steel cylinder is dipped in a culture of the target microorganism, then in disinfectant solutions of various concentrations. The cylinder is transferred to fresh sterile medium, and bacterial survival is indicated by turbidity. A passing result requires no growth in a minimum of 59 out of 60 replicates.

In-Use Test: An in-use test checks whether an actively used solution of disinfectant in a clinical setting is contaminated. A sample is diluted, inoculated onto agar plates, and monitored for microbial colony growth. A positive result indicates contamination, monitoring the effectiveness of disinfectants in a clinical setting.

These methods and concepts are crucial for maintaining appropriate disinfection protocols in clinical settings, ensuring the protection of patients, healthcare workers, and the community. If you have specific questions or need further details on any of these concepts, feel free to ask.

Testing the Effectiveness of Antiseptics and Disinfectants (2024)


What method is used to determine the effectiveness of antiseptics and disinfectants? ›

The disk-diffusion method is used to test the effectiveness of a chemical disinfectant against a particular microbe.

What method is used to test disinfectants and antiseptics? ›

The efficacy of a disinfectant or antiseptic can be tested in several ways. One way is to inoculate an agar plate with a lawn of bacteria and add filter paper disks that have been moistened with the disinfectant being tested. This is known as the filter paper disk method, or agar disk diffusion assay.

How do you test for the effectiveness of disinfectants? ›

The use-dilution test determines the effectiveness of a disinfectant on a surface. In-use tests can determine whether disinfectant solutions are being used correctly in clinical settings.

What is the test for disinfectant efficiency? ›

Use-dilution test is performed to confirm the efficiency of disinfectant dilution derived from phenol coefficient test. Suspension tests: In these tests, a sample of the bacterial culture is suspended into the disinfectant solution and after exposure it is verified by subculture whether this inoculum is killed or not.

How do you test the effects of disinfectants on bacteria? ›

In the United States, the official disinfectant testing methods are the phenol-coefficient test, use-dilution method test, hard surface carrier method, and sporicidal carrier test. Typically, only use-dilution and surface carrier testing are necessary to prove a disinfectant's efficacy.

What are the 5 elements influencing the effectiveness of the disinfectant? ›

Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Disinfection and Sterilization
  • Number and Location of Microorganisms.
  • Innate Resistance of Microorganisms.
  • Concentration and Potency of Disinfectants.
  • Physical and Chemical Factors.
  • Organic and Inorganic Matter.
  • Duration of Exposure.
  • Biofilms.

Which test can determine if a disinfectant is contaminated? ›

In-Use Test. An in-use test can determine whether an actively used solution of disinfectant in a clinical setting is microbially contaminated. A 1-mL sample of the used disinfectant is diluted into 9 mL of sterile broth medium that also contains a compound to inactivate the disinfectant.

How do we evaluate if a chemical is effective? ›

A chemical agent's effectiveness can be assessed using several different methods. The most commonly utilized methods include toxicity tests, efficacy tests, and potency tests. Toxicity Test: A living organism's exposure to a chemical agent's toxicity can be measured through toxicity tests.

What are the methods of testing antibacterial activity? ›

Among these methods, the most common are listed below.
  • Agar well diffusion method. Agar well diffusion method is widely used to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of plants or microbial extracts [32], [33]. ...
  • Agar plug diffusion method. ...
  • Cross streak method. ...
  • Poisoned food method.

How can you test the effectiveness of disinfectants in the disc dilution method? ›

The disks are then placed on an agar plate that has been inoculated with the targeted bacterium and the chemicals diffuse out of the disks into the agar where the bacteria have been inoculated. As the “lawn” of bacteria grows, zones of inhibition of microbial growth are observed as clear areas around the disks.

How can you test the effectiveness of antibiotics and disinfectants on bacteria? ›

By adding filter paper soaked in a variety of anti-microbial solutions to the pre-prepared agar plate scientists can find out how good the solutions are at killing bacteria. Antibiotics or antiseptics can be tested experimentally on pre-prepared agar plates.

What organisms commonly used to test the effectiveness of disinfectants? ›

Organisms commonly used to test the effectiveness of disinfectants include bacillus megaterium, mycobacterium bovis, pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus.

What test is used to measure the effectiveness of an antiseptic disinfectant by applying different chemicals on separate sterile filter papers? ›

The disk-diffusion method involves applying different chemicals to separate, sterile filter paper disks (Figure 9. 6). The disks are then placed on an agar plate that has been inoculated with the targeted bacterium and the chemicals diffuse out of the disks into the agar where the bacteria have been inoculated.

What is the method of antiseptics? ›

Antisepsis is the method of using chemicals, called antiseptics, to destroy the germs that cause infections. It was developed by the British surgeon Joseph Lister. Joseph Lister, 1827–1912. Joseph Lister found a way to prevent infection in wounds during and after surgery.

Which method can be used to achieve disinfection? ›

Disinfection and sterilisation using heat

Heat treatment is the most effective routine means of destroying the infectivity of all microorganisms, including BBV, and mainly involves the use of autoclaves (pressure steam sterilisers).


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