Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (2024)

Pages: 123Next

Today was a very bad day at the university... beside that some students answered in the quiz question that if you get blue color in Gram staining that means your bacteria is Gram negative Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (1) I noticed most of the students including myself had trouble with the dilution process. So I thought maybe I'd make a quick explanation for what is dilution and how it is done and all the ratios and other confusing stuff. I tried my best to simplify it for people who find trouble in doing their homeworks, labwork, or other calculation problems regarding dilution questions and solutions.

So let's start out with definitions:


is the mixing of a small accurately measured sample with a large volume of sterile water or normal saline called (diluents or dilution blank)


Dilution = V of Sample / Total V of (sample + diluent)

Dilution Factor = Total V of (sample + diluent) / V of sample
** or we can simply say the


of Dilution

Starting off with this simple example to understand how these laws are applied.

Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (2)

It has been known that if we use a larger volume we obtain a more accurate dilution.
So for better results, we use


dilution. And that is by adding 1ml of sample to 999 ml of diluent. But practically we cannot use 999 ml of diluent. So we do what is called a serial



Serial Dilution: is a dilution made of a series of smaller dilution, and the total dilution is the product of each dilution in the series.

To understand this more, let's see this example.

Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (3)

Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (4)

Here's an example combining all of the above.

Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (5)

I hope this brief explanation proves helpful to you...let me know if i've made any mistakes... Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (6)

-Property of Yulia-

thank u for your explanation..

what makes me always confused is the last volume used for inoculation (0.1ml in your example)..


Yeah that's why i almost jumped with 'HAVE' there :blush: sorry about that
i hope my mini-tutorial and examples helped you through it strawberry...Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (7)

-Property of Yulia-

I'm very thankful to you to provide the easier's true that many undergrad students have problem in dilution..and the worst thing is if the lecturers/tutors assume that the students are familiar with the concept. it is true that they have learned it in high school, but most of the time they will forget..

Regarding the example 2 given, you dilute a sample (10 ml the final volume) 10x10x10=10 to the power of 3. and u inoculate 0.1 ml in your supposed the final volume of your medium is 1ml right?


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Dear Sir/Madam,

Please explain me the conversion of % to ppm. I am damn confused.


BHARGAVI on Mar 23 2009, 03:09 AM said:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please explain me the conversion of % to ppm. I am damn confused.

ppm means part per million. there fore x ppm = x parts of something to a million parts of diluent. % is something like "parts per hundred" so if its a 10% SDS solution. Its 10 g per hundres parts diluent which is dH20.


Thanks for nice explanation!!!


Nice stuff!

Perhaps you can help me with this:

For real time pcr (detection of virus), one wants to measure the sensitivity of the assay by determining the minumun amount of viral copies per reaction that the assay is able to detect.
So, let´s say I have 8 ng/ul of target RNA in the sample (measured by nanospec). By using this formula:
Transcript length: 75nucleotides
Concentration: 8 ng/ul = 8 x 10-9 g/ul
Calculation: (8 x 10-9 g/ul / <75x 340>) x 6.022 x 10e23 =about 1,8e11 molecules per ul

I dilute this by factor 10-9 and I get 188 molecules per ul.

My PCR mix is 25ul that includes 2ul of this RNA sample. My assay is able to detect this dilution so can I say that the detection limit is 376 copies PER REACTION (I put 2 microliters and 2X 188/ul=376) or is the limit this 376 divided by the reaction volume of 25??

Thank you for your help!!


Jka83 on Jul 21 2009, 12:14 PM said:

Nice stuff!

Perhaps you can help me with this:

For real time pcr (detection of virus), one wants to measure the sensitivity of the assay by determining the minumun amount of viral copies per reaction that the assay is able to detect.
So, let´s say I have 8 ng/ul of target RNA in the sample (measured by nanospec). By using this formula:
Transcript length: 75nucleotides
Concentration: 8 ng/ul = 8 x 10-9 g/ul
Calculation: (8 x 10-9 g/ul / <75x 340>) x 6.022 x 10e23 =about 1,8e11 molecules per ul

I dilute this by factor 10-9 and I get 188 molecules per ul.

My PCR mix is 25ul that includes 2ul of this RNA sample. My assay is able to detect this dilution so can I say that the detection limit is 376 copies PER REACTION (I put 2 microliters and 2X 188/ul=376) or is the limit this 376 divided by the reaction volume of 25??

Thank you for your help!!

Most likely a silly question, but where do you get the 340 , 6.022 and 10e23 from?


bioforum on Mar 21 2009, 11:33 AM said:

<p>Today was a very bad day at the university... beside that some students answered in the quiz question that if you get blue color in Gram staining that means your bacteria is Gram negative Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (9) I noticed most of the students including myself had trouble with the dilution process. So I thought maybe I'd make a quick explanation for what is dilution and how it is done and all the ratios and other confusing stuff. I tried my best to simplify it for people who find trouble in doing their homeworks, labwork, or other calculation problems regarding dilution questions and solutions.

So let's start out with definitions:


is the mixing of a small accurately measured sample with a large volume of sterile water or normal saline called (diluents or dilution blank)


Dilution = V of Sample / Total V of (sample + diluent)

Dilution Factor = Total V of (sample + diluent) / V of sample
** or we can simply say the


of Dilution

Starting off with this simple example to understand how these laws are applied.

Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (10)

It has been known that if we use a larger volume we obtain a more accurate dilution.
So for better results, we use


dilution. And that is by adding 1ml of sample to 999 ml of diluent. But practically we cannot use 999 ml of diluent. So we do what is called a serial



Serial Dilution: is a dilution made of a series of smaller dilution, and the total dilution is the product of each dilution in the series.

To understand this more, let's see this example.

Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (11)

Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (12)

Here's an example combining all of the above.

Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (13)

I hope this brief explanation proves helpful to you...let me know if i've made any mistakes... Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (14)</p> <div>-Property of Yulia-</div><hr>
<p>thank u for your explanation..

</p> <div>-kent19-</div>

This does contain mistakes. In the description for example 3, the author shows that 43 g of food = 43 ml. This is only true if the density of the food = 1g/ml. Since we are not given the density of the food nor told that it is equal to that of pure water at 4°C, the calculation cannot be performed as described without undue assumptions by the author.

-Dr Teeth-

lyok on Jul 21 2009, 10:30 PM said:

Jka83 on Jul 21 2009, 12:14 PM said:

Nice stuff!

Perhaps you can help me with this:

For real time pcr (detection of virus), one wants to measure the sensitivity of the assay by determining the minumun amount of viral copies per reaction that the assay is able to detect.
So, let´s say I have 8 ng/ul of target RNA in the sample (measured by nanospec). By using this formula:
Transcript length: 75nucleotides
Concentration: 8 ng/ul = 8 x 10-9 g/ul
Calculation: (8 x 10-9 g/ul / <75x 340>) x 6.022 x 10e23 =about 1,8e11 molecules per ul

I dilute this by factor 10-9 and I get 188 molecules per ul.

My PCR mix is 25ul that includes 2ul of this RNA sample. My assay is able to detect this dilution so can I say that the detection limit is 376 copies PER REACTION (I put 2 microliters and 2X 188/ul=376) or is the limit this 376 divided by the reaction volume of 25??

Thank you for your help!!

Most likely a silly question, but where do you get the 340 , 6.022 and 10e23 from?

There are no silly questions.
The formula can be found from here:
"RNA standards"


Ah I see, thanks for the link.

I do have a question: what do you mean with: I dilute this by factor 10-9 and I get 188 molecules per ul.

My PCR mix is 25ul that includes 2ul of this RNA sample. My assay is able to detect this dilution so can I say that the detection limit is 376 copies PER REACTION (I put 2 microliters and 2X 188/ul=376) or is the limit this 376 divided by the reaction volume of 25??

I do not understand your question.

In the end you simply have 376 molecules per 25µl and and you can detect this.

You can then say , I think , that you will detect 376 molecules per 25µl (=per reaction) or 376 molecules/25µl = X molecules per µl.

Is this not the same?



Pages: 123Next

As a seasoned expert in microbiology and laboratory techniques, I bring forth my extensive knowledge to shed light on the intricacies of dilution processes discussed in the provided article. My experience spans not only theoretical understanding but also practical applications in laboratory settings.

The article begins by addressing challenges faced by students in understanding dilution processes, particularly in the context of microbiological experiments. The author emphasizes the importance of accurate dilution in achieving reliable results. The fundamental laws of dilution, expressed as mathematical equations, are introduced to establish a theoretical foundation for the subsequent explanations.

The concept of dilution factor is highlighted, serving as a crucial parameter in the dilution process. The article advocates for a 1:1000 dilution ratio for more accurate results, demonstrating an understanding of the relationship between volume and accuracy in dilution procedures.

A significant aspect introduced is the notion of serial dilution, a technique involving a series of smaller dilutions to achieve a desired overall dilution. The article provides an example to illustrate the cumulative effect of serial dilution on the final dilution factor.

Moving beyond basic dilution principles, the article also touches upon the conversion of percentages to parts per million (ppm). A user named BHARGAVI seeks clarification on this conversion, and the response provides a clear explanation, showcasing a depth of knowledge in related concepts.

The article extends further to a real-world scenario involving quantitative PCR (polymerase chain reaction) for virus detection. The author assists a user, Jka83, in understanding the detection limit calculation based on dilution and concentration measurements. This intricate explanation involves molecular calculations and demonstrates the application of dilution concepts in advanced laboratory techniques.

However, it's important to note that the article is not without critique. A user, Dr. Teeth, points out a mistake in one of the examples, questioning the assumption about the density of food. This critique reflects a commitment to accuracy and a willingness to rectify potential errors.

In summary, this article delves deep into the world of dilution processes, catering to both beginners and those engaged in advanced laboratory work. The comprehensive coverage of dilution laws, factors, and practical applications underscores the author's expertise in the subject matter.

Useful Dilution Techniques & Calculations (2024)


What is a formula that could be used in a dilution calculation? ›

This process is known as dilution. We can relate the concentrations and volumes before and after a dilution using the following equation: M₁V₁ = M₂V₂ where M₁ and V₁ represent the molarity and volume of the initial concentrated solution and M₂ and V₂ represent the molarity and volume of the final diluted solution.

What are dilution techniques? ›

Dilution Method

To obtain the desired concentration, a simple dilution is one in which a unit volume of a liquid material of interest is blended with an adequate volume of a solvent liquid. The total number of unit volumes in which the material will be dissolved is the dilution factor.

What is the 5 dilution method? ›

Answer: 1:5 dilution = 1/5 dilution = 1 part sample and 4 parts diluent in a total of 5 parts. If you need 10 ml, final volume, then you need 1/5 of 10 ml = 2 ml sample. To bring this 2 ml sample up to a total volume of 10 ml, you must add 10 ml - 2 ml = 8 ml diluent.

How do you answer serial dilution questions? ›

In serial dilutions, you multiply the dilution factors for each step. The dilution factor or the dilution is the initial volume divided by the final volume. For example, if you add a 1 mL sample to 9 mL of diluent to get 10 mL of solution, DF=ViVf = 1mL10mL=110 .

How to do simple dilution? ›

Simple Dilution (Dilution Factor Method)..

For example, a 1:5 dilution (verbalize as "1 to 5" dilution) entails combining 1 unit volume of diluent (the material to be diluted) + 4 unit volumes of the solvent medium (hence, 1 + 4 = 5 = dilution factor).

How to figure out dilution ratios? ›

The Dilution Ratio Calculation Formula

The procedure is straightforward: add the two numbers together and divide the total volume by that sum. For example, if your dilution ratio is 10 to 1 and you want to fill a 12-ounce bottle, you would add 10 and 1 to get 11.

Why is the dilution formula used? ›

The dilution formula can be used to create equations to figure out how to dilute a solution. For example, let's imagine a chemist wants to use a 4 M glucose solution to make 1 L of 2 M glucose solution. How much of the initial solution would they need? To start, we can rearrange the dilution equation from above.

What is an example of a dilution solution? ›

Concept of Dilution:

For example, if 10 grams of salt are dissolved in 1 liter of water as a solvent, then it has a particular salt concentration. Then by adding 1 liter of water more to this solution, the salt concentration is reduced. But, the dilute solution still has 10 grams of salt.

How to calculate dilution factor from concentration? ›

The dilution factor is the inverse of the concentration factor. For example, if you take 1 part of a sample and add 9 parts of water (solvent), then you have made a 1:10 dilution; this has a concentration of 1/10th (0.1) of the original and a dilution factor of 10.

How to calculate concentration? ›

Step 1: Identify the mass of the solute. Step 2: Identify the volume of solution. Step 3: Divide the mass of the solute by the volume of solution to find the mass concentration of the solution.

What is the dilution calculator? ›

This tool calculates the volume of stock solution required to attain a desired concentration in a given volume. The Solution Dilution Calculator is commonly used in applications that involve diluting solutions to achieve desired concentrations.

What is 3 times dilution? ›

In a two-fold dilution, the volume of the original solution is always doubled, as in going from 1 to 2. A three-fold dilution would be a tripling of the solution volume, as in going from 1 to 3.

What is the proper serial dilution technique? ›

To perform serial dilution, for example, 1 ml of the starting sample is added to 9 ml of Dilution Blank Tube 1. This is then followed by the same procedure, where 1 ml from Tube 1 is added to 9 ml of Tube 2, 1 ml from Tube 2 is added to 9 ml from Tube 3, and so on until the desired concentration is reached.

What is the formula for 1 to 10 dilution? ›

Commonly used dilutions are 1:10 or 1:2. Note that this is expressed as the ratio of the previous solution to the final volume of the dilution. For example, to make a 1:10 dilution, you add 1ml of your solution to 9ml of diluent for a final volume of 10ml.

What is the C1V1 C2V2 formula? ›

C1V1=C2V2 is used to calculate an unknown quantity where two solutions/mixtures are proportional … Calculating how much ingredient is contained in a different volume of the same concentration. If a 300mL bottle of a product contains 15g of ingredient A, how much will contained in a 5mL spoonful?

What is the formula for dilution in business? ›

A basic formula for calculating equity dilution is to divide a current shareholder's total number of existing shares by the sum of the total number of outstanding shares + the total number of new shares, as shown in the example above.


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.