The Raleigh Register from Beckley, West Virginia (2024)

A TOKYO (UPI) Communist China today exploded its second atomic bomb, possibly in a drop from an airplane. Radio Peking announced ihe bomb was exploded by China over its western areas." The first Chinese bomb, last Oct. 1C, was detonated on a lower. Peking called the bomb "defensive" and renewed its pledge never to be the first to use nuclear weapons. The announcement said China was building its nuclear arsenal to cope with U.S.

"nuclear blackmail" and called for "complete prohibition and thorough de- slruclion of nuclear weapovis." The atmospheric test meant that new quantities of radioactive fallout will he released in the air over China and other countries. But China has spurned the atmospheric lest ban of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union, which limit tests to fallout free underground sites. France, the fifth nuclear also tests in the air. Plutonium bomb droptxjd from a pliitonium bomb it HTI nlr-nlnMrt an airplane. The Chinese broadcast, monitored here, said today's blasl meant China "thus successfully concluded its second nuclear test." Important Achievement "This nuclear lest is another important achievement scored by the Chinese people in strengthening their national de- would he evidence of "real atomic sophistication" and ability to develop a hydrogen bomb.

Only the United Stales, Britain, and Russia have done that thus far. France, the fourth nuclear power, still is limited to the lower powered atomic weapons. immediately went into action to defend the purposes of the Chinese nuclear arsenal. "China is conducting necessary nuclear tests within defined limits and is developing the nuclear weapon for the purpose of coping with the nuclear blackmail and threats of the United States and for the purpose of abolishing all nuclear strengthening their national de- Plutonium is the fissionable 1 said nrhl thS cgua li th sec-j material usable in A-bombs The PckinE Ra, urity of their motherland and! and also used to trigger 11 rl .1 i bombs. 1 Section There had been speculation Offer Defense Peking's propaganda machine The Peking Radio announce fense and safeguarding the security ot their motherland and world peace." The announcement said (he blasl was which radio-aetive fallout for China and surrounding mdions.

China has spurned the Soviet- rilish-Americi phcric testing. Attempt Justification Peking Radio tried lo justify last October but thai (he Wesl had refused lo atlend. "Since then Iho United States has been continuing its devel- the atmosphere. I opmcnl and mass production of it will various kinds of nuclear weapons, and has indulged in further nuclear blackmail and lt oumji- threats against China and Ihc Hnlish-American ban on almos- whole world," Peking Radio ment hailed the test as "an-, this disregard of the lest ban olher imporlanl acliievcmcntllt said China bad demanded a scored by Ihe Chinese people in summit meeting of all nuclear strengthening their national dc- powers after ils firsl explosion "China is developing mb king would continue to press for a test run. President Johnson's reaction to the first Chinese bomb was lo call it "a crude nuclear device which can only increase i the sense of insecurity of the Chinese people." The President and military experts agreed that many would he needed before acquired a stock- mo i i i ji IIOPK- SSJES.

S5, Ihe first lo use nuclear weap- lt la ons." The announccmenl said Pe- Prcdiclions ranged from 5 lo (See "China" Page 2) 215 Viet Cong Killed, 53 Captured ISSO--UECKLEY's OLDKST INSTITUTION JTOL-JS-NO. 270 BECKLEY. WKST VIRGINIA, (25801), FRIDAY Personal Report Strafing Attack IVIarching With Dims Hopes For Col. Caamano DR Settlement By JACK V. FOX SANTO DOMINGO (UPI)-H Is an unusual sensation to march through the rebel section of this city with a mob brandishing rifles and submachine guns chanting "Yankee gel out of Santo Domingo." Armed rebels looked al me suspiciously because was not chanting.

Like dozens of olher newsmen and photographers, we had driven into Die rebel none. In our white Volkswagen were Martin McReynolds, UPI Caribbean correspondent; Hugo Wesscls, UPI photographer; Dominican driver Lionel Silfa and myself. As we drove up to the rebel headtjualers in an isolated ppckel of Ihe cily, Col. Francisco Caamano Deno and his right hand man, Hector Arisly, emerged. They were surrounded by Caamano's bodyguards.

Wears Pink Sjiortshirt One was a kid nol more than 17 in a pink sporlshirt with a burp gun in bis hand. Another looked like a German in a jungle camouflage uniform and helmet. The olher wore a fa- More Twisters Forecast Today For Southwest By United Press Internationa) Tornadoes were forecast, today for Dallas and Fort Worth, and central Kansas where a twister whipped a 10- block section of Wichita Thursday night, injuring at least seven persons. Thunderstorms raked Dallas and Fort Worth today and the weather bureau warned tornadoes could be expected in a broad band stretching across the state's central portion. Six or more tornadoes were seen in western Texas Thursday night.

Other twisters destroyed several buildings in western Oklahoma and dipped down in the I Nebraska Panhandle. No in- juries were reported. I The Wichita wind funnel tipped two trailers in a mobile home court, ripped the roof of a school, smashed windows and tore roofs from several homes and damaged a tavern. The tornado hit during a downpour which dumped nearly two inches of rain in six hours. A 76-year-old man suffered a tigue type uniform.

El Presidenle (rebel version) had decided to pay a call on the wounded in a nearby Catholic hospital and to lake a triumphal stroll through the bullet pocked street, bucking up the populace. Aristy along. i SANTO DOMINGO (UPI) New fighting in Santo Domingo, including the government air strike which silenced the rebel radio Thursday, dampened hopes today for early settlement of the Dominican crisis. Five propeller driven P51 fighters, firing machine guns and possibly rockets, knocked out the rebel radio transmitter about 2 p.m. Thursday.

The area attacked was near the U.S. Embassy and the American-held supply corridor through Santo Domingo. A State Dcparttnenl spokesman said the planes strafed one U.S.-held position near tlie embassy, apparently by accident, but there was no report of U.S. casualties in the air attack. Two Killed Two U.

S. Army security agents were shot and kilted by Ihe rebels in an earlier, unrelated incident, increasing total Col. Francisco Caamano Deno casualties here to 20 dead. At least two Dominicans were reported killed and three wounded in the strafing. Bullets fired by the P.51s narrowly missed a jeep and a military bus in the supply corridor.

The Americans riding in the r. but motioned us to come Caamano is a pleasant looking man with an assured man nor. He was dressed in a khaki shirt and trousers. Two ball point pens jutted from his breast pocket. A pistol was hol- stcred on his hip.

He wore no decorations and no bars or insignia indicating his rank. In the hospital Caamano bent over the beds of the wounded rebels, held their hands and spoke soflly to them. Mclieynolds whispered to me a translation of what he was saying: "We arc proud of you. RANGERS SCORE MAJOR VICTORY SAIGON (UPO-Soulh Viet-; A U.S. was killed and placed at namcse rangers scored one oM2 others wounded in twin am-! wounded.

Iheir most impressive victories hushes today near Da Nan- of the war Thursday over a 270 miles northwest of Saigon" Vie Cong battalion which; The Viet Cong ambushed one broke and attacks of kilcd nnd i caught the prise. ran 18 killed ami 77 ifiO South Vietnamese The fighting involved more a 500 South Vietnamese sol- i I I i i i i i i ana aoum Vietnamese 'TJ 1 mim )at 01 killing one a i and elements ot a Viet napalm, a ami wounding rescue rol the Cong battalion in Mekong Delia mirol ran into an ambush and 'paddy fields about 100 miles our were wounded. southwest of Saigon. helicopters a 1 The Viel Cons concentration Viet Cong by snr- Phantom jels then 'roared to forces' tin- assistance of the patrols by helicopters, and Army helicopters laced in-1 to the Beds with rockcls and I imachincguns. The Marines re- ported the patrols killed five guerrillas and the aircraft II Details of the Mekong victory were reported here by four Virginia- the hi" torTM cf tneVale i IT TMT partmcnt says only male lurk- (SCK Spring Turkey Hunt Set In West Virginia CHARLESTON (UPI) West Nam" Page.

2) During the fall season either sex can be killed. Hunters will he liniilctl lo one kill. News In Brief Of Today's World two vehicles dived for cover. None of them was hit, UPI correspondent Matthew T. Kenny's right shoulder was dislocated when he jumped out of the jeep.

He was treated at the U.S. Marine medical station The silencing of the radio was a serious blow to the rebels, who had been using it to to recruit Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy anrt children John Jr. ami Caroline arrive in England with other members of the Kennedy family for the dedication by Queen Elizalieth of a memorial to President Ken- ncdy at Kunuymede, the meadow where the Magna Carta was signed 750 years ago. 11 SVIULU I1UWS uy to recruit support outside day dedicated a portion of and Santo Domingo for their cause, historic birthplace ot Western rev not far fr We shall not Caamano spoke to perhaps a dozen men and then went back into the street.

People Recognize Him Walking down the center of Queen Dedicates Kennedy Shrine RUNNYMEDE, 1 a dlacross to Ihe Hiver Thames Integration Police Make Mass Arrests In Demopolis By United Press International Police made more mass arrests of racial demonstrators all Demopolis, Thursday. (UPI)--Queen Elizabeth II to-1 which flows gently pasl Capt. Joseph W. House, of From Wire Dispatches Birmingham, said units of A young man perched on a the government's 21sl I a i a beam of tbe Verrazano- Division killed 215 Viel Bridge for W) minutes troops in one day. There a a today, thrcaleuin" to been other big kills 1ml rarely jump 225 feet into New York lias a well-trained Viol Cong Harbor.

He allowed two police- unit broke and run, he said. lo a him lo safety aft- Althonph no new air slrikesier his father scolded- "Your were reported against North mother is going lo be'mad at Viet a today, American a i Had he jumped, Frcdcr- Vietnamese pilots wcrc'ick Korn, 21, would have been msy Viet Nain, i first suicide from the 186 sorites against Viet Cong I bridge, Ihe world's sus- span which links Brook- Ihe government victory Uyn and Stalcn Island It open- southwest of Saigon included led last November. Commerce i capture of 53 guerrillas along Secretary John T. Connor savs ivitli a big cache of weapons-- he does nol share the worry lost of them made in Commn- expressed by some economists China anil the Soviet Un- and predicted today (hat the U. S.

economy will weather next Three Still Operating Three radio stations are still birthplace freedom as a memorial to the late President John F. Ken- meadow in Siir- pcrmil mid were met by officers. a atui jaie esineni joim Kenui operation here, two run byjncdy. The acre of England will a agencies and one by Maj. be American forever.

oT -he irebel radio, which Thursday ac-i" tensed U. S. forces of "atroci- IIRS" pnnrl A mK-i t-c. n.ln*. chair as (he the American the street, people began to rec ognize him.

From the balconies of tenement apartments men and women broke into ajj- (See "Caamano" Page 2) fyewitness Account ties" cand called Ambassador W. Taplcy Bennett a liar. The strafing planes apparently came from San Isidro airbase, headquarters of government "slrong man" Gen Elias Wessin Wessin. monarch people a on this meadow where the Magna Carta, the first bill of rights, was signed 750 years ago. "We wept at his death," said Ihe Queen.

Mrs. Kennedy twisted her rey not far from London. Emotional Speech The Queen's speech, phrased with unusual emotion for her, marked Ihe official opening of the memorial a seven ton monument of Portland slone bearing Ihe credo by which the 35th President of the Uniled States lived and died: "Let every nation know (hat we shall pay any price, bear any burden, support any friend or oppose any foe, (o assure the su erty." The memorial, in trees and grassy slopes, is sur- were For' ihc "third lc 1il01 aml co-pilot of two i Mldlgllt sniinrnln li day, Negroes attempted to march in the west Alabama cattle (own without a parade Ammcans were wound- separate helicopters struck by fragments of olexi- gbss ripped through Cong their bullets January's scheduled increase in Social Security taxes without any trouble. 500 delegates are expected lo attend shields. Two military advisers on the ground were liit, and one was reported in serious condition.

Vietnamese casualties were Page 2) (Sec "Tornadoes" i Weather Sunny And Warm HECKLEV AND VICINITY: Sunny and warm this afternoon. High 77. Fair and not as cool tonight. Ixnv 48. Saturday increasing cloudiness with a 60 Dozen Yanks, Caught In Strafing Attack, Had To Dive For Cover (EDITOR'S NOTE: A UPI correspondent was riding through Iho U.S.

held corridor in Santo Domingo in a Thursday when the area was strafed Iy government planes. Here is his report of the attack.) sling for three to i and Ray Anderson. we None of them was'hurl. After the strafing, the jeep I Americans Open Fire and all its occupants made it "One plane circled around to Ihe Embajador Hotel. The bus travelers had even narrower escape.

an "The planes zoomed in overhead and machine-gun bullets mure sprayed a wall above the bus," from 'J5y MATTHEW T. KENNY SANTO DOMINGO JAU1! dozen Americans including N.Y., the 22-year-old this correspondent found "My passengers and I Dominican revolt right in their piled out and took cover be- i i i unu yrassy slopes, is sur- hands in her lap and slared outjroundcd by a paved terrace and two symbolic stone seats for contemplation. Thouands Attend Ceremony Many of the great names of Brilain and thousands of ordinary Britons and Americans at- (Scc "JFK Shrine" Page 2) Man Killed In Fall From Aulo MOKGANTOWN I -Varner E. Griffith, 36, of nearby Hagans, was fatally injured Thursday nay the survival and success of lib-' Also in Alabama, a dynamite heavily damaged a small a setting of Negro church at the community of Friendship near Anniston eight demonstrators were arrested al a Negro church and a Negro school on a variety of charges, including disorderly conduct, failing lo obey an officer, and violation of an injunction prohibiting adults from meeting with students dining school hours. The arrests brought lo 128 i i number of persons picked up by! 1Jroa(l 9 ills Methodist Church police since civil rights activity llcre with a white congregation resumed in Demopolis following a speech by Dr.

a i Luther King Jr. Monday night. the 2Sth annual Wesl Virginia convention beginning Parkersburg. Negro, While Churches To Merge in Clarksburg Jaycces today in TREASURY Secretary Henry II. Fowler says a 50 per cent cul in the U.S.

balance ot payments deficit during the first i a Ihree nionlhs of 1964) doesn't mean "the battle has CLAHKSBUHG I i won. Johnson has nominated Marshall D. Green to succeed Howard P. early Thursday morning. There were blast injuries in which was called an "ungodly act" by the Anniston Star.

White leaders in the area reacted angrily and nearly $1,000 was collected for a rebuilding fund by noon Thursday. Damage lo Ihe church was estimated at between $4,000 and $5.000. Jones as American ambassador U.S. Embassy a i of 550, and Trinity Methodist with 88 Negro members, com-j Indonesia, pletcd plans Thursday night for' sourccs in Jakarta report. a merger effective 1.

(radio distress call picked up in It will be the third such mer- Miami Thursday night reported Ihree men killed in an air-sea attack on a Cuban coastal freighter, but the incident could not be confirmed. The Coast Guard planned to send a plaue to the area. ger in the West Virginia Methodist Conference. The first took place last fall hi Montgomery and the second al Buckhannon worship and com- uciv name of Broad Oaks Church will be on Sunday, last month. The first munion service of the church, lo continue under OKLAHOMA Supreme Court Jus'ticc Napoleon Bonaparte ifiimmy, Johnson was convicted on two Properties of Trinity i be i charges of accepling $10,000 in merged with those of a i illul was tin-own out of Oaks and trustees and members office Thursday by the Okla- In Houston, Negroes dc! a rious commissions a homa Senate, sitting as a court and came in, heading back to ward San Isidro," said Wyatl.

'II came opened fire. damn Those low, GI's and out there opened fire on the planes the ground when their second pass. they "They made three passes. They were just firing machine guns as far as we could tell. 1 'i- GO none SSW at 10 mph Bank of Raleigh AC.C.OVNT (20 clioi-lis for $1.50) Member F.D.l.C.

i men, Ed (Sec "Eyewitness" Page 2) "credit" for the initial successjsy spokesman of (heir plan to strip govei to veto federal the military. We heard some ground fire along the U.S.-held corridor through Sanlo Domingo, and then the planes came over. They made a strafing run on some targets just west of Checkpoint Charlie, and then they slarted slrafing just he- hind the U.S. Embassy. Leap For Cover When the second strafing slarted, Brunson Ihc jeep up lo the curb in front of the embassy and we all leaped for cover in the trees.

(Kenny landed on his 1111 LI a i i i.uun. per cent chance of showers in when government planes itwecn the buildings." i Ihe afternoon or evening ral TM targets in (he city I The passengers included Sgl-filomv in upper 70's. jnoy Wyatt, 38, of West Jeffer-f BECKLEY i The planes weren't shooting I son, N.C.; Pvt. Irvin Slifer, 21, nA uvi High last 24 hrs. V3 at 6 p.m.

at us, but we didn't know that I of Iloyer's Ford, and two i kCtl ke thcy wcre Low lasl 24 hrs. 41 al 6:30 a.m. jl 7 a.m. 45 10 a.m. 65 12:30 p.m.

Precipitalion Wind Sunset Sunrise Saturday 6:15 River Conditions Grcenbrier: a and muddy Lake: normal and cloudy 3.5 gales open. New: Gauge at Hinton 2.9 ft. Today's Extremes High 09 al Presidio, Tex. Low 27 at Walertown, N.Y. FIVE-DAY FORECAST WEST VIRGINIA Temperatures will average 2 to 7 degrees above Ihe normal high- low range of 7.1-46 in the north and 77-43 in the south.

Warmer Saturday, cooler Sunday and Monday, followed by warmer Tuesday and Wednesday. Showers Saturday and again Tuesday and Wednesday will lolal about one-half to one Inch. from the night rear when he" fell of a station manding a speedup in school desegregation and an end to "ghettos" vowed Thursday church, march and demonstrate as much as necessary to (heir goals. Leaders of "PUSH" whose initials stand for "People for than at the time. There were three of us in a jeep driven by Spec.

4 Reginald Brunson of (28 Carver Ct.) Coalesvillc, on our way from San Isidro airbase to the international refuge zone in the embassy district. Tbe jeep's other passengers were Marines--Ll. Col. James J. Mullen of West New York, N.J..

and 1st Lt. Richard J. Stack of Kankakce, III. Seven other Americans, six passengers and a driver, wcre headed the olher way in a Hotel Embajador bus which had been taken over temporarily by Anti-Poverty BUI Amendment Wallace 'Credited 9 With Killing Veto WASHINGTON Connally blocked a feder liberals today gave A a a a a grant last month Gov. George C.

Wallace the; But, as an anti-poverty agen wagon. Stale Police said Griffith was holding on lo a a Iraclnr, being dragged behind (he station wagon which bis wife Ruby was driving. The traclor hit a bump on Ihc road and jerked him from the tailgate of the car, striking his head on the pavc- (menl. in a Fairmont hospil- (he Upgrading of (Sec "Integration 1 Schools Page 2) Nationally Known Dies boards al Trinity will continue of impeachment. Another justice (o serve in similar capacities in new church.

Trinity has been a member of Soviet attempt (o force recog- thc all-Negro Washington Con-i i i of a representative of fcrence, All Wesl Virginia Ncgroi 1 01 Francisco Caamano Deno's Mctnodist Churches have becnj re regime as an official Do- invilcd lo become members i i a emissary failed in Ihe an fnlograled West Virginia U- Conference at Ihe annual meet- tla y- ing in Buckhannon in June. General Richard J. Murphy resigned earlier rather face impeachment. Securily Council Thurs- Postmaster a 5 cent Wins'- ton Churchill commemorative stamp in ceremonies in Fulton Thursday. al.

Griffith was a at Rivcsville. postal clerk Charlie Joe Pcrmclia, noted woodcarver who gained nation Accidents Kill 2 Miners WELCH (UPI) A roof fall al a mine in McDowell County falally injured a miner Wcdncs- al recognition for died of ack in works 1 The victim was Wolford East, '37, of War. He was an employ. of Ihc No. I mine of the Allen an apparent heart his car near Lester Thursday.

He was SI. Permelia was stricken al 2:30 p.m. just a short distance from his home. His wife was with him at Ihe lime. Permelia had a wide assort muni of wood sculptures in his and was noled for his figures representing the 11 lea Send seemed to la time when the House commit- lr BI a me wn( the House commit- Oeorge Wallace has done it lee was considering Icgislalion again," said one member of Ihe House Education and Labor Committee, which approved the anti-veto proposal Thursday to authorize a $1.5 billion antipoverty effort in the fiscal year beginning July 1.

The committee accepted tlie A.iuijwdj' Luiiiiuiuee acccpieu the without giving any previous in- anli-velo amendment at the clicalion it had such action mind. in same time that it cleared administration's spending the 'There didn't seem to be thorlzalion request for the "war int Jn I i.m much interest in changing the vclo provision until he used it down In Birmingham," the member said, referring to Wai- i 11 integrated (Kenny landed on his right barna capital, shoulder, (lislocalinff it. Wallace's Wednesday of grant for group in the on poverty." The amendment would end the veto power governors now have against community action though his condition is not sidered serious, his arm will be action was nol (he first anil-poverty velo by a state governor Texas Gov. programs and neighborhood youth corps projects. They would still have power to block imporlation of VISTA anti-poverty volunteers and cslahlish- Ala- crushed to death "Thursday at Christopher Coal Ark- wrighl Mine No.

I at nearby Laurel Point. Authorities said Harold G. Smith, in his 50s. was killed when he jumped from a mine locomotive ho was operating as it collided with another. Smith lived in Uffington.

Wrong Number Anyone having rooms or homes to rent for members tlie Honey in ment of their states, corps camps in of John Henry. Born in Wise County, Va Jan. 23, 1914, he was a son of Paul and Matlie Dol.son Permelia, who live al Tollcylown, near Lcslcr. A restaurant owner in Lester, Permelia was a former railroad employe and coal miner. He served in the U.

S. Navy during World War II. Other surviviors include his wife, Francis Lannulti Permelia, Lester; four brothers Paul, Crab Orchard, John Air of Charlcslon, Ernesl of Haiti-: warfus more, Md ria, Ohio; SPEAKER John W. McCnr- mack broke with Ihe administration Thursday and threw his support lo a proposed ban on stale and local poll (axes in the voting righls bill. armed thugs wearing handkerchief masks invaded (he Mth floor Park Avenue duplex of depart- mcnt store heiress Caral Gim- bcl I.ebworlh Thursday and made off with about $75,000 in jewels.

Minister Lai Bahadur Shaslri Thursday visited (he I.cnin mausoleum with Soviet officials and laid a wreath inscribed, "To Ihe great Lenin, India's loyal friend." and Elliott of S. A in two sisters, stepson, Charles Germany; Lannulti I REP. JOHN V. LINDSAY one of the strongest Republican vole getters in traditionally Democratic Xew York City has announced his candidacy for of State IJean Rusk hopes to meet with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei in Vienna this week (o discuss a "chilling of Souet relations" as a result of the Viet Nam crisis, officials said Thursday. Duclos, 26, a French-Ca- n.idian blonde, pleaded guilty i the Rock cast call A as statcil in sons, i Thursday's edition of The Iteg- lstcr Pauline Britt, and two daughters, Darand Mrs.

Hattie Elmore, and Sharlie at home. The body is al Williams surviving are three i Funeral Home at MacArlhur a a Permelia, with I Entombment will be in Sunset the U. S. Army at Fort Ord, i i a Park. Funeral ar- Don Permclln, with U.S.

irangomenls are incomplete. federal court Thursday to in New York ilyna- uyn mite into the United Slates in i li 1 'ow the plea came Ihree before to go on trail with three American Negro cotlcfend- anls..

The Raleigh Register from Beckley, West Virginia (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.