The Vandalia Leader from Vandalia, Missouri (2024)

AUGUST 2, 1962 THE VANDALIA LEADER PAGE 7 Walsh Addition News Mr. and Mrs. W. F. were dinner guests of Mrs.

Lutie Johnston Monday evening. Other guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. Arch Johnston, and family, Robert and Everett, Mrs. Shirley Edfros and daughter, Debbie of Clinton, Iowa, Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Jenkins and daughter, Lulann of Middletown and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston. Lloyd Henry Suddarth of St.

Louis returned home last Monday from an extended visit with his father and grandmother, Henry Suddarth and Mrs. Emma Suddarth and other relatives. kirk of Louisiana and Mrs. Arnold. Hoburday with Mrs.

Hobkirk's mother, Mrs. Kay Spires and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Valle of West Plains were called to Vandalia by the death of his father, Cecil Valle, visited relatives here until Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jenkins visited their daughter, Mrs.

Elmer Kidd and family Sunday. Floyd Welch, and granddaughter, Lillian Welch, left, Friday evening by bus for a visit with Mr. Welch's brother, George Welch and family of Hutchison, Kansas and Carroll Welch and family of Joplin, Kansas. En to his brother Carroll Welch, Mr. Welch took sick in his brother's car and was taken to a hospital.

His family was notified and his two daughters, Mrs. Vern Herren of East Moline, and Mrs. James Heaton of Vandalia. They left at once to be with their father. Mr.

Welch had a heart attack. His condition is some better. Mrs. Roxie Smith and friend Mr. and Mrs.

Garth Chase left Thursday, July 26 for Keokuk, Iowa where they will visit their son and daughterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wayne Chase and children, and will also accompany the Chases to California where they will be guests of their son and brother, Dale Chase, Mrs. Chase and family of Anaheim. En route to California they will be guests of the Vandalian's brothers and their families, Mr.

and Mrs. Adrain Chase of Albuquerque, New Mexico and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chase of Colorado Springs. The Chases expect to be gone about three CME Church of Mexico; Rev.

Wyatt Gilkey, local pastor; and Rev. A. Montgomery, pastor of the St. Matthews CME Church in Wichita, Managing Store In Kansas City Bill Orr, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Burl Orr, left Tuesday for Kansas City, Kansas, where he will serve as manager of a John Green store at a shopping center in that city, while the present manager is vacationing. Bill has been associated with the Mexico John Green Store for over a year, Mrs. Robert N. Klein and Susan, of Florissant, returned daughters, Lisa, and to their home in that city, July 23 following a weekend visit here with their mother and grandmother, Mrs. A.

G. Beshears. They also attended the Jaycee Fair, held here Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.

Klein and daughters plan to leave next week for a several days vacation trip to the Rocky Mountains. visitors, Saturday. Colorado. weeks. 8 BEST DEALS IN TOWN ON STOP Firestone AND TIRES SWAP You'll never find a better time to loaded NYLONS with factory-fresh Firestone come in ready to TRADE you won't RAYONS Blackwalls beat OUR DEALI Whitewalls Every VIS new Firestone RAN tire is Wide GUARANTEED WE HAVE 1.

life ship Against and defects materials in tread. for workman. the YOUR SIZE Selection of the original 2. Against normal road hazards (except repairable punctures) TUBELESS OR encountered in everyday 13, 14, 15, 16-inch number passenger of car months use for specified. the to fit all American TUBE-TYPE wear Replacements and based prorated on list on prices tread and import models current at time of adjustment.

IN A NAN ALL TIRES MOUNTED Every Firestone Tire carries a NATIONWIDE FREE 15 to 36-Month Road Hazard Guarantee Fast, efficient Honored at 60,000 locations in all 50 States and Canada service by tire delays "add ons" Just say "Charge it" BIG DISCOUNTS USED TIRES TAKE MONTHS on new tires with AND RETREADS TO PAY discontinued tread designs Priced right for NO with MONEY DOWN HURRY- limited quantities Economy Buyers your trade-in tires Vandalia Tire Battery Service Mrs. Dean Black and children of near Perry, were Vandalia visitors, Saturday. Our close-trimmed QUALITY MEATS I EVERY DELIGHT! MAKE Miss Adam Receives M. U. Scholarship Miss Lorna Lee Adam, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Will Adam of Route 3, Vandalia, is one of the 44 students who have been awarded medical fellowships and traineeships at the University of Missouri, Columbia, according to announcement made by Dr. Vernon E. Wilson, Dean of the School of Medicine. Miss Adam was the recipient of a Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs Scholarship in Mental Health of $500.

She is a junior student in the School of Nursing at the University. Nephew of Local Woman Dies At the Churches FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Vandalia, Mo. On Thursday of this week the youth groups of the First Presbyterian Church will hold their annual summer retreat in Camp Clemens in Mark Twain State Park. Approximately thirty young people have registered for this retreat. They will be accompanied by a staff of eight adults.

The three day outing will be spent in Bible study, Evaluation and Recrea- tion. Sunday, August 5, 1962 9:30 a.m. Church School, Clarence Ray, Supt. 10:45 a.m. Worship Service including the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and the Sacrament of Infant Baptism.

The sermon topic for the morning' will be "The Signs of Life." Monday, August 6 7:30 p.m. DST The Beacon class will have a covered dish supper at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Long of Perry, Mo. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Vandalia, Mo.

Lawrence Holzschuh, Pastor August 5, 1962 Bible School 9 a.m. Vincel Allee, Supt. Worship 10 a.m. The pastor's sermon subject will be "Jesus' First Special music will be by the church choir, under the direction of Mrs. Hal Clinton.

Training Union 7 p. m. Charles McCollum, director. Worship 8 p.m. "Prayer For Spiritual Growth" will be the pastor's sermon subject.

Offertory selection will be played by Linda Whisler. Monday Woman's Missionary Union will meet at the church at 8 p.m. "A New and Living Way" will be the theme for the program. Special guests for the evening will be the Senior Ladies of the church. Wednesday 3:30 p.m.

Auxiliaries will meet at the church. 3:30 p.m. Crusader RA boys meet. 2 p.m. Ruth O'Dell circle meets at the church.

7:45 p. m. Church Business meeting. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN S.

Main E. Union Vandalia, Mo. C. H. Bopp, Pastor Sunday School and Bible class at 10:15 a.m.

Harry L. Frey, Supt. Church Service at 9 a.m. Sunday Lutheran broadcasts: The Lutheran Hour, and KHMO; This Is the Life, Channels 2, 5, and 7. KURTZ LARGER PARISH Thomas G.

Atkinson, Pastor FARBER Worship Service, 8:45 a. m. Sunday Church School, 9:45 a. m. Mr.

and Mrs. Lorenz Emo, General Claudie Tipton, chairman of Christian Education. Acolytes, Masters Malcolm Hesse, and Neil Walters. Week Day Church School: Kindergarten, 2 p. Primary, 3:30 p.

m. Wednesdays. Juniors and Junior Highs, 3:30 p. m. Thursday.

Choir practice, 7:30 p. m. Wednesdays. (tfc) MT. OLIVET Sunday Church School, 9 a.

Sunday School Superintendent, Robert Jerman, Mrs. Howard Barney, chairman of Christian Education. Week Day Church School meets with Farber on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Worship Service, 10 a. m.

Acolytes, Masters James Jerman and Ronald Heaton. CURRYVILLE Sunday Church School, 10 a.m., Clyde Craig, Superintendent, Miss Virginia Wright, chairman of Christian Education. Worship Service, 11:15 a.m. Acolytes, Masters Gary and Mark Chilson. Week Day Church School, Friday, 4 p.m.

ESTES Sunday Church School, 10 a.m. Dale, Rutherford, Mrs. Hanson, chairman of Christian Education. Worship Service, 7:30 p.m. SOUTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Charles Hanna, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a.m., Thomas McDannold, Supt.

Worship service, 10:30 a.m. Training Union, 7:00 p.m. John Wear, director. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Bonnie McDannold, pianist.

Prayer service, each Wednesday evening, 7:30 p.m. Bible School commencement Friday at 7:30 p.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Undenominational Corner of Park and Lindell Sts. The Church that teaches the whole Bible as it is for all men as they are. You are welcome to the following services: 9:30 Bible School.

Roger Ferguson, Supt. We have classes for all ages. Come and study the Word of God with us. Worship and Communion Service. The sermon will be by Prof.

Frank Watson, Guest Minister. The special number will be a solo by David South. Worship and Communion. Prof. Watson will also bring us our evening message.

Miss Pamela Branstetter will play an organ solo for the offertory. The prayer song will be a duet by Mrs. Raymond Asbury and Mrs. Alma Waters. Special number before the evening message will be a duet by Mr.

and Mrs. Dwight Goree. Come and worship with us Sunday night. Monday: 8 General Board meeting at the church. "The Church with a Heart in the Heart of Vandalia." John W.

Hall, Minister. VANDALIA METHODIST CHURCH Jefferson and Washington Sts. Church School, 9:45 a.m., Weldon Steiner, General Mrs. Kenneth cl*thero, Children's Division Supt. Morning Worship 10:50 a.m.

MYF 6 p.m., Mrs. John Rector, Counselor. day at 7 p.m. Chancel Choir rehearsal Golden Rule Class meeting with a carry-in dinner meeting Friday at 7 p.m., be beginning of the official board, Monday, August 6 at 8 p.m. PLEASANT PLAINS METHODIST CHURCH Morning Worship, 9:30 a.m.

Church School, 10:30 a.m., Clarence Horton, Supt. SPENCER CREEK BAPTIST Worship services each 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10:30 a. and 7:30 p. m. Delbert Admier, pastor.

Sunday School each Sunday at 9:30 o'clock, Harold Fowler, VANDALIA HOLINESS CHURCH Sunday School, 10 a.m. Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study, Thursdays, at 7:30 p.m. We Welcome You.

(tr) REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Vandalia Community Building Leslie Hudson, 10:00 a. m. Church School. 11:00 a. m.

Morning Worship SECOND CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1077 Booker St. Rev. E. K. Burton, Pastor Sunday School each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

Worship service each Sunday at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.; each fourth Sunday at 3 p.m. Prayer service each Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. Chi Rio each Thursday night at p.m. In charge of the dedication services of the newly constructed Tyrus Chapel CME Church in Vandalia Sunday were the three ministers pictured above.

From Rev. C. A. Potter, pastor of Christian Youth Fellowship each Friday night at 7 p.m. Christian Men's Fellowship each second Monday night at 7 p.m.

The Church that will meet you with a Christian smile and make you welcome any time. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. I. C. Peay, Pastor Sunday School each Sunday at 10 a.m.

Mrs. Roy Leonard, superintendent. Worship Service each first and third Sunday, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sermon by pastor.

Mrs. William Cannon, pianist. Prayer service each Wednesday evening. Choir rehearsal each Thursday, evening. public is invited to all of these services.

(tf) PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS Church Service, Sunday, 11 a m. Series of 12 messages, "Names of God." 7:30 p. m. Sundays, series on The Revelation, verse by verse. Friday, 7:30 p.

Lifeline Youth Service. Welcome. Pastors, M. L. Cashatt and Mrs.

Cashatt. (ti) CHURCH OF NAZARENE Rev. Virgil Smith. Pastor Marshall, S. S.

Supt. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m.

Junior Service, 6:45 p. m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p. The Rev. and Mrs.

Lawrence Holzschuh were hosts at a fel-! lowship meeting the youth group at First Baptist Church Sunday evening. Sixteen young people attended and following the meeting, refreshments were served. Mrs. W. H.

Bourne and Mrs. Lonnie Flannigan visited the former's sister, Mrs. Annie Eastin at the Pike County Rest Home in Bowling Green, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.

Burl Orr and family were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Feldman at Bowling Green.

Notice I will have for sale handmade Art and Craft products at my home at 401 S. Jefferson Street Friday and Saturday, August 10-11. Mrs. Guy Marshall VOTE FOR ARCH HAYS for Circuit Court Clerk Next Tuesday We want to urge your support and vote for our brother and brotherin-law in his race for the office in the Democratic Primary. Mr.

and Mrs. J. Leon Hays MAYROSE Super-Trimmed, Fully Cooked HAMS 14- Whole to or 16-lb. Shank Average Half Lb. 59c Mayrose (Sealed package) THIN-SLICED BACON Pkg.

1-Lb. 59c Independent Just right for barbecuing FRESH SPARERIBS and Small, 3 Down lbs. Lb. Armour's Star SLICED BOLOGNA Lb. 39c of Louisiana, Mr.

and Mrs. Leon Smith and daughter, Pat, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Suddarth and family, 3 Janice and nie, Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Suddarth and son, Bobbie visited Mrs. Emma Suddarth and Henry Suddarth Sunday. Mrs. Orpha Valle and Garnell Langley of St. Louis came! Friday to attend the funeral of Cecil Valle but was called home by the death of the ladies' father, Mr.

Mullinex. Rev. Charles Hanna and the RA boys attended the Associational Brotherhood meeting and enjoyed a watermelon supper at the Cedar Crest Camp Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Kidd and daughter, Nellie, Mrs. Floyd Welch and family, Sue, Ruthie and Bruce visited tht ladies' parents Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lavon Smith and son, Mike, Rev.

and Mrs. Virgil Smith spent the weekend with Mrs. Virgil Smith's brother, J. R. Atwell and family of Eldon, Mo.

Mrs. Clayton Maddox of Denver, was called to Vandalia by the death of her brother, Cecil Valle and is visiting her sister and brother, Mrs. Charles Johnston and Mr. Johnston and Francis! Valle. Mr.

and Mrs. Ira Givens visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Welch, and family Monday evening. Visiting Here From Salt Lake City Mr.

and Mrs. J. R. Clark and family of Salt Lake City, Utah, several days her arrived here Monday, for a parents, Mr. and Mrs.

R. N. Allen. They are also visiting with her brothers, sister, and their families, Mr. Mrs.

James (Buck) Allen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen and son and Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson son, all of here, and Mr.

and Mrs. Pete Allen and family of Laddonia. AUGUST SPECIALS in Top Quality Used Cars 1962 FORD Galaxie 500 Fordor. Full power. 1961 FORD Galaxie.

Local one owner, 15,000 actual miles. 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-Door. Good condition. 1957 FORD Fairlane 500 Fordor. Automatic transmission, rebuilt motor.

1956 FORD. Six cylinder, standard transmission. 1953 CHEVROLET 2-Door. Standard transmission. Like new.

TRUCKS 1959 FORD Pickup. 1956 CHEVROLET 2-Ton. Two-speed axle. 1953 CHEVROLET Pickup. LENT USED CARS Highway 54 West Vandalia, Mo.

SAVING MONEY STOOD Betty Crocker Old Judge Frosting Mixes Coffee lb. 59c 29c Limit With Other Purchase With purchase of Cake Mix at regular price Dole Pineapple Juice Birdseye Frozen Orange Two 12-oz. Starfex (Assorted Prints) Terry Towels Flavor Kist Sugar Wafers, Lemon Bon Bon or Assorted Dessert Cookies Mrs. Orville Gregory of near Vandalia received word Tuesday noon of the accidental death of her nephew, Max Collins of Mountain Home, Idaho. Mr.

Collins, who was the eldest of five children Mr. and Mrs. Moses Collins of that city, was killed in a construction accident. Complete funeral arrangements are not known here at this time. Mrs.

Gregory left by plane from St. Louis to be with the family. left to right, Kansas. the St. Paul Visiting Here Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Roberts and children of Stillwater, arrived here Thursday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O.

Laylin. They had been vacationing at Rockaway Beach in southern Missouri and in St. Louis for several days prior to coming to Vandalia. Mr. and Mrs.

Laylin returned recently from a 20-day trip into Canada, Yellowstone National Park, the Black Kills, Bad Lands, and in northern states. They also attended the Passion Play which has been given for the past 25 years in a beautiful setting with mouna tains background. The Laylins accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chadwick of Milwaukee, on the trip.

Mr. Chadwick was on business in Edmonton, Canada, for days for the dedication of a two million dollar machine for coal mining. Mr. and Mrs Cecil Woodson left Monday, July 23 for a days vacation trip to Colorado. HARRY'S A STORES SUPERETTE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT EAGLE STAMP Extra Nice you CASH MERCHANDISE OPEN SUNDAYS 8 to 6 2 cans 59c 6-oz.

Juice cans 69c cans 69c 2 for 79c Iced Oatmeal, 3 $1.00 Thompson Seedless Grapes Lb. Large Calif. Duarte Plums 2 39c Extra Fancy, Large Calif. Lemons Doz. Sunkist Valencia Oranges Doz.

59c U.S. No. 1 New Red Potatoes 10 Ibs. Me? I like co*ke best DRINK Veteran of World War Il VOTE E. L.

GOODSON Business Member American of Legion, experience Democratic VFW, of 30 Club, Moose years Lodge "THE MAN FOR THE JOB" Well acquainted with demands of the FOR AUDRAIN COUNTY COLLECTOR office Proven servant of the people BE REALLY AROUND THE. CLOCK! Serve easy-to-fix dishes Anytime with the worldwide Coca-Cola.

The Vandalia Leader from Vandalia, Missouri (2024)


What is the history of Vandalia Missouri? ›

Vandalia was laid off by Aaron McPike and Judge Harmen Caldwell in 1870 and platted in 1871. The city was named after Vandalia, Illinois. Aaron McPike transferred the lumber used to build the first homes from Louisiana, Missouri. A post office called Vandalia has been in operation since 1871.

What is the oldest town in Missouri? ›

Founded around 1740 by Canadian settlers and migrants from settlements in the Illinois Country just east of the Mississippi River, Ste. Geneviève is the oldest permanent European settlement in Missouri.

How did Vandalia get its name? ›

The origin of the name is uncertain, but the name probably is derived from the Germanic Vandal tribe. Other explanations of the name hold that it is a latinization of a Dutch family name or that it refers to a small Indian tribe of the early 19th century.


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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.